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- Well if you want to see the "real me"
click on the picture. I'm the bigger one! -

Ok ok If you want to know something about me you should read on..... Well let's see.... My name is Christian and I'm 30 years old. I love everything that has to do with computers specially when they don't work lol. Yeah I know that is strange but the feeing of fixing the problem is great!

My parents have 14 children and I'm the youngest! Are you wondering if I'm spoiled? Well I guess I am LOL. I have 10 sisters and 3 brothers. I think I had a pretty usual childhood.... I was into all kinds of sport and all the other things that boys do.... Had a bike I used a lot.... Teased the girls.... On my 8-year-old birthday I got a guitar from my parents for my birthday. On the card my mother wrote that it was time that someone in this family learned to play something!! :) So that's how I started taking lessons.

I plan to write more about my family in the near future and maybe add some photos so I hope you will come back for it. :)