Welcome to my Guestbook!

Patti - 11/18/00 16:30:53
My Email:Sunnysings@aol.com
How did you find my URL:?: I've had it long time
Where do you live?: Pittsburgh

{{{{{{{Chris}}}}}}}}} Its been ages....and I wanted to let u know that I think of u often...I hope all is well and ur feeling better Your page has come a long way sweetie , keep up the good work........ Much love to u :) Patti

Jennifer - 08/08/00 21:56:53
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/JC2WB/jenn30.html
My Email:JCEinPA@aol.com
How did you find my URL:?: from a webring
Where do you live?: Pennsylvania, USA

I enjoyed my visit to your homepage, although most of your stories were very sad. I do understand why you wrote them, though, as I, too, began my own website as a way of dealing with the heartaches and struggles in my life. I am happy to say, though, th t with God, all things are possible, and you can bounce back from that which made you sad and broken. Give your life to God. He'll show you the way. Best wishes and many of God's blessings to you.

Mary Roarick - 07/19/00 14:35:55
My URL:http://wvagirl.homestead.com/maryshome.html
My Email:wvgirl@digital.net
How did you find my URL:?: newsletter
Where do you live?: Avon Park, FL

Christian, your website is very beautiful. I am so sorry about Maria, she was such a beautiful lady. Your pages really show the love you had for her. May God bless you and keep you forever in His love. Thanks for touching my heart. Mary

Anita Triplett - 04/18/00 18:15:42
My URL:http://www.voicenet.com/~trip/
My Email:trip@voicenet.com
How did you find my URL:?: Sunna and Gabriel
Where do you live?: Media, Pa.

Christian, you made a very loving site for your beautiful Maria------she was quite stunning!! All I can say is, after going through your sister's site, and yours, finding all the pages, and stories of the family, I am practically speechless. You have also contributed a very effective story for people who drink and drive------hopefully, it has made an impact on some----and they will never drink and drive again. I wish for you the best that life has to offer, and I know with the great spirit you have, the talents you possess, you will triumph. May the heavens watch over you, and may you find the things that truly give you joy. Anita Triplett

Grace - 01/13/00 16:33:15
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/5351/
My Email:ozzy8@hto.net
How did you find my URL:?: geocities
Where do you live?: PA

Your page is EXCELLENT!! I,m so sorry to hear about your loss.Just remember that God loves you and although it will never go away it will get easier with time*S*

Kristine Grace (Krissy) - 12/16/99 20:29:15
My Email:Daddyslilgirl4ev@aol.com
How did you find my URL:?: Gabriel and Sunna's website
Where do you live?: New Jersey

Chris....see i promised i would visit and here i am!!! What can i say your pages are a beutiful tribute and an ispiration.((((((Chris)))))) Bye the way the coffee was great!! Thank you!! I'm so glad i have gotten the chance to talk to you and i hope will will continue our friendship forever!! Best wishes ~Krissy

Maureen Jackson - 10/15/99 18:10:51
My Email:AKCGSD@juno.com
How did you find my URL:?: Peggy's DUI
Where do you live?: Orlando, FL

Maria was a beautiful woman! What a horrific loss for you and her family & friends. I was hit by a drunk driver 16 years ago. It still seems like yesterday. Please keep adding to your web page - It WILL help people. Take care of yourself.

Joanne - 09/20/99 02:41:19
My Email:Sindrii@yahoo.com
How did you find my URL:?: been here before
Where do you live?: Australia

Hey Chris :) Just wanted to let you know that your site is going really well :) we will have to catch up again soon.. seeya.. Joey

Andrea - 09/19/99 02:17:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/5166
My Email:weezie@netins.net
How did you find my URL:?: webring
Where do you live?: Iowa,USA

What a beautiful and touching site you have Christian. I have read both yours and your sister, Sunna's, pages and the love that you all have inside of you is truly inspirational. I can't say enough how beautiful your site is. It is a wonderful tribute to beautiful and precious lady, Maria. The love you have for her pours off the pages. God Bless you all.

