Welcome to our Guestbook!

Ursula Smith - 11/02/00 20:38:07
My Email:juice411@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Dallas, TX
How did you find us?: PAISD Alumni pg

Well, I am orginally from Port Arthur, TX and currently living in Dallas. Attend TJ high school but know some people that went to Lincoln (small city yanno). I love your page and what you had to say about Japan. My oldest had some friends who moved to China for a yr and they kept in touch by email. They told her about the country and their experiences. You guys have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing!! - Be Bless Ursula

Kimberly - 10/26/00 20:44:38
My Email:tkamyx@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Boise, Idaho


Charles Emanuel John Hart III - 10/18/00 23:34:46
My Email:cejhiii@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Home of the San Diego Chargers
How did you find us?: The beautiful sacrifice of the Mass.

Prayer of St. Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to con ole; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Love in the guardian angels Charles

Lisa C. - 10/17/00 17:05:32
My URL:/lc1967
My Email:lc1967@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Lawrenceville, NJ
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms email list

Your site and family are beautiful.

Rene Torres - 10/17/00 15:41:15
My Email:rtorres00@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: New York, Virginia, and now Japan
How did you find us?: Misawa on ICQ


Ellen - 10/17/00 01:29:30
My Email:LNMVON@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Pearl City, Illinois
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms list

Your page is oustanding. I especially love the beginning picture of Our Blessed Lady with the Child Jesus that looks as if there is a pool of water at the bottom with their reflection. I have never seen anything like that before. Your family is beautif l! Our Blessed Lord certainly has blessed you. God bless you and your family.

Dorothy O'Neil - 10/16/00 13:24:22
My Email:holyfam2000@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Farmdale OH
How did you find us?: Cathmoms e-group

I love the pictures! Especially the one of the entire family, it is so lovely. I liked the frames around the pictures too. I read about home page on Japan too and wish I could move there. (smile) Going to view your other pages now. Blessings, Dorothy

Debbie Thompson - 10/16/00 12:41:47
My Email:mrst2@netzero.net
Where are you from?: Illinois
How did you find us?: cathmoms

You are truly blessed with a beautiful family. God bless you!!!!! YSiC, Debbie

JOhn Crennan - 10/13/00 12:15:25
My Email:crennan@libero.it
Where are you from?: Aviano Italy
How did you find us?: your email

Great Message, you guys are a true example even through all your struggles; You remain in our mass intentions and daily prayers. My meeting you guys up in Misawa was a true blessing. Keep leading the way for you are leaders in your practice of our the Faith; May God continue to bless you and provide for you PAX John Crennan

Pervis Cooper Jr. - 08/10/00 00:14:33
My Email:Coop38@aol.com

Nice looking family

Vicky - 08/01/00 00:24:14
My Email:ladybugg314@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: TX ~ living in England
How did you find us?: Surfing

Hi :) I found your site from Katie Cooke's site. She doesn't know me, but we have a mutual friend and I just thought I would look at her pics. I had heard so much about her. I noticed in one of your posts to her that you have a daughter named Ashlyn. So d I!! She is 2. It rare to see that name. At least I haven't seen it very often! I too was in the AF for 4 years where I met my husband and we are now stationed in England :) Anyway, just wanted to stop in and say hi and that you have a beautiful family!
Kelli - 07/14/00 15:30:26
My Email:amidala@rc.net
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

I loved seeing and reading about your family and about life in Japan... thanks for sharing!

James Queen - 07/07/00 20:59:14
My Email:james_queen@email.msn.com

You have a fine family and a great looking website. Good to see you doing well. James

Jane Waldock - 07/01/00 15:35:12
My Email:jwaldock@interhop.net
Where are you from?: Newmarket Ontario Canada
How did you find us?: cathmoms

What a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing the pictures!

Kimberly Wasson - 06/30/00 22:34:23
My Email:rdwasson@gte.net
Where are you from?: Kentucky
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Shaharriet! your children are beautiful (so are you and dh!) Told you I would check out your site...what a treat! Look forward to more posts on cathmoms! Kimberly in Kentucky

Darnette Atnoine - 06/30/00 21:04:19
My Email:teydes@aol.com
Where are you from?: Port arthur
How did you find us?: ShaHarriet gave me the website address

I want you to know that your website is really nice and interesting. My lil cousins are very cute I hope that we can all meet very very soon. I want to thank you for calling after you found out about the loss of my mom. I promise that we will keep in t uch. I am really glad that we are communicating its been so long since we have seen each ohter last. That was before you were married and had kids. Take Care and God Bless you cousin always and forever Darnette Antoine

Ashanti Kay Cottrell-Sloan - 06/29/00 15:33:10
My Email:cottrella@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Montgomery AL
How did you find us?: I was given the address


Kathy Davis, CNFPP - 06/28/00 05:08:38
My Email:kad@brigham.net
Where are you from?: Utah
How did you find us?: Creighton Practitioner

What an interesting, lovely family!

Helen Griffin - 06/24/00 15:13:14
My Email:mommahelensnowball@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Snowball, Arkansas
How did you find us?: Shaharriet gave me the address

What a lovely family and the pictures are so clear and good on your website. Who is who? I couln't figure that out for sure. God Bless, Helen

Kathy Jo Conradt - 06/23/00 19:08:18
My Email:KathyJo39@aol.com
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Shaharriet, your family is beautiful!! God bless all of you. I am praying that God will take you to Alaska!

