Houchins 1999 Christmas Newsletter

Houchins Family Adventures Featuring Grandma Viola Porter Dec 1999

9 Months in Japan! 3 Months in the USA

Once Again we are thankful for the abundant Blessings given to us by our
Lord over the last year. We hope this Newsletter finds you and your family
also in "Awe" over the power of Christ in your daily lives. Once Again we
are thankful for the abundant Blessings given to us by our Lord over the
last year. We hope this Newsletter finds you and your family also in "Awe"
over the power of Christ in your daily lives.

Japanese Style and Custom! Japanese Style and Custom!

January found us excited over the experience of having our family photo
taken in Traditional Japanese Kimonos and accessories by Tamura. Our dog
Dexter included. The Japanese are such perfectionist that it takes them 2
hrs to dress you. "True Pampering." The 6th of the month our youngest son
Landon turned 4 years old. We celebrated with a "Blues Clues" Party complete
with his favorite Chicken Nuggets. The fun was in looking at Landon as he
realized all the fuss was over him. Cierra along with her Girl Scout Troop
was invited to an International Japanese American Sleep Over. A bus to Lake
Towada Clubhouse transported the Girls where they were welcomed with the
Traditional Japanese full bow. They then treated them to a feast of American
and Japanese Cuisine. Cierra found favor in one of the older Japanese girls
named Meito. Cierra who over the last 4 years has always enjoyed the
Japanese Onsen was able to "show off" to her "shy" American troop members.
The Japanese were impressed by her knowledgeable as well as comfortable
expertise in the use of the Onsen. Speaking of the Onsen, Grandma Viola said
her Arthritis loved the comfort she felt so she has made it a 5 time at
least a week venture. Ashlyn completed the month with a Cheerleading trip to
Camp Zama where they won the Far East Cheerleading Competition.

February, began rushed and full of emotion as we prepared a "Goodbye Party"
for Grandma Viola. There were tears of joy and tears of sadness, but mostly
thanks to God for a year full of excitement , new life, and good health for
Grandma. Grandma, James and Shaharriet participated in a Valentines Dinner/
Dance at Church, and Grandma showed off her dancing style with Fr. Ray.
Grandma at 64 had become an international traveler between the USA, Japan
and Korea, as well as surrogate grandma for many Misawa AB children, and a
recognized member of the St. Jude's Catholic Church Community. Fr. Ray Lamy
had mother stand up in Mass and presented her with a certificate of
Achievement and a special Blessing for a safe return to the USA. Rhonda
Jackson helped Ashlyn by opening her wonderful Japanese home and helping
Ashlyn prepare a spaghetti dinner complete with salad, dessert and gift of a
Japanese Scroll doll for friends to sign. On the 17th Shaharriet turned 37
and was filled with emotion, because her Mom was here with her yet she was
leaving the country to return home. All the grandchildren were so sad to see
Grandma leave along with all the wisdom and knowledge she'd taught them. We
completed the month with James and Shaharriet chaperoning a field trip with
Cierra's class to the Ice Skating Rink. Needless to say they had a blast
convincing themselves and the children they could still participate in this
sport after 10 years away from the rink! March, began with the excitement of
a baby's first steps! On the 6th, 3 weeks before her birthday Jadeja walked
across the room to her babysitter. We were there so we did not miss this
milestone. On the 15th Shaharriet was able to give up her position as
President of Catholic Women of the Chapel. It had been a great year but with
my baby almost one it was time to focus on family. Sadly the next day Landon
was admitted to the hospital for his RAD and one of Ashlyn's friends from
school suffered a brain annurrysem . The next day she was declared brain
dead and her body flown to the USA for organ donation. Jennifer Pullium was
known by many on base as a vibrant 15 year old. It was sad for our Base
Community. On the 25th Jadeja celebrated her 1st Birthday complete with a
party, cake, ice-cream and presents. Jadeja stuffed her face and tummy
totally enjoying her cake. We had a blast! April, began with our family
celebrating Easter! We had a feast of food and some Japanese friends to
celebrate this "Resurrection of our Lord! God does work in mysterious ways.
Sometimes he reveals so much and it is not until later that we realize it.
We found this out in a special way. On 9th Shaharriet had a Positive
Pregnancy Test! We were so thrilled at the fact God had once again graced
our family with a new life. Then as we begin to look back at our NFP charts
we realized the baby had been conceived on the day Jennifer Pullium had
died. Scripture tells us that "God gives life and takes life" and that was
never more real than this day. (Later on we would also find out that the
baby was a girl)! James and I are still amazed at the favor God finds in us.
After turning 37 this year I wondered if my fertility was declining. God had
other plans. On the 19th our oldest son Jeremy turned 10 and we realized
just how grown up he was becoming. Our son's voice was older and he started
telling us about "Girlfriends"! May rolled in with Cierra turning 7! As
usual the little social director had a blast with 50 kids in attendance. In
celebration of Mothers Day Landon's class had a Mommy and Me Day complete
with Lunch! We completed the month with the news{ I'm married to the new
TSGT James Houchins. James was promoted and we are all very proud of him}.
June surprised us with the ENT saying Cierra needed emergency surgery to
have her Tonsils and Adenoids removed. Dr. Ratfoot said they were so huge
they had occluded her airway putting her at risk for sleep apnea. They also
caused enuresis and Cierra was very upset. July we were put on the air vac
schedule and her surgery was done July 9th. We were in Yokota AB, near Tokyo
for the next 2 weeks. Cierra and I had a blast bonding together and eating
out at Government expense. We dinned big time. All the fancy food we could
eat, but of course with me being pregnant that was not as much as I could
have done! Then I ended up with plantar faschitis and on crutches with
complete bed rest to end the month. Kiana Ann-Marie turned 3 on July 25 and
I could not get a party done this year .August flew by but on August 10,
James and I celebrated 8 years of Wedded Bliss. The same day the packers
arrived to pack us out for the move back to the states. We moved into
billeting on the 23rd, and awaited a confirmed assignment. September 3rd,
the Houchins Family left Japan for the USA. We had "Dexter" the dog in tow
as well as 2 adults, 1 teen, and 4 children ages 7,4,3, and 18 months. I
know the Japanese had fun watching us. Now here comes the fun part. Wrong
Assignment! The problem is they are not able to provide school for Landon
who has PDD so we have to move again. The Dr. here wondered why we where
approved to come here as this is a very small minute place with no resource
staff in the school. He was displeased and we had an appointment in Sept.
Actually, Landon's teacher did not know what PDD was and asked us to provide
her with knowledge of it! He is receiving less here than he did at Misawa
where he was thriving. We contacted our Congressman Lloyd Doggett and he was
displeased the military lied to them saying we were all cared for here, so
he asked we be moved to Elmendorf, Alaska since this is the case! SO!
Hopefully to Alaska. Nothing in stone yet .Congressman Doggette said our
case is being weighted in Washington a little more heavily instead of just
being passed down the chain of command! He seems hopeful of a more favorable
outcome! We will see! It really makes me angry they sent us here before
checking all this out! The Drs. will not let me travel after Nov. 16, I'll
be 36 weeks then. October school thrills! We had our parent Teacher
Conferences yesterday and all the children are doing great! Cierra is of
course, placing in the 99th % for her exceptional program. They are so
impressed by her they are sending a school psychologist to do IQ testing of
her on Monday. She reads on a 3rd grade level and is in 2nd grade 3rd month.
Landon is responding more to his name, and his receptive language skills are
improving. Mrs. Eitel is following his pattern of re-direction if he gets
off task. James and I observed him throwing bean bags and appropriately
waiting his turn and actively participating! Kiana is doing well in
pre-school. She has mastered all of the skills. She is definitely not where
Cierra was at this age but she is doing very well. Here is something funny
you can appreciate. Jadeja has always loved her brother and now she can sing
all of "his songs" and at 19 months

