I would like to thank Paulo (from Portugal, on the other side of the Atlantic) for providing me with the source of this quote on Fri, 18 Jul 1997 10:56:38 +0100. Isn't the Internet wonderful!!!
I don't believe that the big men, the politicians and the capitalists alone are guilty of the war. Oh, no, the little man is just as keen, otherwise the people of the world would have risen in revolt long ago! There is an urge and rage in people to destroy, to kill, to murder, and until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated and grown, will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again.
You are visitor since 10 January 1998
my Father (a 1944 Photo is now on-line):
Sergeant Whitener was a flight engineer aboard a B-29 assigned to the 354th Bomb Squadron, 98th Bomb Wing based in Japan. He was killed when his aircraft crashed upon landing from a combat mission on 14 October 1951.Quoted from a document labeled "The Korean War Veterans Honor Roll"
And to those of you who are now paying the cost to defend the Constitution
for us, your families, your descendants, and your friends and neighbors.
If you (or your Father, Husband, or any one you know!) served with
If you or your children belong to that elite group referred to
as "Military Brats", please check out my Military Brats Room.
Dad was captured by the Germans for a brief period.
But he escaped with the aid of the French Resistance.
He was one of the lucky ones. He came home at the end of the war.
His Experience as a POW is now on-line.
If you don't check out any of the other sites (listed at my Trails Head), there are three that each of us should visit at least once:
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Everything on this page is open to personal or not-for-profit use; Otherwise: Copyright August 1997 by Brunetta Lafara Lingg