What you'll find here:
I created this website for people like me: fans of the Hardy Boys books. I've divided the pages into two main categories: "Between the Covers" (inside the world of the Hardy Boys), which deals with the literary side of the books, and "On the Bookshelf" (information about the books), which deals with the technical and historical side. You might say that "Between the Covers" is for readers, while "On the Bookshelf" is for collectors. Of course, since most Hardy Boys fans are both readers and collectors, I hope you'll find lots to interest you!
What you won't find here:
I simply don't have enough knowledge to list in-depth technical information about editions and printings, ghost-writers, illustrators, collector's editions, merchandise, and so on. Besides, these subjects are treated thoroughly on R. W. Finnan's excellent Hardy Boys web site, and there's no need for me to duplicate that information here. Instead, I hope to offer my own insight and discussion of the more literary side of the books - the stories and the characters.
Contact info:
My name is Will Oxford, and you can reach me by email at woxford at mun dot ca. Don't hesitate to send any comments, corrections, suggestions, criticisms, or even compliments.
Note: If you'd like to duplicate a part of this website (e.g. to put it on your own website), please e-mail me about it first.