Michelle - 09/18/99 05:15:45
My Email:boatman@socket.net
How did you find my URL:?: From your sister
Where do you live?: Missouri

Thank you for sharing your story. I pray that you and your family will find peace and happiness. God bless you and your family.

Rosa Barragan - 09/14/99 17:58:04
My Email:Rosaiti@yahoo.com
How did you find my URL:?: DNN
Where do you live?: Sonoma, CA

I think your tribute was excellent. You ought to send your address to MADD. I am sure they could benefit from it. I enjoyed reading about your fiancee. It is sad that happened to her.She was so beautiful! That was so sweet amnd nice of you o have made thi tribute for her. I am sure she would have liked it.I think this is exactly what she would have wanted. I think everything happens for a reason. I would like to to commend you for educating people about Drunk Driving. I think you ought to make speeches around the country sharing your story. I think you are inspirational for being so strong and surviving this ordeal. You are so lucky to be alive. What happened to your best friend? Is he alive or dead? Did he go to jail for DUI and manslaughter?

Rosa Barragan - 09/14/99 17:57:38
My Email:Rosaiti@yahoo.com
How did you find my URL:?: DNN
Where do you live?: Sonoma, CA

I think your tribute was excellent. You ought to send your address to MADD. I am sure they could benefit from it. I enjoyed reading about your fiancee. It is sad that happened to her.She was so beautiful! That was so sweet amnd nice of you o have made thi tribute for her. I am sure she would have liked it.I think this is exactly what she would have wanted. I think everything happens for a reason. I would like to to commend you for educating people about Drunk Driving. I think you ought to make speeches around the country sharing your story. I think you are inspirational for being so strong and surviving this ordeal. You are so lucky to be alive. What happened to your best friend? Is he alive or dead? Did he go to jail for DUI and manslaughter?

Cheryl Hill - 09/14/99 06:45:38
My URL:http://Internet Explorer
My Email:cherylh@goldsboronc.net
How did you find my URL:?: surfing
Where do you live?: Grifton North Carolina

Beautiful pages.

Ginger - 09/08/99 18:58:17
My URL:http://rosie.acmecity.com/momsquad/161/mystory.htm
My Email:Mama3chick@aol.com
How did you find my URL:?: from your sisters
Where do you live?: Port Deposit, Maryland

Thank you for sharing your story and letting people be aware of what can happen when drinking and driving occurs. God bless you and your family.

Larinda - 08/27/99 14:19:33
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/5021/
My Email:yel@bitstorm.net
How did you find my URL:?: through the Mountain to Climb Webring
Where do you live?: Central Florida

I am very impressed with your ability to share your experiences with those of us on the WWW. I am so glad you have done this website for the benefit of others but I know it will also benefit you too. I know for myself how important it is to get the word o t to others to not make the same mistakes I have made. I am so glad to serve a forgiving and loving God. I don't know how people make it in life without His help. I am praying for you as you continue to recover from these things and that you recieve a he ling, Christian. God bless you and the rest of your family. If you know anyone who is needing support especially in the areas of autism or parenting teenagers,please consider sending them to my site. Thanks

Judy - 08/04/99 19:20:01
My URL:http://www.groww.com
My Email:JDivers@worldnet.att.net
How did you find my URL:?: Your Email
Where do you live?: Florida

((((( Christian )))))))) I wasn't even aware of your website but I'm honored to have been able to visit here. It's a wonderful way to help fight driving while under the influence and to reach out to others who need to know there are many out here who care and understand. I'm ha py to be able to get to know you better. I wish you much success in your music career.

Kimmy Smith - 06/28/99 13:19:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322/
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com
How did you find my URL:?: Webring
Where do you live?: Louisiana

What a beautiful page. I am surfing the Angels of the Net Webring since I am a member and have not been able to do so yet. You have a lovely Angel site. Take care and may the Angels guard you.

