Hello to everyone out there in Cyber World!
My name is Mark Fearnall and I am the pastor at Scotland Pastoral Charge. I haven’t been the pastor for very long (about 7 months), but I am very pleased to be here and serve these three great congregations.
If you are surfing the web and came across this site, we hope this will tell you a little about our congregations. Let us know if you came by for a cyber visit – you can email me at mark@welovebooks.com If you get a chance to visit one of our churches in person be sure to introduce yourself and tell us you found us on the web!!
Even though I haven’t been good at writing for this web-site I should let you know how much I appreciate it. You see if it wasn’t for this web-site and Elaine’s work on it, I probably wouldn’t be in Scotland as I write this. I first started to learn about these three congregations through this site, so in my mind, it served a wonderful purpose.
My wife, Lorraine, and our kids, as well as I love it here. All the people are very friendly and they love to eat which is great in my mind – it helps that they cook well :-) It is one of my favorite past-times too and if you look in Acts in the Bible, you find that it was common for the people to “break bread together”.
Just this past week (I am writing this in February 2001) the Youth Group met and made supper together. We had spaghetti with Marinara sauce (home-made), garlic bread, Caesar Salad, and a great dessert!
Again I hope you enjoy the site, and may God in Christ bless you.
Mark Fearnall