Carol's Place of
Page two
This page is dedicated to Alanon
In my search for graphics, I just happened upon this site. It looks like a site full of
information not only for those addicted to alcohol but also for those of us who care about
an alcoholic. And it is a site anyone with any internet browser can visit.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Yesterday is history,
tomorrow a mystery,
but today is God's gift.
That's why it's called the present.

Don't worry about tomorrow. God is already there.
Wasting today, worrying about tomorrow, will not
make us any better prepared for difficulties that may
present themselves.
If they do manifest, those painful problems will not
hurt any less tomorrow, whether we have stewed
about them or set them aside today.
All our preparation will not have spared us a single
ounce of pain.
In fact, it will have lengthened our
suffering, since we'll have added all that extra
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Each day is like a work of art
that's yet to be designed,
an empty canvas waiting for
the dreams that fill your mind.
Your talents and strengths
are like the colors you can choose
to paint the pictures of your life
in any way you choose.
If we have one foot in yesterday
and one foot in tomorrow
we are-------away today.
Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

Let Go and Let God.
Keep It Simple
One Day at a Time
Just for
Progress not perfection
Easy Does It
First Things First
Important is it?
Live and Let Live
Listen and Learn
But for the
Grace of God...
Keep an Open Mind
Let Go, Let God
by Helen Parker
I learned after so many failures
and wrong decisions I made;
To let go and let God do the doing,
but there was a price to be paid.
My Mind was filled with worries and fears
and my health was beginning to fail,
I got to the lowest ebb in my life,
like a sailboat without a sail.
And, then at this point, I fell to my knees,
"God, if You're real, let me know."
Then a wise, small voice in my spirit said-
"I'm waiting for you to let go."
The Present
by Clay Harrison
Every sunrise is a present,
A gift from God above,
Gift-wrapped with
scarlet ribbons
And tied with bows of love.

Each day's a new beginning,
A time to start anew,
While all the stars are
And the rose is fresh with dew.
Every day's a new creation,
Too lovely to ignore,
And we may find a
Just outside our door.

We cannot keep the past
Like fireflies in a jar,
Nor journey to the future
wishing on a star.
Every sunrise is a blessing,
A gift for just today.
Rejoice, my
friend, embrace it
Before it fades away!
By Janice E. Wright
Oh, Lord, I face a change
And it scares me some, that's true-
knowing all the details and
Feeling kind of blue!
But Lord, I want to tell You
That Your Word does help me so;
It gives me
strength in knowing, You
Are with me 'ere I go.
The trees will go on leafing,
The sun will shine on cue -
No matter what may
come or go,
I know You'll see me through!
Of this Your Word assures me,
That You direct my way,
And the reason for these
changes will
Be shown to me some day!
God's in Control
by Betty Purser Patten
Don't ever get disheartened...
no matter what life brings,
Our God alone
is in control...
and watching over things.
He has a look-out on your life...
from sunset till sunrise,
And nothing ever
that will take Him by surprise.
He knows each teardrop you will shed...
He knows just how to dry it,
He only
wants what's best for you...
have faith, and don't deny it.
Our God controls the Universe...
each second of its span,
And He controls the
of each child in His plan.
Our God will not abandon you...
His love has no loophole,
His eye is always
watching you...
He's in complete control.
To Live God's Will
by Marilyn McNeil de Latour
Let me search until I find Him
Never let me tire,
Guide me on the road I
To reach my heart's desire.
Never let me fail to follow
God's prevailing road.
Always give me strength to
My own peculiar load.
Keep me on the straight and narrow
Even when I'm standing still,
For that's the
purpose of it all
To do and live God's will.

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