Joyce - 06/21/99 01:14:23
My URL:http://www.cambridgeoh.com/users/deere
My Email:deere@cambridgeoh.com
How did you find my URL:?: From your sister's site
Where do you live?: Ohio

Christian...I am wishing you the very best. Your family's life has had many trials and tribulations. I am so glad that you are telling your story......I am sure it is making others think about drinking and driving. I will make sure my son sees your page. od Bless and thank you for sharing your story.

Tina - 06/17/99 23:51:01
My Email:peechy1_98@yahoo.com
How did you find my URL:?: Your sister's page
Where do you live?: Texas

I think that all of you are so brave! I have read your story, Sunna's story, and Gabriel's story. You all must be very strong spirits and I commend you on that strength. I had to find someone to hug so I could stop crying. You are all in my prayers :)

Chris Sherbourne - 06/06/99 04:41:53
My Email:cabinb@msn.com
How did you find my URL:?: I was looking at a page with drunk driving tributes
Where do you live?: Delaware Ohio

Thank you for your story, I am a Firefighter and have seen a lot of bad drunk driving accidents.. I am thankful that there are people that tell their stories to others, I feel that if someone sees even one story that it may save their life. Thank you for sharing, you may have saved someone today... Chris S.

Lori - 05/14/99 22:27:53
My Email:Lsully32@aol.com
How did you find my URL:?: dui.com
Where do you live?: Bonsall, California


T'marie - 05/06/99 02:07:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/7199
My Email:tmatsil@bellatlantic.net
How did you find my URL:?: surfing
Where do you live?: New Jersey

I bounced into your website awhile ago and didn't sign your guest book. I emailed you and you've since emailed me back. I love the fact that you designed this site for other people to see. I've never had the experience myself, but I was once a drug attic. I've driven while high on drugs. It's been fifteen and some odd years since I've taken any drugs. It is not the fun life. You get to hide for a while and you have to come out to smell the roses sometime. Well I came out, but not smelling like roses. Your story touched a part of me that I have forgotten. I'm sorry for your accident and your friend Maria. May God bless and keep you. I know it's hard to keep faith, I will be praying for you. Tina'Marie

Rhoda Taylor - 05/05/99 05:52:49
My Email:papajd@coastalnet.com
How did you find my URL:?: your sister's site
Where do you live?: Williamston,NC

I'm sorry for the wreck that caused your injuries, but please continue to make people aware of the dangers of drinking & driving. You now are in a positiion to make a deep impact on others especially young people...God Bless..& yes your sister's site is o e of the most beautiful on the net and also one of the saddest stories I've ever read.Absolutely BEAUTIFUL children.

jimmy - 04/22/99 22:01:25
My Email:mail@jjap1.club24.co.uk
How did you find my URL:?: surfing the net
Where do you live?: carrickfergus,N.Ireland

jimmy - 04/22/99 21:59:41
My Email:mail@jjap1.club24.co.uk
How did you find my URL:?: surfing the net
Where do you live?: carrickfergus,N.Ireland


Sindri - 02/02/99 10:39:28
My Email:Sindrii@yahoo.com
How did you find my URL:?: from you over ICQ :)
Where do you live?: Australia

Hello Christian, Your site looks really nice :) and I'm glad we got to chat for a while. Tell Maria I think she is gorgeous!. I'm glad that you, Maria and Gabe made it through the crash alive, but hopefully drivers that drink and drive that read this will learn somethi g.. Love you all! Joey

Terry - 12/30/98 09:59:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/steviedean
My Email:tprocopio@webv.net
How did you find my URL:?: From your sister's site
Where do you live?: CA.

