Search our BEST Cousin's Webpage:Richard BEST
This is the Family of My Dear Grandmother, Elizabeth (BEST) McGUIRE, in Collin Co., Texas. Grandmother had 'wavy' white hair (auburn-when young), with a difinate heart-shaped hairline. She was the BEST Grandmother a kid could have. She started going blind when she was about 16 years old. By the time, I was a teenager, she could only see 'shadows'.She had a twin sister, Isabell, and a brother, Charles Heston Best. Her Mother was, Sarah Sovenie STEWARD b.1851, in Tenn.,who was a midwife. James Ozro Best b. abt.1828, Alabama, a Civil War Vet., Co."C", Baxter's Battalion Confederate Cavalry, was her father, an 'elderly' man when he married Sarah. He was from Beeville, Texas, where some of his grown children from a previous marriage, lived. James and Sarah lived in Collin Co., Texas where their three children were born. Later they started moving back to Tennessee, where Sarah was originally from. They stopped for a time in Arkansas, 'to raise a crop.' While there, they aquired two sons-in law. Elizabeth seperated, and moved back in with her parents. Some time later, James O. Best, was found 'killed in his field of corn.' The crime went unsolved. That was around 1898-1900, in Saline Co., Arkansas. I haven't been able to locate his grave.
I would like to Thank a Cousin and Dear Friend, JANN CUNNINGHAM for Confirming where my James O. BEST belonged in the BEST Family Tree.

..1 Sebastian "Bostian" Best b. ca 1724 in Germany died after 1761 in Gaston Co., North Carolina. His GENO. line is long.
....+Katrina Heyl (Hoyle) daughter of Peter and Catherine (ne'e Dales)Heyl. Katrina was born ca. 1735 in England and died in North Carolina. Her GENO. line goes back to 1550, in Germany.

  • ..2 Jonathan Best
  • ....+ Sally
  • ......3 Charles "Charlie" Best 1804
  • ........+ Phoebe(?)Best
  • ..........4 William Carroll Best
  • ............+ Mary Elizabeth Gordon
  • ..........4 Sarah Ann "Sally" Best 1826
  • ............+ John Henry Gracy
  • ..........4 James Ozro Best
  • ............+ Nancy (Hunt) Best
  • ..............5 John Best
  • ..............5 William "Bill" Best
  • ..............5 Thomas "Tom" Best
  • ..............5 Samuel "Sam" Best
  • ..............5 Fannie Best
  • ................+ (?)Swanson
  • ............+ Sarah Sovenie Steward 1851-1925
  • ..............5 Isabel Best 1885-1918
  • ................+ Charles Leon Russell 1878-1935
  • ..............5 Elizabeth BEST
  • .............. + John Webb McGuire 1872-1962
  • ..............5 Charles "Charlie" Heston BEST
  • ..........4 Minerva Best
  • ............+ William Meler
  • ..........4 Charlotte Best
  • ............+ Gabriel Butler, Jr.
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