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I Truly Luvmibabies


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The mission of 5Passions is to be a place where we can gather in a untitledcommunity filled with those who are making the choice to no longer live in mediocrity, but rather live passionately: experiencing lives that are filled with purpose and zest, vitality and depth! Welcome to the journey!

5 Passions

Welcome to the What's New page for 5Passions. Take a look at what's new in our web.


The following is a list of recent additions to our web. Whenever we publish an article, have a new writer in the expressing our passions pages, or updat the Message Boards, we'll put a notice here. Every month we'll remove the oldest items. The most recent ones will be listed first, and each item is linked to the page where they are located.

  • QUIZLETS!! These are fun, fanciful and festive! Be sure to vote, and if you have any extra comments, hit the Boards, Forums or WHAT ARE WE CALLING THOSE?! well, you know what I mean! Each page has a quizlet, so go to your favorite page and answer your favorite Quizlet!

  • Message boards:

!Passion for Purpose Question of the Week:

What would be the Title of YOURBiography?

!Passion for Parenting Question of the Week:

What does Your Child Do That Most Reminds You of


Who is Julie Jordon Scott?

What is a Mission Statement?

A Movie, Marriott, and More

Word Gifts

A Bridge or an Island?

For the Love of Words

Purpose / Parenting / People / Poetry&Prose / 5Passions / Ezines / Quizlets

Forums / Survey / Archives / E-mail / Luvmibabies / What's New / Predetermined

Enter the Contest! Have Your Work on the 5Passions Site!

Click NOW! Be FAMOUS! Click NOW! ENTER!! Show your Stuff! Come on! You know you WANT TO!!! ENTER!!

Free Stuff!


7 tips to Finding Your Passion

7 Tips for a Terrific Relationship with Your Teen

7 Tips to Get Your Toddler to Follow Your Directions


Passion for Purpose EZine

Passion for Parenting

Passion for Poetry and Prose

Passion for People and Pasttimes




Passion for....


Poetry and Prose



Not Predetermined