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You are guest since 11 January 1998

At present, I still have very few documents available on-line. However, I have a whole pile of materials that need to be transcribed: Wills, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, etc.

While it may seem be redundant (to the point of over-kill??) most of the documents I am making available on-site here will also be available at the USGenWeb Archives and/or other appropriate sites.

Early Acts from the Commonwealth of Virginia

Free Speech Campaign

Documents of the Rebellion

On-Line Source Docs, Sources, Notes, etc.

Photo Album

In addition to my documents, there are three other excellent sites with on-line historical documents, some which can be viewed in their original copies!

Send your E-Mail to me, the WebApprentice - Brunetta Lafara Lingg

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Apart from a couple of attempts using Microsoft Word's HTML Add-on (Internet Assistant), all Text on my Site was prepared in MS Word with some HTML codes inserted using the Find & Replace Function, with the rest of the HTML conversion done using HTML Writer (not yet registered, but will be soon!) created by Kris Nosack.

The Graphics on this Wing were created using Art from CDs from Corel, Serif, and Publisher's TASK FORCE by New Vision Technologies, Inc, and prepared in Corel's Draw& PhotoPaint, and GIF Editor (not registered yet, but will be soon!) created by Alchemy Mindworks, Inc.

Main Wing | Mom's Family Wing | Dad's Military Wing | My JoatMon Wing
library | Trails Head

Everything on this page is available for personal or not-for-profit use; Otherwise: Copyright August 1997 by Brunetta Lafara Lingg