
31 December 1999 Jay finally made it official, asking Cindy to be his wife.
28 December 1999 Jay leaves for Milwaukee, after 10 excruciatingly painful days of being without his Moon Goddess.
18 December 1999 Cindy returned home to Mishicot, Wisconsin. She will be spending lots and lots of time with her family over the holidays, recuperating from a brutal semester of study. Jay will join her on the 28th.
24 November 1999 We went on a combination trip/mission to El Paso, Texas. The trip was for Jay to show Cindy around his hometown. The mission was for Jay to bring the last of his furniture and belongings to Austin via the largest U-Haul truck you've ever seen.
20 November 1999 We went on a tour of small towns in Central Texas. We met our friend Karen in La Grange, and then proceeded to check out Smithville and Bastrop.
22-24 October 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Evers, Cindy's parents, came to visit for the weekend. Cindy accompanied her parents to the UT-Nebraska football game, and Jay joined them for the UT-Nebraska volleyball game. Despite losing both games to Texas, the Nebraska-born Evers clan had a great time.
30 September 1999/
1 October 1999
Cindy made Jay's 26th birthday one to remember, giving him a copy of The Yale Shakespeare, a journal book, and a very good chocolate cake! Even though we didn't get to eat where we wanted, we managed to have a very nice, quiet dinner. Then, we went to two state parks! What a great weekend!
19 September 1999 Cindy was officially welcomed into the congregation of Holy Word Lutheran Church. We met lots and lots of cool people, and we had lots and lots of fun!
12 September 1999 We saw the film Stigmata. We also attended a LBJ Library get-together in South Austin.
3 September 1999 We began attending Holy Word Lutheran Church in North Austin for a very cool Bible study/discussion class.
20 August 1999 We celebrated Cindy's 22nd birthday by going to Big Bend National Park.
4 July 1999 We saw the fireworks at Auditorium Shores. Jay's mother, brother, sister-in-law, and niece were also in attendance.
1 July 1999 Our first two dates. We first met at (the now non-existent!) Tony's Vineyard on Guadelupe Dr. for lunch, followed by a night at the Arboretum.

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Updated 12 January 2000
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