Kathleen - 06/23/00 01:57:18
My Email:katandca@ix.netcom.com
Where are you from?: California, USA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms :-)

Shaharriet, Your page is very well done! The photos of your family are adorable and there is much wisdom in what you have written here, particularly on your pro-life page. It has been a real pleasure to be able visit you here and to add a little bit more to the picture I have of you from our wonderful Cathmoms list! See you there. God Bless, Kathleen

vanessa - 06/20/00 22:30:24
My Email:precious_55_345@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: carrio springs
How did you find us?: research

hey,sup? well i would like to say that the KUMBIA KINGS are the BEST! i've seen then twice and they are coming again on July 29,2000. i know they are gonna tear it up cause they SIEMPRE have a great show! i hope to hear them sing u don't love me and sing e "te quiero a ti" and maybe they can sing the song they sang with Angelina.and i would really really want them to have a 2 hour autogragh session, because on my birthday i did not get all them to sign my poster! i love all the kUmBiA kInGs but most of al jason cano "d.j. kane" peace out!

Ander N. Mitchell - 06/20/00 22:19:29
My Email:andernm@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Austin, Texas
How did you find us?: Old Friend

Hello Shaharriet. I had already been here and checked out your website and your family, I just neglected to sign. Everyone looks really happy and well-contented. I am very proud of you and I know you are making a great wife and mother. Ashland (?) loo s so grown-up now. She reminds me of how long it's really been since I last saw you. I can also tell from your comments that you are raising them in the fear and admonition of the Lord and I applaud you for that. With God as the center of your lives, y u can only expect and receive good things for your marriage and your childen. In him, Ander.

Shannon Muzika - 06/14/00 16:56:09
My Email:wamsmm@gci.net
Where are you from?: Juneau, AK
How did you find us?: Cathmom

What a beautiful family you have! You are so blessed.

Michael Lawrence - 05/30/00 05:15:33
My Email:skinnydragon@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay Hawaii
How did you find us?: icq search

you have put together a very nice page. its nice to see a family that is still together even with the hardships that the military can dish out.

Yvette Gunner-Thomas - 05/17/00 15:34:04
My Email:gunneyy@texaco.com
Where are you from?: Port Arthur, TX
How did you find us?: PAISD Alumni

Awsome site! Remember me from LONG ago? I can't find the words to express how impressed I am with you and your beautiful family. It is so wonderful to have such an awsome God to meet all our needs.

Sherlee - 05/14/00 03:59:20
My Email:lasher55@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: California
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

I've been trying to look at your site for a long time, but it seems I never have time....finally I did, and it's beautiful. Thank you!

Mary Ann Chase - 05/11/00 23:27:27
My Email:ChsMndP@aol.com
Where are you from?: Ogden, Utah
How did you find us?: Catholicmoms site.

What a beautiful family!! and I love the Kimonos. One of my neices lived in Japan for 2 years...her husband was with GTE and they lived on or near a Base but can't remember which one. I see someone is a Trekkie....Live long and prosper. Me Too. Is being a Catholic family difficult in Japan? I havn't read all your web page yet. It's not too easy here in Utah but we've lived here 30 years so are used to the dominant religion. We have had 5 kids(youngest is adopted from Korea) and 2 Vietnamese refu ee teens. Our oldest converted to mormon. That was a heartbreak. She, husband, and 2 little girls live in Idaho. Two of our 5 are good Catholics...and 1 still calls himself Catholic anyway. I'm sure glad some(4)of our grandkids at least are able to go to he Catholic school here. Their daddy is a non-practicing mormon and really is envolved in the school. I'm praying a novena to St.Terese for his conversion. God bless you all....Mary Ann

Debbie Thompson - 05/11/00 20:34:21
My Email:mrst2@netzero.net
Where are you from?: USA-Illinois
How did you find us?: Cathmoms!!!!

What a beautiful family you have!!!! Looks like you are Star Trek fans-me too! Debbie

Jeff Reitzel - 05/11/00 15:29:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Island/4159
My Email:jeff_reitzel@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
How did you find us?: You signed my guestbook.

That is a really awesome page you have. How did you get that awesome picture of Mary to do that. With the water I mean. I like the song that you decided to play for your page. I hope all is well in Japan. Keep your head up and stick on the ice!! God bless you!

Penny & Tommy Lichenstein - 05/11/00 08:00:11
My Email:Lichenst@Quixnet.net
Where are you from?: Austin, Texas
How did you find us?: we belong to the same marriage encounter circle in south austin ... St. Catherine's community looks forward to having ya'll back home with us in Texas

Love ya'll very much.... What a great looking family!!! Love, Penny

penny & Tommy Lichenstein - 05/11/00 06:38:25
My Email:Lichenst@quixnet.net
Where are you from?: Austin, Texas
How did you find us?: By the grace of God...

Love you web site... What a great looking family... Penny

Barbara Falls - 05/10/00 13:02:05
My Email:barbaraf@midmaine.com
Where are you from?: Old Town, Maine

Beautiful family. How long are you going to be in Japan? What state are you from? My 12 year old daughter would love to visit Japan. We are thinking of dong an exchange program with a child from Japan during the summer of 2001. My daughter would love to do it the following summmer. Are there many Catholic Japanese families?

Elizabeth Hayes - 05/10/00 04:18:20
My Email:eandjhayes@cs.com
Where are you from?: Tuscaloosa, AL
How did you find us?: Cathmoms list

You have a beautiful family. The information about Japan was very interesting. I loved the piture of the Blessed Mother and Jesus on your home page!!!

