Our Roman Catholic Faith


What a blessing to belong to the Catholic Church! People may say that the church needs to change with the times but they need to recall that God is Unchanging! His commandments stated to Moses in 1250 BC are still His commandments today.


The below poem, we think, is a beautiful expression of the kind of relationship we all should have with Our Lord. While you read the poem, ask yourself how you would know what Jesus would do. We'll talk about that at the end …


Lord, throughout this day,
As I try to follow You,
Let this be my rule to live by:
What would Jesus Do?

When a friend or loved one
Asks me for a moment or two,
May I think of one thing only:
What Would Jesus Do?

In all my dealings, help me
To be honest, fair and true,
To measure each decision by:
What Would Jesus Do?

When I'm feeling troubled
And I turn in prayer to You,
Give me wisdom to decide:
What Would Jesus Do?

And let me promise each new day
To live my whole life through,
In love and peace, remembering"
What Would Jesus Do?

Then when the day is ended,
May I resolve anew
To guide tomorrow by the motto:
What Would Jesus Do?


So … how do you know the mind of Jesus? You must come to him in His Church.


Dedicated to St. Joseph