Christmas time is drawing near,
And to my delight I find
That as the day comes closer,
I get younger, at least in my mind.
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The preparations before his day,
There are oh so very many.
Gotta buy the gifts, clean the house,
And bake the cookies a plenty.
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The decorations get all unpacked,
Each item on the list is checked.
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Slowly but surely the house, inside and out,
Is all cheerfully bedecked.

The day draws closer, but oh so fast,
And everything becomes a blur.
Expectations increase with each passing day,
And Oh no! What do I get for her?

Finally, it’s Christmas Eve.
Thank God all that work is done.
The kids are at last sound asleep.
Tomorrow I know they’ll have fun.
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But for now I quietly sit in my chair.
I’ll be the last one to fall asleep.
I try to relax, run the list through my mind,
As a cup of tea continues to steep.
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“What did I forget?” I ask myself.
There’s usually at least one thing.
All the gifts are wrapped, no more to buy.
Did that little bell, unaided, just ring?

Then suddenly I realize
Exactly what it is I forgot.
The reason for the season.
How could I put myself in this spot?

I quietly arise from my chair
and walk over to the tree
piled high underneath with gifts galore
for my entire family.
I saw an amazing abundance there,
Each gift so beautifully wrapped,
And I realize that I had forgotten
To thank the child in swaddling clothes wrapped.
So I took the time to quietly thank
The One for whom on this day
We have a reason to celebrate.
The words flowed as I began to pray.
Thank you ,God , for loving us
Much more than we’ll ever know.
To send Your Son to us on this day
Knowing You’d have to let Him go.
No greater sacrifice than that
Can someone do for another
And believe me when I say I know
For I am also a mother.
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Without this wonderful sacrifice
Where would all Your children be?
We’d be lost, afraid, a worthless bunch
A drift on a dark, scary sea.

The meaning of the season
Gets lost in all the rush,
How nice to remember it all tonight
In the night’s snowy, quiet hush.
As the hour approaches midnight
I smile as I remember a story
About how the animals started to talk
With their words, they proclaimed His glory.
How wonderful it sure would be
To see that happen first hand.
But it’s only a story someone made up
But boy, oh boy, wouldn’t it be grand.

The fire in the fireplace
Has burned down to its last ember
But I can still feel it’s warmth
Take the chill off this night in December.

As I drink my tea and enjoy its warmth
More thankful I couldn’t be
For everything given to me in my life
From my Father above to me.
Tomorrow the kids will wake up early
And happily run to the tree
Seeing all of the gifts wrapped in ribbons of gold
Their giggles and laughs full of glee.
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But there is one last thing that I must do
Before the dawn of Christmas day.
I pick up the bible, open it up
From the table where is does lay.
I find my favorite passages,
Chapters and verses that tell
The story of the Child’s birth
The one that I know so well.

I mark the spot in that holy book
And return it to its place of rest
For tomorrow before one gift is opened
On my knees with my children rest.
I will read them that wonderful story
About how upon that day
A man and his wife had a baby who
Is the One to whom now we pray.

I will tell them about how this child
Grew up into a quiet, gently man
Who one day would die for all of the sins
Of each woman and child and man.

And because of this most loving sacrifice
Where this man had to lose his life
Mankind had not to worry again
About any eternal strife.
Our Father in heaven loves us so
That He wanted us not to suffer
For what mischievous children will do
So his Son for us had to suffer.
I check the fire just to make sure
Each ember is finally out.
I climb the stairs, and check on the kids
Tomorrow I know they’ll not pout.
I quietly, gently climb into be
My spouse not wanting to wake
And silently say just one more prayer
Thank you, God, you died for my sake.

As sleep slowly falls upon me
And the snow falls gently outside
A noise suddenly makes me sit up and look
With my eyes opened ever so wide.

Suddenly right before me I saw
A beautiful angel all a glow
Who said to me, “I’ve a message from God”
From this angel I felt God’s love flow.
“He told me to tell you how happy
You have made Him on this night
For you remembered the reason how and why
He helped mankind with his plight.

And all He asks and all He wants
Is for everyone else to see
That He is the one who loves everyone
And that’s how it always will be.”

Then the angel quietly faded from sight
But left a beautiful thing behind
A warmth in my heart with me always to be
Always there for me to find.
So finally I fall asleep
And snuggle against my spouse
Knowing deep within my happy heart
That God had always blessed our house.
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