An update on the updates: A busier-than-expected year at university left me with little time to work on this website. Still, I've prepared drafts for a lot of new pages, and I hope to polish and upload most of them during the summer. Sorry about the delay, and please bear with me -- I will eventually deliver on all the promised "coming soon" pages. I do realize how annoying it must be to see the "coming soon" notices month after month.
May 2, 2003:
Updated survey results.
August 21, 2002:
Reference page.
August 17, 2002:
Links page.
August 16, 2002:
Uploaded the FAQ page and the original series endsheets page.
August 14, 2002:
I've completely overhauled the site, changing the layout and adding a lot of new content. (This was the first major update in four years, so it was long overdue.) I haven't quite finished some of the new pages, so a few of them are still "coming soon," but by the end of the month, everything should up and running.