Cheri - 05/10/00 03:07:30
Where are you from?: Arizona
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

What a love family!!!! Your pictures and site are very nice. Keep up the good work. Yours in Christ Cheri

Bernie & Mark E. Reitzel - 05/10/00 02:25:18
My URL:http://kw.igs.net/~bermar
My Email:bermar@kw.igs.net
Where are you from?: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
How did you find us?: Your email onCathmoms

Real nice page, well done, family pictures are great. How long will you be stationed in Japan? My husband did some peojectmanagement for a Japanese firm here a number of years ago and he picked up some Japanese words from the man he was associated with. Ohio, Co nich uwa, mata i e maso and i e gato. Appreiate a visit to our page and sign our guest book. Bernie & Mark

Michael Dubruiel - 05/07/00 12:44:26
My URL:http://Dubruiel.tripod.com/
My Email:mdubruiel@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Fort Wayne, IN
How did you find us?: webring

Hi, I love the image on your front page. Are you guys still stationed in Japan? Check out my site and new book (very traditional) Father Groeschel wrote the Foreword to the book. PAX! Michael

Maritza Fuller - 04/11/00 03:40:04
My Email:Ggml76@aol

I believe in everything that you have written. I have also felt guilty for thinking that I am not able to handle the daughters that the Lord has given me. In my heart I know that I am not the one in charge it is Him that guides my life. Thanks for the ords of encouragement.

Karian Brown - 03/31/00 17:21:31
My Email:fynest_sc_shorty@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Sumter, SC
How did you find us?: browsing at sites for my old school, Edgren HS

I'm glad I ran into this site. It reminded me of how much I missed ya'll. Ashlyn told me that the new baby was a girl. Give her and all the other ones a kiss for me. Much love is sent from my family to yours. (Keep emailing Ashlyn.)

Kerry McKenzie - 03/29/00 07:55:14
My Email:kerrymckenzie@one.net.au
Where are you from?: Sydney, Australia
How did you find us?: cathmoms

Congratulations on a lovely & thought provoking page. And "Eagle's Wings" is a favourite hymn of mine!

Lisa C. - 01/22/00 16:33:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/6756/index.html
My Email:lc1967@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Central New Jersey
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms

I love the picture of you all in kimonos.

Catslife - 01/19/00 07:41:14
Where are you from?: Indiana
How did you find us?: Random ICQ chat

Wonderful page full of hope and inspiration.. thank you so much for sharing!!

Katie Dillman - 01/15/00 09:03:04
My Email:jdil@ccp.com
Where are you from?: Highland Kansas
How did you find us?: on ICQ

Your little one are so cute, you have a great looking family, you must be proud of them thanks for sending it to me it is really a nice home page I love the begining pic

Rachel - 01/14/00 21:50:44
My URL:http://ww2.netnitco.net/users/pray/index.htm
My Email:rexpress@iname.com
Where are you from?: Indiana
How did you find us?: Cathmom

Great site, wish you had some pictures of Akita and some Japanese sites. Liked the information Sure sounds like an American coould live well there. What about Mass??

Sandra Sly Jenkins - 12/23/99 07:42:53
My Email:sgjenkins2@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Houston, TX
How did you find us?: The high school alumni site

Shaharriet, you are truly blessed with a beautiful family. I enjoyed reading about your life in Japan. I guess we never imagined where our life would take us. Take care and drop me a line when you have time.

Bill Millar - 10/06/99 00:35:35
My Email:whmillar@trump.net.au
Where are you from?: Tasmania, Australia
How did you find us?: Old Friends

Great site Shah!! Hope the world, and your god is treating you well...and that you and the family are happy...

Bill Millar - 10/06/99 00:35:34
My Email:whmillar@trump.net.au
Where are you from?: Tasmania, Australia
How did you find us?: Old Friends

Great site Shah!! Hope the world, and your god is treating you well...and that you and the family are happy...

The O'Neill's - 08/02/99 15:15:51
My Email:noles_4@intx.net
Where are you from?: San Antonio,Tx
How did you find us?: From You

That is really a neat pics. How are you guys? Peace be with you all, The O'Neill's

Nora Sailor - 07/31/99 20:14:10
My URL:http://www.msu.edu/~sailorno
My Email:knjjc@ivillage.com
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find us?: CathMoms!

GORGEOUS WEBSITE! I adore the pictures and the children! God Bless you!

Wendy Merola - 07/30/99 04:42:33
My Email:wmerola@Yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Austin, TX
How did you find us?: You Told me how

Shaharriet and James, Your family is beautiful, and I love you all. Take care and hope to see you soon. Love, Wendy

The Fennells - 07/29/99 13:44:35
Where are you from?: Austin,TX

Enjoyed viewing yours pictures, they are beautiful!

Lu Ann Day - 07/29/99 05:06:06
My Email:rday1849@cs.com
Where are you from?: Tennessee, USA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Shaharriet, I love you webpage and your kids are beautiful! You are in my prayers for the transfer to Alaska. YSIC, Lu Ann

the hickeys - 07/29/99 01:19:41

I really enjoyed the pictures. I hope all is going well there. What is happening?

Mary - 07/29/99 00:32:19
My URL:http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb176861
My Email:miryam71@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Illinois
How did you find us?: link

congrats on your upcoming baby.

