There are no words to express my thoughts about this gracious Lady Diana Frances Spencer. We all fell in love with her when she got married to Prince Charles on July 29, 1981. We celebrated with her when her sons were born, William on June 21, 1982 and Harry on September 15, 1984. No matter what was going on in her personal life, she always came across as the real lady that she was. She always rose above her personal problems to help others. It was finally announced that she and Charles would divorce and this was final on August 28, 1996. I personally felt for her at this time and also thought that she was not done right by The Royal Family. But thru all of her struggles, she still continued to keep moving forward and always looking out for the best interest of her children, with never a thought of herself. I am thankful that she had these years with her children to give them the life experiences that she thought would be necessary to mold them into the gentlemen they have turned into. It was never more apparent than today, September 5, 1997, when William and Harry were greeting mourners and taking flowers outside of Kensington Palace. I know that she is very proud of how her children handled the public and how they carried themselves. She is in heaven now watching out over her children and all of us. We know not why she was called home to continue her work that she had started on this earth and I am sure we never will. We all need to remember that she is in a far better place now and she will never know any of the grief that she suffered here on earth. She will always be young and will always be beautiful. One day we will get to meet her, whether it is for the first time or as an old friend. I know that she will be there with an outstretched hand willing to help all. Thank you for reading my ramblings. These are just some of my thoughts. I never met her or saw her in person, but my heart is very heavy and part of it broken because she is not with us in body anymore, but I know that she is with us all in spirit. |