by Helen M. Motti
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Have you listened to a robin
Telling Spring's eternal story?
While all Nature wakes from slumber
Bursting forth in timeless glory!
Have you watched the stars -twinkling?
Jewels, gleaming in the sky
As they shine thru night's dark cover,
And a patient moon hangs high.
Have you seen the saffron orange,
Golden yellow, and bright red,
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As the trees, all dressed for Autumn,
Flaunt their colors overhead?
Have you heard the crunch of new snow
Underfoot, when all is still?
Felt the crisp, cold air bring shivers,
Painting cheeks with Winter's chill?
Seasons pass by, oh, so quickly
As the months turn into years,
And our old frinds seem much dearer,
Sharing laughter, sharing tears.
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It's good to find a quiet time
Somewhere in a busy day,
A time for rest, for tranquil thoughts,
A peaceful time to pray:
Reflecting on the wonders,
Daily Challenges and strife,
Thanking God for all His blessings
And the Miracle of Life.