Lorraine Skrinak - 07/29/99 00:16:11
My Email:Lorraine@Skrinak.com
Where are you from?: Cary, NC, USA
How did you find us?: My son forwarded your site to me

Your are to be commended on your beautiful home page and your committment to our Catholic faith. You express yourself so eloquently! God bless your beautiful family, Lorraine

Lorraine Skrinak - 07/29/99 00:13:12
My Email:Lorraine@Skrinak.com
Where are you from?: Cary, NC, USA
How did you find us?: My send forwarded your site to me

What a beautiful home page and what extraordinary comments and philosophy! You are to be commended on the beautiful ways you comment on and adhere to our Catholic faith. God bless your beautiful family! Lorraine

Catey - 07/29/99 00:00:23
My Email:CateyLu@aol.com
Where are you from?: Portland,ME
How did you find us?: Cathmoms email list

Nice work on the site! I need to learn html! Greetings from the wonderful New England state of Maine! Join us sometime for a vacation! We ain't (lol) called the Vacationland for nothin' Thanks Catey

sharon kierein - 07/28/99 22:30:18
My Email:skierein@isoc.net
Where are you from?: Ludlow, Ky (greater Cincinnati)
How did you find us?: I'm a friend from cathmoms

Good luck shaharriet and family! let us know when you've settled in to your new place. sharon

Lisa - 07/28/99 21:43:19
My Email:lmbiry@juno.com
Where are you from?: Austin
How did you find us?: How could I not?


Krisann Robles - 07/28/99 20:17:55
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/~hmschool
My Email:hmschool@sprynet.com
Where are you from?: Arizona, USA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

What a beautiful family! I love the kimonos too! Congratulations on the newest edition (Dec 99, right?)! Yours in Christ, Krisann

Jerri Lyn - 07/28/99 20:07:23
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/9063
My Email:weebaby@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Fairfax, VA USA
How did you find us?: gee, is Spam the right word? ;)

Dear Sharriet,
I love the picture of you and your family in kimonos! It's great. I also received a lot of satisfaction from reading about life in Japan. I have a friend from Tokyo, but she never explained the differences like you did, except the tee y-weeny Catholic population.

God Bless,
Jerri Lyn

Karen Poehailos - 07/28/99 19:37:22
My URL:http://www.cstone.net/~poedocs
My Email:poedocs@cstone.net
Where are you from?: Virginia
How did you find us?: need you ask?

Cute picture and a nice site. Don't look at mine too hard...I tried to go through our regular ISP and use Netscape Navigator for design, but I don't know how to do all the cute tricks...

conni govantes - 07/28/99 15:57:03
My Email:govantec@yahoo.com


Joe Conrad - 07/28/99 15:41:00
My Email:jconrad@fortwayne.infi.net
Where are you from?: Fort Wayne, IN USA
How did you find us?: Fate brought us together for some as yet unseen reason

It is a fine looking family!

La Juana Barton - 07/28/99 14:50:03
My Email:Lajuana barton@Senate.state.tx.us
Where are you from?: Dallas
How did you find us?: Guess

I wish you the best of everything and God's blessings on all your endeavors.

Michelle Parker - 07/28/99 12:34:56
My URL:http://www.aol.com/hometown/GOLRibbon/Gospel.htm
My Email:Away500@aol.com
Where are you from?: Santa Fe, NM
How did you find us?: Cathmoms list

God Bless You all!

Lisa - 07/28/99 12:13:06
Where are you from?: Cathmoms

Just wanted to say hello. The pictures are great especially the ones of the whole family. Everyone is so happy!! Love, Lisa

Jane - 07/28/99 06:05:03
My Email:Jane04
Where are you from?: California
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

You are truly blessed!

Mary Ann - 07/28/99 05:53:03
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/missionbell/index.html
Where are you from?: Australia
How did you find us?: Via Cathmoms Email list

Thank you for showing us pictures of your family. The URL above is about a St. Philomena miracle and there is a lot of information on St. Anthony etc.

Susan Glynn Mule' - 07/28/99 05:17:03
My Email:lily@bigeasy.net
Where are you from?: New Orleans, LA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

What a lovely site! It is very inspiring!

Jan Johnson - 07/28/99 04:19:52
My Email:janice@iftech.net
Where are you from?: Guam
How did you find us?: cathmoms

Nice site, Shaharriet. Hope you get your move to Alaska. Your family is in my prayers daily. Love, Jan

Lisa Bishop - 07/28/99 03:57:37
My URL:http://www.myfreeofficce.com/bmsi
My Email:llbishop@cheyennewweb.com
Where are you from?: Cheyenne, Wyoming

The pictures are lovely. I still have not succeeded in making a good website with pictures.

D. Montgomery - 07/28/99 03:46:07

Great pictures Sherri.Tell everyone hello.

Ali - 07/28/99 03:11:51
My Email:alicuts@planetkc.com
Where are you from?: Kansas City, MO
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

What a beautiful family!! I LOVE the picture--fun! You've done an excellent job with the website,too!! God Bless++JMJ

Cynthia - 07/28/99 02:14:00
My Email:bigbearp@ic.net
Where are you from?: MI
How did you find us?: cathmoms

Hope you can get to Anchorage. God bless.

Mary Chesebro - 07/28/99 01:45:54
My Email:chesebrofamily@juno.com
Where are you from?: Cathmoms!
How did you find us?: Your letter!

Shaharriet, what a beautiful family! I really liked the full family photo of y'all in the Japanese kimonos. Y'all are certainly photogenic! Glad I "visited." God bless!

