Welcome to the Trails' Head!

You are visitor since 10 January 1998

From this central point, you can head down any of the trails I've discovered & blazed from my Homestead to other sites on the Internet. As you scroll down the page, keep in mind that there are many, many more sites on the internet. In fact, as time permits, I still have more I can add. But these are the ones I have personally found the most helpful! Last Update: 11 January 1998

Check out the Columbia Technology Center, one of the BEST Community Built, (i.e. built with JUST donations - NO Tax Dollars!!!) Primarily Volunteer Maintained, Community Centered Technology Centers in Oregon, if not in the United States of America, and maybe in the world - AND my Internet Service Provider!!! (Am I biased, yes, but I base my judgement upon the information I receive from my Internet Contacts!!!)

Starting points for Genealogical Researchers:

Sites to Search for People

Primary Genealogy Surname Search Sites
Veteran Search Sites

General Search Sites

Lest We Forget

Genealogy Records & Historical Documents Sites

Sites with Volunteers to Help You

Excellent Starting Points for Genealogy Surfing

Tools to Aid Genealogy Research

Other Useful Tools

Sites for Veterans and Service Families
& Military Brats (like me!)

Fun Surname/Related Info Sites

Old World Heritage Sites

Sites for those with Ancestors who Migrated to the West & Northwest