Dear Christian, Thank you for your site. Your spunk and spirit really shows. I just got through visiting your sister's site completely. First time I've ever done that. Your family has been through so much and my prayers are with you. I lost a son myself 3 days before his 21st birthday. It amazes me that everyone still loves everyone and are still friends with no resentments. That, I don't think, is very common. Thank you for sharing. ~Blessings~

Vic - 10/21/98 23:40:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/theater/3244/
My Email:vic_133@Hotmail.com
How did you find my URL:?: surfing
Where do you live?: Cleveland

cool page, bless you in the name of Jesus Christ

Jonathan Johnsen - 10/21/98 13:53:38
My Email:jj@nantucket.net
How did you find my URL:?: Your E-Mail (Disabled)
Where do you live?: Nantucket Mass

I also was in a crash a plane crash and lost both of my leggs and fingers on one hand but I still get around and I also drive my own car there isent much I wont do or try to do Im sorrie about you crash I hope you tell others so maby it wount happen agian if you like to know more about me send me mail jj@nantucket.net

ANN MARIE - 10/20/98 17:19:51
My Email:J6160@HOME.COM
How did you find my URL:?: PADD
Where do you live?: NJ


JoAnn - 10/15/98 16:31:24
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/lassie/286/
My Email:blondie@panacom.com
How did you find my URL:?: From Your Sister Page
Where do you live?: Southport Florida

Dear Christian, I was sorry to hear what happened to you and your wife. Your family has been through so much. My heart goes out to you. I lost my son on Jan.23,1998 from a drug overdose. He had an accident in 1993 and I believe that is why he started taki g drugs. He was so depressed and he didn't realize the drugs were making him more depressed . Now my life will never be the same without my son. Drugs and alcohol have taken to many of our young people's lives . Thank you so much for telling your story. I to am doing a Memorial page for my son . It has been very hard for me to do but if it helps one person it will be worth all the pain . I hope you get a chance to come and read his story. You are doing a beautiful thing here in getting your story out . Ma the Lord Bless you and your family and keep you safe . Love and Blessings, JoAnn

Leia - 10/14/98 15:07:10
My URL:don't have one yet :P
My Email:leiachu@yahoo.com.au
How did you find my URL:?: word of mouth :)
Where do you live?: Australia

Hi Chris been really nice to meet you... and seems we have a lot in common.. I wish you all the best in life.. and be happy :)

Lisa - 10/09/98 12:11:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/7307/
My Email:ruth@lcc.net
How did you find my URL:?: Another guestbook
Where do you live?: Texas

Your place here is very beautiful . I am sorry about the crash. So sinceless, My dear friend lost her son to a drunk driver. You can read his story on our page at Happy Life. Pray God will stregthen you daily.

Wendy White - 10/09/98 00:07:28
My URL:http://www.angelsofthenet.org
My Email:NetAngel28@aol.com
How did you find my URL:?: Your sister Sunna:)
Where do you live?: Florida

You have told a very heart touching story that I think will touch so many people. You have done that with such style and grace.The site is beautiful.I would like to invite you to join Angels Of The Net.Your site sends out a message that if just one person could hear and it saved one life it would make such a difference. I hope you will consider joining us.

Queri - 10/08/98 10:50:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/garden/3179
My Email:dvfish@crosslink.net
How did you find my URL:?: icq friend
Where do you live?: Va.

I tend to put this definition to the word accident. Something that happens that could not have been prevented. Isn't it truley amazing what an ounce of common sense could do for peoples lives?! I lost my brother in an automobile car crash which was alcho ol and drug related.. Your sharing will hopefully help open the eyes of others who i'm sure think this will never happen to them. May God Bless you and keep you in his loving arms.

Holly - 10/08/98 03:23:06
My Email:hollyk@remax.net
How did you find my URL:?: from angel
Where do you live?: BC Canada

E-mailed you so you should get. I have Icelandic heritage also Christian. Maternal Grandmother was born in Iceland. Not a huge amount of people from there! Be well! Ciao Holly

Carol Hall - 10/08/98 00:39:21
My URL:http://www.drizzle.com/~hall/invsum/
My Email:hall@drizzle.com
How did you find my URL:?: your sister told me about it
Where do you live?: Kent Washington USA

I like your style, Christian. I am so sorry that you have been through so much. But you seem to be coming through it okay. I wish you health and happiness.