Dorinda Hickey - 06/29/99 23:29:23


Bernie & Mark E. Reitzel - 06/19/99 02:22:46
My URL:http://www.kw.igs.net/~bermar
My Email:bermar@kw.igs.net
Where are you from?: Kitchener, On. Canada
How did you find us?: Through CathMoms

You have a fantastic page; your Catholic commitment in this materialistic age is most admirable. Wish you many years of happiness. Thank you for your prayers and congratulations. Bernie Reitzel

Esther C. Gefroh - 06/08/99 04:46:34
My Email:degef121292@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Honolulu
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms webring

Aloha Shaharriet and Family: Here I am signing your guest book. I really enjoyed your homepage. We (husband Dan and I) really enjoyed what you wrote about Japan. It brought back fond memories. We are not a military family. We were only in Japan for about 10 days but they were ve y memorable days! Take care and God bless you all! Esther, Dan and Joey Gefroh

Sue Hand (a Cathmom) - 05/25/99 13:44:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3113/
My Email:handfamilyhome@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Cincinnati, Ohio
How did you find us?: Our pro life guestbook :-)

Hi! Thank you for visiting our pro life page. I like the eloquence with which you spoke about your convictions re being open to life and to 'Let God and let go'. Dh and I have finally reached that point and it is so freeing! Looking back at our lives, we can see how the hand of Divine Providence has always guided us and provided for us. It's just amazing what God does for us and we're not even aware of it! Anyway, lest I take up all the space of your guestbook, I just wanted to let you know that you ave a great webpage. And, you have a beautiful family. See you on the Cathmom's List! Sue H. from Cinti.

Lynn and Joe Hotz - 05/08/99 16:56:44
My Email:JoeHotz@Texas.net
Where are you from?: Austin, Texas
How did you find us?: Your E-mail

Hi! How ya doin'? Nice to see your wonderful family. The kids have done a lot of growing since we've seen them!

Ginnie & Joanie - 04/28/99 02:09:31
Where are you from?: St. Catharines, Ontario
How did you find us?: Icq

You have a wonderful home page and family! All the best to you and your family.

Laura - 04/18/99 01:40:34
My Email:style4fun@aol.com
Where are you from?: cathmoms
How did you find us?: cathmoms

I think you have a beautiful family. You all look so loving. God Bless your family in all you do in His Name. Love and respect Laura J

Monica Isley - 04/17/99 16:56:29
My Email:nmisley@lakenet.com
Where are you from?: Two Harbors, Minn.
How did you find us?: Through CathMoms

Already sent you an e-mail. I won't overdo it--although I'm never at a loss for words!

Nora Sailor - 04/17/99 14:52:55
My Email:sailorno@pilot.msu.edu
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find us?: Fellow CathMom!

Shaharriet, your webpage is beautiful! The music you have playing is from my favorite hymn and I always cry when I hear it. I was a joy to open your webpage and have that wonderful music greet me! You and your family are in my prayers! Nora

wildcat - 04/16/99 14:38:57
My Email:uno_wildcat@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
How did you find us?: icq, you gave me the url

Thank you for the tour and information, i enjoyed visiting, you have a beautiful family and indeed are blessed. I enjoyed the sight and will share it with others. lets chat soon

Joe Ann Stafford - 04/15/99 19:15:34
My Email:andjoe@surfsouth.com
Where are you from?: Valdosta, Ga. 31602
How did you find us?: Shaharriet called!

Shaharriet and James I'm very elated for a couple who puts God first and keeps him there! Keep on trusting and believing in God and his son and you will always be happy and at peace.

Greg & Dawn - 04/07/99 17:48:35
My Email:camhull@superaje.com
Where are you from?: Lanark , Ontario, Canada
How did you find us?: Random Chat

You have a beautiful family and Japan sounds very interesting. We live in the country where alot of this land is untouched by man. The wildlife is not very scared of humans and sometimes courious. I had a deer stick her head in the window last fall and to k a bite off one of my plants. You have a wonderful life and may you all be happy.

Kim - 04/07/99 11:43:34
My Email:cmos@one.net.au
Where are you from?: Australia !
How did you find us?: cathmoms

Shaharriet, your page is just beautiful. Your family is lovely ! Your words are so inspiring, wish you were in our church. We have 5 children and now that Perrie has had his reversal, are hoping for as many as our Lord will send us. Blessings,Love Kim So wonderful to see your face, now I know who I have been "speaking" and "listening" to on cathmoms!

Mike Houchins - 04/06/99 03:57:22
My Email:mhouchins@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Baytown Texas

Just trying to find the origin of my name.

Debbie louderback - 03/29/99 14:42:58
My Email:debbielo@netnitco.net
Where are you from?: Indiana
How did you find us?: random chat

your home page is wounderfull very very interesting

Wendy Cukierski - 03/09/99 03:25:23
My URL:http://frontpage.velocity.net/roaminka/Cukierski/home.html
My Email:Amen_Sister@msn.com
Where are you from?: Upstate NY where the cows are!
How did you find us?: Cathmoms!

Shaharriet! What a Beautiful site and even more Beautiful family! I thoroughly enjoyed your pro life page and even found myself shouting Amen, Sister (..um, that's also my email address..wonder how I came up with that? ha,ha). God bless you and all the Houchin's! Love from the Cukierski's!

Lisa Cooper - 03/08/99 02:52:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Creek/4713/momslinks.html
My Email:kaytim@geocities.com
Where are you from?: New Jersey
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms e-mail list

Thanks Shaharriet. A beautiful site. You've got me wanting to move to Japan.

