The Shetland Sheepdog

"The Sheltie"

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The first sheltie I had, I got her when my father passed away, her name was "Smokie". She was a tri-colored sheltie. I guess it is sometimes true what they say about dogs missing their master, my father passed away in March of 1990 and "Smokie" passed away on September 29, 1990. She was a very sweet girl and I loved her dearly.

Well she was the first sheltie I ever had (notice I did not say "own"). I now have 3 shelties in my home, they are blue merles. Their names are "Jessica", "Krys" and "China". I got "Jessica" right after "Smokie" passed away from the same breeder that my father had gotten "Smokie" from.

Jessica Jessica will always be my pride and joy. She was born on December 5, 1989. I got her when she was almost 1 year old. She has a head full of sense, we even have to spell certain things around her and she still knows what we are talking about. Her mother and grandmother were both grand champions and she has a lot of their traits in her, yet she is still her own "person". I had the privilege of knowing her mother "Lexie" and her grandmother "Whistle". They have now passed away. I will never forget the last time that "Jessica" saw her mother, they both looked at each other and you could tell they knew exactly who the other one was, even though they had not seen each other in several years. I can still mention her mother or grandmother by name and she perks up her ears and cocks her head to one side and I know she knows exactly who I am referring to. She reacts the same way when I mention her sisters.

Speaking of sisters, her sister "Heather" had puppies on 3-1-92. I was there to "help" my friend Robin deliver the puppies. Really I was there to help Robin. I got to hold each of the puppies when they were born and weigh them and tie off their umbilical cord. I still have a photo now of them right after they were born. Out of that litter I got 2 of her puppies, "Krys" and "China".

puppies The picture at the left is the picture of the litter that "Krys" and "China" were in. "Krys" is on the top of the pile and "China" is in the upper right hand corner of the pile. They were just a few days old when this picture was taken.

Krys "Krys" is a blue merle male and he is the lover of the group. I wanted him from the minute he was born. He is really jealous of any attention I get from anyone else. He loves to play with his stuffed toys. Actually he loves for me to throw toys for him to go get. He is real good about bringing his toys back in from outside when we have been outside throwing toys. While I am working here, he lies at my feet under the computer table and if I get up to go anywhere, he is right behind me. I wonder what he thinks I did before he was born. Krys is being real good with J.J. and is even allowing J.J. to help him fetch toys.

China "China" is a blue merle female. Even though she is over 50% white she is still considered a blue merle due to her merle colorings. Being over 50% white prevents her from being shown as that is considered a major fault and the points that are deducted for this fault would prevent her fron ever winning. She is a very sweet and loving girl. She loves to rough house and her feet should be registered as lethal weapons. She loves to have "Jessica" or "Krys" to chase her when they are in the yard. She also loves to be combed. She will lay down on the couch and let you just comb her until she falls asleep. She also loves to have her face rubbed, just start at her nose and rub all the way back to behind her ears.

JJ Well, we have a new addition to the family today, June 22, 1997. His name is J.J., which stands for Jessie Junior. His mother is Jessica's other sister, M&M. Even though he is not Jessica's baby, he is natured a lot like her and has a lot of her similar traits. When he was born, Robin kept saying he looked just like Jessica when she was born, hence the name Jessie Junior or J.J. He was born on July 3, 1996. He is a blue merle also. Jessica is his aunt and Krys and China are his cousins. Everyone had a good first day here and everyone got along very well. All of the dogs are getting along real good, no fighting or anything. They all seem to accept him and treat him just like he is one of the group. I guess I was worried for nothing, but you can never be too careful.

Sheltie Links

 The Sheltie Page graphic is used with the
     permission of Mary Jo Sminkey

American Shetland Sheepdog Association
Breed Standard & History of the Sheltie
Sheltie Pacesetter Magazine
The Shetland Sheepdog - A Dog Owners Guide To Shelties

Any Comments or Questions, let me know.

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