she can spin anything he can. He certainly has taught her well. She is
talking very well now and very aware of her siblings by name. She is so much
a toddler now instead of a baby. November found us saying,God is good! We
got the loan approved for the 12 Passenger Van.It came from California on
Tuesday November 2, for us to pick up. We are very excited. It is awesome!
It is a 1999 Chevy Express White Summit with Gray custom Cloth interior.
James and I have captains chairs in the front and am/fm radio with a CD
player. Grandma Viola arrived on the 6th just in time to finish the year and
meet a new grandchild. Chris Spoonemore arrived on the 10th and although the
love of his life is Ashlyn he was instrumental in helping us get settled in.
As for me I'm low, and the baby was 6-11 at 35 weeks so they anticipate on
delivery day she will be 8 lbs.. 140 FHT and she is still squirming around.
We decided on Dec. 8 the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as my others are
on Catholic Holidays unplanned Smile! But yet I still run the risk I could
go into labor early. We were in TLF till the Wed..before Thanksgiving We
received our shipment so you know I'm trying to set up house and what an
awful time to be doing it. The "Powers that be" are furious at AFPC that we
had to go thru this but they are trying to get Alaska approved and a lot of
people are in the case. They told me Johnny Cochran would take my case
pro-bono and the media attention alone would have the AFPC give me anything
I wanted. I don't want that for my family. I pray it ends soon. They are
fascinated to see why military recruitment, and retention is low. They focus
on the fact that James is in a critical AFSC, that as of next year will be
only 50% manned.The assignment to Alaska is a small price to pay for
retention, of a 16 yr Gulf War Veteran with 2 EFMP kids. They have clear and
concise data from financial services showing we have a severe need to be
where finances are greatest and EFMP needs are met. We are not the typical
AF family. My only concern is my son's education. I won't look back when he
is 16 and have some Dr. say "we should have done it this way when he was 4
".December is here already! December 4, Mom was admitted to the hospital. Mom has
emphysema and is having a flare up do to a bad cold she got from the kids.
Her X-ray was normal for pneumonia, but she needs the oxygen with her nebs
now. Of course this is bad timing because I go into the hospital on Dec.8.
to have the baby. "When it rains it pours"! GOD KNOWS BEST all the time.
Well, all after all the stuff with Mom, I had contractions all morning on
Dec. 5,1999 that kept waking me up. I awoke that morning and bleeding along
with contractions began. James and I headed to the hospital for a NST and
monitoring. The Result: Senai Cabryn Houchins arrived at 1:08 p.m. by
C-section. Weighing in at 8lbs. and 2 oz. And 19 3/4 inches long. Senai is a
Japanese name meaning long life!

The month continues to be full as Grandma Viola turns 65 on the 11th, Jeremy
arrives on the 18th , Grandmother Mildred arrives on the 23rd, and Ashlyn
turns 17 on the 31st. We have so much to be thankful for this Holiday
season. Family and Life are the most important gifts God has given us.

1999 has been an eventful year. God has worked many blessings during our
trials and tribulations but we have kept him at the center of our lives. We
pray the year 2000 will be filled with his continued blessings and all of us
will be given long and healthy lives walking with Christ and being
Christlike in our daily lives. Our Best of Wishes for you and your families
in the coming year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2000,

The Houchins

James, Shaharriet, Ashlyn, Jeremy, Cierra, Landon, Kiana, Jadeja, Senai and
Grandma Viola Porter



Page Design and graphics by Elvira