Sharon - 03/07/99 04:28:42
My Email:gagnon7@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: Kansas U.S.A>
How did you find us?: Catholic City

It appeared to me in your picture that you are biracial. I am a 45 year old mother of five ages 3 to 19. My husband died 8 months ago after complications from a bone marrow transplant after he was diagnosed with leukemia. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 16 yrs. I do not have to work because we are well off financially but I'm beginning to go crazy for lack of adult conversation. I hope to find a good Catholic husband and father for my kids. My husband I also were involved with Marriage En ounter and prepared engaged couples for marriage. We are prolife as 4 of our 5 kids are adopted. Although we are white our two youngest kids are African American. My youngest son Isaiah is also mildly autistic and is diagnosed with Pervasive Developmen Disorder. (The one therapy that has helped him improve dramatically over the past year has been sensory integration therapy.) He is 3 yrs old. and having a big family has also been of benefit to him as someone is always after him to talk or play so gets alot of attention. Please pray that someone special will come into my life and that I will choose carefully if God should give me the opportunity to have a second spouse. Take care and God Bless YOu! Sharon

Matthew Brosus - 03/06/99 12:41:07
My Email:mbrosius@msa.attmil.ne.jp
Where are you from?: Misawa Japan
How did you find us?: You played cards with us and asked me to check out the music on your page


Beverly Stenglein - 03/02/99 20:32:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~prindy
My Email:stenglein@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: From Oregon. Living in Mississippi courtesy of the US Air Force
How did you find us?: You signed my guest book.

You have a beautiful family!!! I love the music on your page. It is my favorite hymn. We too are a Catholic, Air Force family. I can't imagine trying to do an overseas PCS with six kids! God bless you and your family.

Cheryl Lynn Herman - 02/13/99 23:20:06
My Email:sissypoo@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Temecula, CA (USA)
How did you find us?: Shaharriet

Shaharriet: Thanks for sending me your web site!! Very interesting. I just got a puppy last Sunday, she is a 6 wk old Akita. I thought it appropriate to give her a Japanese name...she is named Hanako, which means "holiday flower", as she was born on the 25th of Decem er. Had no idea you are in such a neat place! Glad to hear there are still "Traditional" Catholics around!!!! :-) Take care & God bless!! Love from your sister in Christ, -Cheryl Lynn- (Cathmom group)

Elizabeth - 02/07/99 18:15:20
My Email:elizsor@umich.edu
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms of Four or more

Loved seeing your testimony to the Faith. Maybe you could someday add a page about what it is like to be Catholic in Japan, how your family "fits" with traditional Japanese, etc... I'm curious and I'd love to let my children read about it too!

Jill and David Barnett - 02/05/99 15:32:09
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/jillykins/index.html
My Email:davenjill@webtv.net
Where are you from?: PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA U.S.A.


Lestor - 02/04/99 13:15:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/3624/Erica/Erica.htm
My Email:lestorw@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Singapore
How did you find us?: From another guestbook

it's interesting to read about life in Japan. My ex-classmates went to Japan for two months as a form of study attachment in 1994, and I just missed out on it due to the large number of applicants. just want to say too that you've a nice home page. bes wishes. hope yoy can visit me too :-)

Mary - 02/04/99 12:38:39
My URL:http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb176861
My Email:miryam71@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Illinois
How did you find us?: thru your link on Cathmoms


Sandy - 02/04/99 07:34:02
My URL:http://member.aol.com/Foxyla8569
My Email:SWeiss6650@aaol.com
Where are you from?: Florida
How did you find us?: your email to me

Great page. Love the applet pic. God Bless. In his Love Sandy

RaNoda McClain - 02/03/99 01:42:42
My Email:Ranoda.D.McClain@xula.edu
Where are you from?: Port Arthur, Texas
How did you find us?: Well yall kinda found moi!


Gilda - 02/03/99 01:36:00
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~gilsworld/GilsWorld1.html
My Email:Gbat747637@aol.com
Where are you from?: N.Y.
How did you find us?: surfing

Sorry about that My addy was wrong, by the way your music is coollllll. Gilda

Gilda - 02/03/99 01:30:35
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~gilsworld/Gils World1.html
My Email:Gbat747637@aol.com

Hi, What a great looking Home page. your page is great nice links n background. I liked my visit be my Guest n sign my book. Thank you ~~~ Gilda

Ms. RaNoda McClain - 01/30/99 06:22:05
My Email:Ranoda.D.McClain@xula.edu


Jen aka Wabbitt - 01/29/99 22:09:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6145
My Email:jdodson@sw.cybersurf.de
Where are you from?: Schweinfurt, Germany
How did you find us?: you!

What an absolutely beautiful family. I have enjoyed my visit here. Thank you for sharing!

Kerry McKenzie - 01/29/99 08:06:46
My Email:kerry-a-mckenzie@fastlink.com.au
Where are you from?: Australia
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms

Hi Shaharriet & family, thanks for the invitation to visit your homepage. You have been blessed with a lovely family. And the hymn you have on your homepage is one of my favourites!

SCott and Sandra - 01/28/99 21:42:32
My URL:/~parrietc
My Email:parrietc@zam0.attnet.or.jp
Where are you from?: Michigan and Germany (US military serving in Japan)
How did you find us?: Your email...

You have a very nice site, we enjoyed looking around your home page. Keep up the good work...

Let me take you to Parriet's Pooh Place

Caryn - 01/28/99 18:32:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~purduegirl
My Email:purduegirl@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
How did you find us?: Returning the visit!

