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You are visitor #since January 1999.

In January 1995 my girlfriend I were injured in a alcohol related car crash. My best friend was driving. He was drunk.... I know I shouldn't have let him drive... but because my girlfriend and I were drinking too that night we didn't notice. My friend had been going through a very difficult time in his personal life and just came out of rehab. We didn't expect him to start drinking again and we never saw him drink that night. I don't remember anything from the accident but my girlfriend, Maria and me were thrown out of the car. I woke up in the hospital all hooked up with all kind of scary machines and was unable to move. I have never been so afraid in my life and I hope I never will. I knew somehow that I'd been in a car crash and that Maria and Gabriel had been there too. But I couldn't ask about them and nobody told me anything until later. For a few days I thought they were both dead.....

To day I'm a wheelchair, and will be for the rest of my life. Maria had a very bad head injury and her brain was damaged....

No one died in the crash that night but it changed our lifes forever and for one of us it lead to 100% dissablity and later. death. It it was a crash that shouldn't have happened. When someone drinks and drivers he or she is not only putting him or her self in danger but others as well. It's dangerous!!!!

Don't Drink And Drive.

It will change your life forever!