"No matter where I serve my guests,

It seems they like my kitchen best."

I realize that this one is so old and oft repeated that ANY writing instructor would flunk me for using it (Yes, George, this is directed to you...my vocabulary mentor!) but it seems appropriate for this old kitchen.

Welcome to the Kitchen!

Have a Cookie while I get out the book!

It that site doesn't work, try this one instead: More Cookies

Or maybe you would find a Hershey's Treat more pleasing

The following Recipes have been taken from Housekeeping in Old Virginia by Marion Cabell Tyree, Published by John P. Morton and Company, Louisville, Kentucky, 1879

  1. Bread Basics. Completed (for now) 02 February 1998
  2. Outfitting the Kitchen. Added 02 February 1998

Sorry, folks, that's all I've completed so far...and even it's not complete!!!

Send your E-Mail to me, the WebApprentice - Brunetta Lafara Lingg

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The Graphics on this Wing were created using Art from CDs from Corel, Serif, and Publisher's TASK FORCE by New Vision Technologies, Inc, and prepared in Corel's Draw& PhotoPaint, and GIF Editor (not registered yet, but will be soon!) created by Alchemy Mindworks, Inc.

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Everything on this page is available for personal or not-for-profit use; Otherwise: Copyright August 1997 by Brunetta Lafara Lingg