You have a wonderful page and you can feel your heart is really in it! Such beautiful children! I hope God continues to bless you... Please feel free to visit me anytime and I will check back in on you to see how your family is succeeding.

Heartland Bluffs Community Leader

Cissy - 01/28/99 02:54:52
My Email:Jp2weloveyou@juno.com
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find us?: Cathmom's

You have a WONDERFUL web site!!!!!!! It is so beautiful & i love the music. You & your family are truly blessed by God. :)

Gwen C. Blackledge - 01/27/99 14:07:30
My Email:gwenblac@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: Mississippi
How did you find us?: cathmom

Your story is very beautiful. Japan sounds great! Love your family's home page. Love and prayers,Gwen

Susie - 01/27/99 06:47:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/7156
Where are you from?: Washington state
How did you find us?: Your e-mail! =)

James & Shaharriet,
I have truly enjoyed your site! =) Thanks so much for inviting me over to meet your beautiful family! Your love for one another is evident in your words & photo's!
I spent a great deal of my childhood stationed in Japan! It s good to know that it hasn't changed much! I hope you and your family continue to enjoy your current tour!
Please stop by again sometime! We'd love to have you over! *S*

assumpta yau - 01/27/99 05:58:18
My Email:ayau@webtv.net
Where are you from?: hong kong
How did you find us?: catholic moms

now I am living in new jersey usa nice page how much to make a home page how much to maintain it

Heather Bishop - 01/27/99 05:09:53
My Email:jbishop@msw0.attnet.or.jp
Where are you from?: Misawa Japan
How did you find us?: I recived e mail from you

Hi, Im not sure how you sent your home page to me but it was nice..I too thought the baby in the middle was a doll..she just looked so perfect and tiny, And so pretty. My husbands name is Joe we live in the north area he is in the Navy. We have 4 children and have live in Japan for 3 years. Hope to see you around the base sometime. Heather Bishop

Diane Choquette - 01/27/99 03:27:25
My Email:warmup@together.net
Where are you from?: VERmont
How did you find us?: email discussion list

The world needs to hear this message and proclaim it from the rooftops! thanks!

Katie Simpson - 01/26/99 19:46:15

Nice job on the homepage, very good descriptions about Japan!!!

Sharon Kierein - 01/23/99 19:18:32
My Email:skierein@isoc.net
Where are you from?: Cincinnati OH
How did you find us?: Personal invite

Thanks for suggesting I come here. Your comments on families are wonderful and a blessing. I'll have to get the DH to read this later (after the trial for today-- he's really following that closely.) I only wish I'd had this kind of support for the first four kids. Thanks for your kindness and wisdom. sharon

Debbie - 01/22/99 19:13:34
My Email:debbiepage@usa.net
Where are you from?: Alberta, Canada
How did you find us?: cathmoms

It was so good to finally see who I've been talking to. You have a beautiful family. When I first saw the family pic, I thought one of your daughters was holding a little doll. She's so tiny. Japan sounds wonderful. God bless

Krisann - 01/20/99 18:43:21
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/hmschool
My Email:hmschool@m7.sprynet.com
Where are you from?: Sierra Vista, AZ, USA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

I really like your site! Come visit Holy Family Academy, when you have some free time. :-)

Wendy Merola - 01/13/99 05:56:51
My Email:wmerola@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Austin, Texas
How did you find us?: directions from you

Hello, Sharharriet, I finally found out how to get here! Loved the pictures and the music. Love, Wendy

Brenda Low - 12/27/98 16:18:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3535
My Email:dearbrenda@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Singapore
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Lovely family and great website. Enjoyed my visit as pages are informative. Will pop in again. Brenda

Deborah Fennell - 12/22/98 01:10:33
My Email:bfenn5353@aol.com
Where are you from?: Austin Texas
How did you find us?: your newsletter

Will write soon. Take care.

Jan - 12/20/98 03:38:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jiannette/home.html
My Email:jan45@apexmail.com
Where are you from?: San Francisco
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms webring

Hi! My husband (then in the Navy) and I were married in Japan and lived there a short time. I've enjoyed your wonderful pages. Come visit us too when you have time! God Bless!

Charissa - 12/10/98 03:18:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/christian77
My Email:carbonec@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: MS
How did you find us?: Web ring

You have have a beautiful family. May God keep you in his Grace.

Yolanda - 11/12/98 05:40:36
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:BMcvi23083
Where are you from?: Oregon
How did you find us?: Catholic Moms

God Bless your family. I will keep you in my prayers.

- 11/10/98 02:23:44

Where in the states are you from?

Julie Pilon - 11/09/98 21:28:10
My Email:pilonhouse@rc.net
Where are you from?: Ann Arbor, MI USA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

I read your pro-life page and I totally agree! We, as Catholic families, need to be open to life. We have six children so far. My family (fallen-away Catholics) constantly harass me about how many children we have. I wouldn't trade places with anyone; my hildren are such a wonderful blessing from God! My husband is one of 16 children, so his family is very supportive. May God bless your wonderful family! Julie

Laura J - 11/09/98 20:25:00
My URL:http://member.aol.com/style4fun/index.html
My Email:style4fun@aol.com
Where are you from?: KC, MO.
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Great page and pics!

