Jay Ramos
Clark Kent

Jay was born in El Paso, Texas. He is a graduate of Yale University. Jay taught 7th and 8th grade history and math for three years at Hillcrest Middle School, his alma mater. Currently, he is working for Administrative Computing Services at The University of Texas.

"In your eyes/I am complete..."
- Peter Gabriel
Jay, I can't make you a web site, but I can still list lots of things I love about you. Some are essentially the same as items on your list. Some are wacky creations of my own; some are much more serious than funny. I had to divide them into two sections so that they would fit into a correct grammatical structure with the lead phrase.
I love...
  • Listening to you sing
  • Your perfect pronunciation of the English language
  • The sexy way you kiss my ear
  • The gentle, loving way you hold me, touch me, and kiss me
  • Seeing the love in your eyes
  • Your unselfish desire to do anything to make me happy

I love you because...

  • You're a pretty good ball handler for a big man
  • Your stubble is great if I have an itch on my face
  • You forgive my misplaced computer company loyalties
  • Your windshield wipers are funny
  • You don't split your infinitives
  • You are a freak with whom I can share my frenzied bursts of weirdness
  • You like air hockey
  • You see symbolism in everything
  • You've read more great literature than I have
  • You buy me ice cream
  • You are the perfect height for me!
  • You can finish the crossword puzzle in the newspaper
  • You are awesome at Trivial Pursuit
  • Your IQ is higher than mine
  • You have a great sense of humor and a sharp wit-- I love all those "unintended" puns
  • You drive for hours and hours without complaining, even when I go to sleep
  • You made me a web site
  • You are not a shallow person-- you appreciate profundity
  • We can talk about everything from abstract intellectual topics to private personal things
  • I can tell you anything
  • You always have interesting things to say, even when I don't contribute to the conversation
  • You waited for me to come out of my shell
  • You understand my concerns, my interests, and my values
  • You encourage me and inspire me
  • You make my life complete and meaningful
  • You make me a better person
  • You take care of me-- I feel safe and secure with you
  • You are completely worthy of my trust and love

I belong with you-- in the arms of an angel, I have found some comfort here. I am so happy that I know you. You are a wonderful person and I admire you very much. I am thrilled that you love me. You are my best friend—you understand me as no one else does. I love to be with you, to go places and do things with you, to hold you and be held by you, and to feel your love for me. Thank you for all that you give me and do for me. I hope you have a great birthday and realize that it is a special day, because you are a very special person.

I love you!!!

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Updated 3 October 1999
All rights reserved.
© 1999 by Jay Ramos - jramos95@mail.utexas.edu