The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories
#59 on, published by Simon & Schuster

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In 1979, the Stratemeyer Syndicate took its business to a new publisher: Simon & Schuster, whose Hardy Boys volumes picked up where Grosset & Dunlap left off.

59. Night of the Werewolf
60. Mystery of the Samurai Sword
61. The Pentagon Spy
62. The Apeman's Secret
63. The Mummy Case
64. Mystery of Smugglers Cove
65. The Stone Idol
66. The Vanishing Thieves
67. The Outlaw's Silver
68. Deadly Chase
69. The Four-Headed Dragon
70. The Infinity Clue
71. Track of the Zombie
72. The Voodoo Plot
73. The Billion Dollar Ransom
74. Tic-Tac-Terror
75. Trapped at Sea
76. Game Plan for Disaster
77. The Crimson Flame
78. Cave-in!
79. Sky Sabotage
80. The Roaring River Mystery
81. The Demon's Den
82. The Blackwing Puzzle
83. The Swamp Monster
84. Revenge of the Desert Phantom
85. The Skyfire Puzzle
86. The Mystery of the Silver Star
87. Program for Destruction
88. Tricky Business
89. The Sky Blue Frame
90. Danger on the Diamond
91. Shield of Fear
92. The Shadow Killers
93. The Serpent's Tooth Mystery
94. Breakdown in Axeblade
95. Danger on the Air
96. Wipeout
97. Cast of Criminals
98. Spark of Suspicion
99. Dungeon of Doom
100. The Secret of the Island Treasure
101. The Money Hunt
102. Terminal Shock
103. The Million-Dollar Nightmare
104. Tricks of the Trade
105. The Smoke Screen Mystery
106. Attack of the Video Villains
107. Panic on Gull Island
108. Fear on Wheels
109. The Prime-Time Crime
110. The Secret of Sigma Seven
111. Three-Ring Terror
112. The Demolition Mission
113. Radical Moves
114. The Case of the Counterfeit Criminals
115. Sabotage at Sports City
116. Rock 'n' Roll Renegades
117. The Baseball Card Conspiracy
118. Danger in the Fourth Dimension
119. Trouble at Coyote Canyon
120. The Case of the Cosmic Kidnapping
121. The Mystery in the Old Mine
122. Carnival of Crime
123. The Robot's Revenge
124. Mystery with a Dangerous Beat
125. Mystery on Makatunk Island
126. Racing to Disaster
127. Reel Thrills
128. Day of the Dinosaur
129. The Treasure at Dolphin Bay
130. Sidetracked to Danger
131. Crusade of the Flaming Sword
132. Maximum Challenge
133. Crime in the Kennel
134. Cross-Country Crime
135. The Hypersonic Secret
136. The Cold Cash Caper
137. High-Speed Showdown
138. The Alaskan Adventure
139. The Search for the Snow Leopard
140. Slam Dunk Sabotage
141. The Desert Thieves
142. Lost in Gator Swamp
143. The Giant Rat of Sumatra
144. The Secret of Skeleton Reef
145. Terror at High Tide
146. The Mark of the Blue Tattoo
147. Trial and Terror
148. The Ice-Cold Case
149. The Chase for the Mystery Twister
150. The Crisscross Crime
151. The Rocky Road to Revenge
152: Danger in the Extreme
153: Eye on Crime
154: The Caribbean Cruise Caper
155: The Hunt for the Four Brothers
156: A Will to Survive
157: The Lure of the Italian Treasure
158: The London Deception
159: Daredevils
160: A Game Called Chaos
161: Training for Trouble
162: The End of the Trail
163: The Spy that Never Lies
164: Skin and Bones
165: Crime in the Cards
166: Past and Present Danger
167: Trouble Times Two
168: The Castle Conundrum
169: Ghost of a Chance
170: Kickoff to Danger
171: The Test Case
172: Trouble in Warp Space
173: Speed Times Five
174: Hide-And-Sneak

Simon & Schuster agressively promoted and modernized the books. Here are some of the changes in format:

  • A new cover design features "The Hardy Boys" at the top, the cover art in an arch-like border, and the book title at the bottom. The cover art no longer occupies the entire cover.
  • The books are also released in paperback; in fact, the paperbacks are much more common.
  • Instead of a series checklist, the back cover now contains a plot summary/teaser.
  • Credit is given to the cover illustrator and designer, as well as the interior illustrator.
  • Interior illustrations are sometimes greyscale, rather than black-and-white line drawings.
  • There's no longer a frontispiece illustration.
  • The copyright page contains a lot more information.
  • The series is consistently referred to as "The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories."

Despite these changes, the books are similar in plot and style to the later Grosset & Dunlap editions.

Simon & Schuster broke with Grosset & Dunlap's longstanding one-book-per-year tradition. For the most part, S & S has released a new volume every second month. Initially, the books were published by Simon & Schuster's Wanderer Books imprint, but they were later switched to the Minstrel Books imprint.

Cover formats

Examples (click for full-size image)
Volume 65
#65, 1981
Volume 83
#83, 1985
Volume 105
#105, 1990
Volume 140
#140, 1996
Volume 174
#174, 2002

The cover format has been revamped several times. The most effective covers were those that used the checkerboard border format of the late 1980s and 1990s, such as volume 105. Recent designs tend to be very trendy, and in the newest layout, Frank and Joe don't even appear in the illustration.

Notice that the covers of volume 105 and 140 proclaim "All-new! First time published!", as Simon & Schuster attempts to convince prospective readers that "this is not your father's Hardy Boys book!"

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