God Show Me How
by Grace E. Easley
God give me wisdom to discern
Just where I am most needed
And grant nobody's cry for help
To me, shall go unheeded.
Let me see into those hearts
Who hide their deepest pain
And show me how to write the words
To bring them hope again.
Lord, You have given me so much
And now I want to share
The Love with which You shower me,
With people everywhere.
Though I brought nothing to this world
And that is how I'll leave it,
May all my poems ring out with Faith,...
The way that I believe it.
God Will Answer
by Chris Zambernard
Sometimes I moan and grumble
In the dealing of life's hand,
But somehow I journey onward
Seeing His love in this plan.
Oh, I'm sure I wouldn't travel
Very far without his aid,
And from the tests we all encounter
Let's each worship and give praise.
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Though a smooth path may bring pleasure
It takes fortitude and strength,
To walk the rugged valley
Where it never seems to end.
Like the darkness of a tunnel
And no mountain view in sight,
Like a cross that's e're so heavy
Like a winter without light.
But somehow His tender mercy,
Like a beacon light to guide,
Will assist each weary traveler
If we'd just but realize-
Realize that God will answer
In His way...
and in His time,
Then our mission will prove worthy
And our trials prove divine.
I Saw God Today
by Susan M. Walter
I traveled many miles today,
With a promise in my heart
That God would be at every turn,
In every wondrous part.
He took His vast world canvas
Brushed in a cloudy sky,
Painted every blade of grass,
And majestic mountains high.
he greatest artist daily adds
A special touch each day.
I know He's always near me-
I kept seeing God today.
He Holds My Hand
by June W. Mills
When I am grieved, down-cast, alone,
And tears flow down my cheeks unknown,
He drives the sorrow from my heart,
New happiness and joys impart;
He clears the paths that once seemed rough,
He holds my hand,
That is enough.
Why should He all my burdens bear?
Why should He all my sorrows share?
And when my feet are wont to stray
He guides them on the narrow way.
I only know when roads are rough,
He holds my hand,
That is enough.
Because of Jesus'love for me
He trod the road to Calvary;
He paid the ransom price for me
And shed His blood upon the tree.
Now, if my path be smooth or rough,
He holds my hand,
that is enough.
Just trust Him and His cleansing blood,
And rest in His great matchless love;
He came, your precious soul to save,
That you, eternal life might have;
And if your path be smooth or rough,
He'll hold our hand,
'Twill be enough.
God Knows Best
by Rachel Hartnett
God knows best in ev'rything,
Though we can't always understand
Why things don't work out
Exactly as we've planned.
For He knows when it's time to bring
The sunshine or the rain,
And an always cheerful rainbow
To alleviate our pain,
So always look to God above
When your soul is needing rest,
And you will soon be confronted
By knowing He knows best.
God Knows It All
by Helen Parker
He knows our thoughts,
our words, our deeds
Each hour of the day.
He never fails to listen
As we kneel to Him and pray.
And even when you often feel
Your prayers are all in vain,
My friend, be still and listen-
You can hear Him call your name.
He will comfort you in trials,
Console you when you're blue;
You'll never walk alone thrulife
He's always there for you.
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