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Have you ever been having an ordinary conversation with another person when the discussion took on an energetic quality? Have you ever been so engrossed in an activity that time seemed to stand still, and it was hours later than you expected? Have you ever wished and dreamed of having a life filled with magical, heart filling moments? At 5Passions, we are about making your life a more passion filled one. We are about getting rid of functioning in a banal or mediocre manner. We want to help our visitors stamp out bored complacency in their lives!Is life passing you by? Are you living life with Zestful Enthusiasm? If you don't start living Passionately, your life WILL become mediocre! Join us HERE, Join us NOW
Notes from Julie's Journal My children are abundantly friendly.
They talk to everyone they meet. They give the gift of
their smile to the Young, The Old, The Infirm, The
Wealthy, The Poor. Their Joy knows no bounds. Through my
children I see my personal purpose statement living and
breathing My Personal Purpose Statement To illustrate the value of each person's unique qualities by reflecting in my actions and attitudes that I can see the special gifts that each one has received as a child of God, created for their own distinctive purpose Join us in a Celebration of Living Passionately!Who is Julie Jordan Scott?Julie is a woman who is driven by the Passions in her life. This is how 5Passions came to be...she wanted to find a way to both creatively express her passion and encourage people to live a more passionate life 365 days a year. She is thrilled to have you join her as this lifelong dream becomes a reality. Optimistic, caring and good natured, Julie has spent the last five years working in County Mental Health with people with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder. During that time she also was a Support Parent with Sharing Parents of Kern County; a MOPS Discussion group leader; the Infertility Editor of PAILS of Hope, a publication of PenParents, Inc; and taught numerous Sunday School classes and Bible Studies. All of these activities were building blocks towards where she is today. "I am Passionate about helping people fulfill their dreams, creating a place where their goals become reality. I have the gift for gleaning from people the core issues in their life rather than the peripheral stuff' they frequently show the rest of the world. I consider it one of life's greatest privileges to be included in the blossoming of a person's life! What an honor it is!" Julie continues, "Too often, the rest of the world tries to fit people into pigeonholes, telling them that being mediocre is "the way"...that they are not special, that they are not unique, that what they have to offer is ordinary. My message to each person on this planet is they ARE extraordinary. They DO have a special and unique purpose in their life. It is through discovering their Passion that they will uncover what this purpose is!" When this website only existed in Julie's mind, she thought to base 5Passions and its Mission on Romans 12:2, which goes like this: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you will know what is the good and right and perfect will of God."
Take one of the Free E-Mail Courses, share successes, ask for guidance, be a mentor or a mentee. Julie has created this place for you by following her passion. Lets continue the road to following yours! Ways to Reach Julie: Julie Jordan Scott 5Passions, a Division of Grace Unlimited 3125 19th Street Suite 175 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)335-9589 email: 5 passions@bigfoot.com Purpose / Parenting / People / Poetry&Prose / 5Passions / Ezines / Quizlets Forums / Survey / Archives / E-mail / Luvmibabies / What's New / Predetermined |
Free Stuff! REPORTS: 7 tips to Finding Your Passion 7 Tips for a Terrific Relationship with Your Teen 7 Tips to Get Your Toddler to Follow Your Directions EZINES: Passion for Purpose EZine Passion for Parenting Passion for Poetry and Prose Passion for People and Pasttimes DISCUSSION GROUP LivePassionately2day FORUMS Passion for.... Purpose Poetry and Prose Parenting People/Pasttimes Not Predetermined |
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Since July 13, 1999
Last Updated on July 25, 1999
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