Maya - 10/07/98 23:30:45
My URL:http://home.sol.no/~mihi/index.htm
My Email:mihi@online.no
How did you find my URL:?: someone told me =)
Where do you live?: Norway

Hello Great page. Thanks for sharing your story... Maya

Patti (Sunny) - 10/05/98 23:39:26
My Email:SunnyInPa@Aol.Com
How did you find my URL:?: from u....silly
Where do you live?: u know...

Hey Chris....just wanted to say your site is really nice.....keep up the good work.....Wish I knew how to do this....geezee... Lot's of Love...........Patti

10/05/98 12:08:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

lynn - 09/26/98 00:57:39
My URL:http://home.adelphia.net/~lynnmarie/
My Email:Italianbit@hotmail.com
How did you find my URL:?: PADD
Where do you live?: NJ

I am glad that no one was killed in that accident..Unfortunatly I cannot say the same, i wish I could....My little sister was killed by a drunk driver, no one ever thought somthing so tragic would happen to anyone in our family..no one ever does..You hav a good head start on your page..my page is my first also..stop by and let me know what you think!! take care and GOD BLESS Lynn

Mimi - 09/21/98 15:31:53
My URL:http://www.lino.com/~mimi/garden.html
How did you find my URL:?: on the #Disabled channel
Where do you live?: Quebec, Canada

Very nice page Chris! It's very classy and you've got a great message to send out! Keep up the good work. See you on #disabled! :o) Mimi

Gudbjorg Olafsdottir - 09/19/98 23:39:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/9046
My Email:gudbjorg@mmedia.is
How did you find my URL:?: from my sister
Where do you live?: Iceland


Mickeal - 09/10/98 14:14:49
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mickealva
My Email:mickealva@aol.com
How did you find my URL:?: Don't know ~ I'm lost
Where do you live?: Virginia

Great homepage. Thank you for sharing your story....This should remind people the cost of drinking and driving....Keep Smilin'

Glenda - 09/07/98 00:51:03
My Email:jayne077@earthlink.net
How did you find my URL:?: PADD
Where do you live?: Dallas,Texas

Christian,Your story touched my heart....I too was injured in a preventable accident...And lost my husband only two weeks earlier because of a drunk driver...Together we can make a difference...*Angel Hugs*Glenda Please come and visit my pages ...

Kathleen - 09/03/98 12:14:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7716/
My Email:bueneman@fidnet.com
How did you find my URL:?: PADD member
Where do you live?: Missouri

Hi, I want to welcome you to our webring. I am so sorry to for your injuries. By put this site up it will help others to understand the dangers of drinking and driving. Your site is coming along great. Your love for music is wonderful. You maybe intereste in my daughter Amanda's page. She is going to study music in college next year. She is the Drum Major at her high school now. He main instrument is her trumpet, but plays many more, some self taught, others she takes lessons. You can check her page out a : http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/7832/index.html

Desiree' - 09/03/98 10:50:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/9607/
My Email:geauxgirl@hotmail.com
How did you find my URL:?: via PADD
Where do you live?: Louisiana

Hi. I would like to welcome you to PADD and I'm sorry about the reason you were brought to us. You're webpage looks great so far! Keep up the good work!

Patti..(SunnyInPa) - 09/02/98 12:58:42
My Email:SunnyInPa@Aol.Com
How did you find my URL:?: Your sister..silly
Where do you live?: USA..Pittsburgh, Pa.

Chris, As I told Sunna and Gab..their story and yours has touched my life forever...I hope you know that God loves you as he does us all... Your page, BTW...is going to be as beautiful as your Sister's....Keep up the great work So nice meetin you...Lot's of love and hugs from the USA....{{{{{{{{{Chris}}}}}}}}}}}]

Sunna Dogg Petterson - 08/27/98 17:38:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Praire/1287/
My Email:sdpetterson@hotmail.com
How did you find my URL:?: I'll never tell :)
Where do you live?: I hope you know that!!! :)

Hey litle brother. I thought you needed some help from your big sister!!!! I see you're getting the hang of this.... Just keep up the great work and buy yourself a modem! hehehe Love ya !!!!

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