Debbie Y. - 11/09/98 18:39:30
My Email:debbie@delnet.net
Where are you from?: Ohio
How did you find us?: Cath Moms ;-)

It's so nice to finally put a face with all your posts. Your children are *beautiful*. Debbie

Kyle Skrinak - 11/09/98 14:34:05
My URL:http://kyleskrinak.home.mindspring.com
My Email:kyleskrinak@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: Cary, NC
How did you find us?: James Houchins

Keep up the good work! May God bless you and your family; Kyle

Paula Sandlak - 11/09/98 04:38:38
My Email:prayrsary@juno.com
Where are you from?: Florida
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

What a wonderful site! I love the pictures. Now I will know who I am talking too when I post and can put a face to the name. I did however only count five in the family photo, I guess another has been added since? My father was in the Air Force for 36 years, we traveled all around but never got to Japan. I think it is a wonderful education for children. I learned a lot! Paula

Amy Koenig - 11/09/98 04:37:03
My Email:Amy@integrityonline31.com
Where are you from?: Blaine, Minnesota
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Hi Shaharriet! We're fellow Cathmoms! I've been a Cathmom since Aug. 96',but just lurk most of the time. I enjoyed your web site, Japan is most interesting! I can't believe how cheap you can get cars!! WOW! God Bless you and your beautiful family!! YSiC, Amy

MarieBernadette - 11/09/98 03:04:50
My Email:BMW1948
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Shaharriet.. I always love your posts and now I am able to enjoy getting to know the "at home you" and seeing your beautiful family. I really enjoyed your site. Thanks for inviting me... In His Love... MarieBernadette

Fran - 11/09/98 02:57:43
Where are you from?: Omaha Ne
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

What a beautiful site

Christina Lopez - 10/22/98 07:10:31
My Email:tmarie65@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Chandler,Az - U.S.A
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

You have a beautiful family.

10/03/98 02:55:49
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

LeeRoy McCurley - 09/30/98 14:39:31
My Email:mdmac1@aol.com
Where are you from?: Dallas Texas
How did you find us?: I know you guys

Nice page Shaharriett! I enjoyed it a lot!

Katie Cooke - 09/11/98 21:33:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/4554
My Email:cookes@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: San Angelo, TX (living in Misawa)
How did you find us?: E-mail

Great job, the page looks REALLY good!!

Lisa DeLuca - 09/10/98 16:17:47
My Email:radeluca@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Phoenix, AZ,USA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

It, a beautiful site, someday maybe I'll figure out how to do ours.I recognized the names of a few other cathmoms. It sure is nice to put a face with( or should I say faces)with an e-mail.

The Hickeys - 09/10/98 01:49:40
My Email:dhickey@rmci.net
Where are you from?: boise
How did you find us?: idaho

That is neat

Sonia Angus - 09/09/98 20:49:16
My Email:diamante@behrmann.net
Where are you from?: Haiti
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

Wonderful, wonderful web page. Very inspirational.

Jerri Lyn - 09/09/98 20:35:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9063
My Email:weebaby@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Fairfax, VA
How did you find us?: Cathmoms

It's so nice to have a face to put with the "chat!" Elvira did a beautiful job of designing your page (of course!) Keep up the good fight!

Susan Swehla - 09/09/98 17:21:20
My Email:Momz6@aolcom
Where are you from?: Iowa, USA
How did you find us?: You on Cathmoms

I love your homepage. It's pretty and informational. It's been a pleasure stopping by for a visit. Your family is beautiful! Love, Susan

REGINA MCCLOUD - 09/09/98 14:47:27
Where are you from?: Originally New York
How did you find us?: I met you on this wonderful tour in Japan

Being your friend has been such a blessing and i am thankful that God has blessed me with your presence in all senses of the word. You are there when i need you and especially when i need you to keep me on my toes. Your inspirational stories keep me tea y eyed and forever aware of Gods presence. If we should depart company always send me these little stories as they help keep me grounded. I have also enjoyed having Ms Viola Porter in my life also because sometimes I need someone to tell me I look nice r I am raising my children well. That means I am doing something right. Well I love you all and thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives. Gina

Diane Ziolkowski - 09/02/98 19:49:29
My Email:adziolkowski@sprint.ca
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
How did you find us?: Cyber Moms

It was really nice to see a face to go along with the person. I think you have such a beautiful family. I also enjoyed being your secret sister. What a beautiful home page, could you explain how to make up such a home page? Bye for now

Jennifer - 09/01/98 21:31:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/7329
My Email:crispinj@interquest.de
Where are you from?: Ramstein AB, Germany
How did you find us?: Catholic Cyber Mom's

What a small world! I was admiring your beautiful site (you are blessed with children) when I saw the names of Carol-Anne and Dean Anderson. I think we knew them in Aviano, and if I have the names right, they are good friends with my 2-year-old's God-pa ents! What a small world. You have a beautiful site.

Joe Conrad - 09/01/98 01:55:24
My Email:jconrad@fortwayne.infi.net
Where are you from?: Fort Wayne IN

You all DO have a nice looking family!

Michael & Ivette Harrington and Baby Michael II - 08/29/98 16:36:22
Where are you from?: Misawa
How did you find us?: YOU

WOW this is really nice yopu have to help me make one up.....

Lea - 08/20/98 04:10:59
My Email:SCOTTNLEA@prodigy.net
Where are you from?: All around the world
How did you find us?: From you LOL

It is very neat you did a good job on it. Peace, Lea

Richard & Natasha Brooks - 08/20/98 02:41:41
My Email:brooks@ptialaska.net
Where are you from?: Kodiak Alaska
How did you find us?: Shaharriet showing off.. :o)

Beautiful site! May the Lord bless the Houchins family, as He has already blessed them, forever.

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