Lord does provide! We have experienced it! We could never
afford the next child nor could we for see how we would
cope with it. But God in His goodness and love provided
and still continues to provide all the help we need to
raise these children, both physically and spiritually.
Some of the help has come to me through this wonderful
list of catholic mothers who have acted as the
handmaidens of the Lord and who minister to each others
needs by their words and prayers. Catholic
families need to be open to children. We are absolutely
called to this. Yes, we are allowed to properly space our
children and if there are severe economical problems,
children can be spaced according to the families
circumstances or until they are stable.
before my obedience to my faith I called the shots and controlled my
own fertility. I am now terrified of telling God
"no". Now, I am a cradle Catholic but I let the
world’s view on Artificial Birth Control become
mine. My husband is the most devout, God fearing man that
I have ever known. He Converted to Catholocism of his own free will. We leave everything to God.
It is
really sad to hear people that are supposed to be
Catholic talking about "never wanting to have a lot
of kids". As Catholics we are called by God to be
open to knew life all our lives. Not to say to God
"No God I have no desire to have more children for
you". Personally I'd be scared to death to say that
to God. Small Families are a blessing when you remain
open to new life and God chooses not to give you more.
But to say you have no desire to have that many children
is a slap in Gods face. God knows best even when we think
we do. As Sacramental Couples we stood before God and
said yes, I will accept children lovingly from God on our
wedding day. Our time is not God's time. He has a good
reason for wanting new life to come into ours. The way
you should feel is thankful, and blessed. I'm a former OB
nurse and just being able to still concieve is a
blessing. At age 30 fertlity starts to decrease, and so
many who delay fertility due to careers find themselves
begging for what God has entrusted to us in pregnancy.
I'm 38 and we were just blessed with #7. Our goal is "Let Go and Let God" whatever he sends we are thrilled to have. After we had #2 we were trying to conceive when she turned a year, It took 11 months, when that child was 10 months we conceived God's little surprise. When she was 11 months we tried and he graciously granted us this baby. During both this last and my previous pregnancy my best friend concieved and miscarried at 13, and 19 weeks. We know we have truly been blessed.
are such a blessing and we only begin to realize it when
they are young. As ours grow older I appreciate having
them more and more. Problems, difficulties, financial
difficulties, etc. are Nothing ( and we've had a lot of
them) compared to the specialness of each life. We have
six so far and, I wish we have twice as many. (That
doesn't mean I like dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning,
driving, physical problems and exhaustion, lack of funds,
etc. etc.) You just cant compare that to the blessing of
a life. . Many tell us that we are very irresponsible to
have a large family when it seems we can't
"afford" one but none of my kids have ever gone
without enough food, clothing, love or attention. God
will and does provide :-)
We pray
for guidance daily. I only speak the truth, from my heart
and what our church teaches. As a Catholic Couple who
prepares Catholic Couples for marriage, I could not in
good concious not say anything. This Page is dedicated to
all the "Unborn" lost to abortion. and to all
"Traditional" Catholic Couples who face day to
day ridicule from those who do not understand
Time you are faced with this ridicule ask the person this
If you refused to let
another baby come into your life that God wanted to send
to you, when it comes your time to go to God, are they
going to go with you to speak to God about what a
wonderful Traditional Catholic you are, and that they
convinced you not to let another baby into your lives and
doesn’t matter what we want anyway, its up to God
Everything happens in God's time!!
avoiding or postposting birth by natural means, through
having relations only during infertile times, can be a
moral good, if one is avoiding conception for the
Respecting the God-given natural fertility cycle of a
woman by using the ovulation method keeps God in the
picture, so to speak, in sexual relations. But
artificial contraception, even when practiced with
the best of intentions, takes control of the procreative
process within the womb away from God. This is how
one violates God's Natural Law. One blocks what
might have happened within the womb when God's sovereign
creative power combines with human bio-logical processess
to bring a being into existence. This procreative
process is among the most sacred events in life. To
artificially block it makes the sex act selfish and
manipulative. The whole structure of Christian
marriage as mutual gift to one another in Christ
collapses. Natural Family Planning, does not
block this natural process within the womb.
Instead, the couple waits on God, so to speak, by
waiting on nature (for a few days a month) to allow for
sexual relations which will not result in
procreation. This keeps the spiritual structure of
a marriage intact, keeping God in the picture by letting
Him govern things through the natural processess He has
established. It also "personalizes" sexual
relations, one might say. This means that having
relations becomes a more personal decision, and
less a yielding to emotional impulses and desires.
Church is Mother and Teacher As Teacher, she must
be obeyed, even if one is not totally comfortable with
her doctrine. In this grave matter, we must submit
to the wisdom of the Church, trusting that the Holy
Spirit is guiding her. As Mother, she understands
the difficulty many face today in the matter of bearing
and education of children. Better pre-marriage
formation in sexual matters, including self-control
and chasity, is needed. Forming Catholics in
the need for heroic fidelity to Christ is also
crucial. Jesus clearly taught that "the way is
narrow and difficult that leads to life." Further
the importance of keeping the Natural Law, God's
Law, is to be stressed. The pope encourages those
couples who have successfully practiced Natural Family
Planning to bear witness to others and encourage them.
In conclusion, let me leave you
with :
John Paul II's teaching on the Family....
his letter to Families and Familiaris Consortio
Transmission of Love
Lord told our first parents "Be fruitful and
multiply, and fill the
and subdue it." (Gen. 1:28) Procreation involves not
only the
giving birth to a new being, but the whole process of
children for the Kingdom of God. There is an anti-life
mentality pop-
today which wants to separate marriage from bearing
children and forming
This is the so-called "contraceptive
mentality." The Church stands
such a vision of sexuality, and sides with the eternal
law of God,
is reflected in Natural Law. According to this law,
written in our
and consciences, the unitive and procreative aspects of
sex must
be separated, as happens when one practices articifical
Paul VI taught that "every action in which, either
in anticipation of
conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the
development of its
consequences, proposes, whether as an end or means, to
render pro-
impossible" is always immoral (Humanae Vitae, 14).

May God give you His peace