Well this is Jessica now. She still has her winter coat and her nickname is "fuzzy butt". She will be blowing her winter coat before too much longer especially with our temperatures getting up in the 80's already. Needless to say, everyone is staying in the house with the air conditioning on.
Well this is Jessica's niece China. She has put on a tad bit of weight this winter and is going to have to go on a diet shortly to get rid of that extra weight or she will never make it thru the summer. I guess the extra pizza crust has not been too kind on her :-) She has already been switched to a lite dog food, hopefully that will help some. She is really a loving companion. She still likes to lay on the couch and have you comb and brush her.
Well Krys, China's brother, is still the lover of the group. He has accepted J.J. a lot better than I would have ever given him credit for. He has "shared" me and "his" yard real well. Krys has taken a lot off of J.J. that I would have never thought he would take. But everyone is still getting along great.
Well J.J. has made himself right at home here since he came in June of 1997. It does not seem like he has been here almost a year. I do not know where the time goes. We have started calling him "sneaky J". Everything he gets his mouth on, including dog chews all goes in one place in the living room. Well at least I know where to go looking for things when they are missing. He is real sneaky about getting things too. One day I caught him on the cat tree that we have for out Maine Coon and he was helping himself to her cat treats that I left on one of the lower levels. He knew I was sitting in the room and he just went right over there and got in a chair that is next to the cat tree and walked right on over and helped himself. When he got over there and started helping himself, I called his name, he got down immediately and then looked at me like, "I did not do anything". They can always look so innocent when they are guilty.

Well I don't guess Olivia will mind being on the same page with everyone else, I will just not tell her. She does try to play with J.J. sometimes, they like to play chase. She starts chasing him and then he will run after her. Then they are back and forth. I still keep my eye on them when they play like that, I just don't want to take any chances on someone accidently getting hurt. She has really grown in the last year. When she stretches out now, she is the length of my legs. But as I am typing this she is in a crate curled up asleep. We had some tornadoes come thru here last week and I got her cat carrier out and put her in it in the bathroom. Since then I have just left it out and now she goes in it on her own to sleep. She goes to the vet in a couple of weeks for her annual shots and I will find out then how much she weighs. She has started shedding some of her winter coat already. She still has a large amount of rough around her neck.
New Pictures - June 6, 1998
Well this is what Olivia likes to do with her spare time, you would think that she could find a more comfortable place to sleep. Just click on the picture to see it full sized.
I hope that you have enjoyed seeing the new pictures of them. I just got a new digital camera and of course, they were the first pictures I tried to take. I hope to get a better idea of how this camera works soon and get some more pictures.