Coyote Football!!
Alice High School The Coyote Experience Has To Be Felt To Be Appreciated
Alice National Little League- Index- Alice- WarmFuzzies- Kids- Salvation- Testimony- Jokes- Opinion- Always Remember 09/11/01- Coyote Football- Chat- Teens talk about God- The full version of the Serenity Prayer- Alice Church Group Happenings
In Alice, a lot of the folks are just born Coyote Football Fans.  Courtesy of the Alice Echo News
One of the most exciting and enjoyable things that we have come to anticipate is Alice Coyote Sports. Most everyone here in Alice knows what they will be doing on Friday nights....Either listening to the high school game on the radio, or going to the game and cheering the Coyotes (pronounced kai- yoats) to victory. We have had very good teams for the past eight  years that I know of, and have usually been one of the top contenders in whichever division we were in. We have floated back and forth between division 4-A and division 5-A, and have done well in both divisions. I will try to put the scores of our games in as soon as I can update them. E-mail me with scores and suggestions for things to put on here 
Well, we have our season tickets, our bench pads, our blankets and umbrellas ready. You can listen to all the regular season games on KOPY 92.1 FM or 1070 AM. You can also listen online at TSRNSPORTS.COM. There is another really good and informative Coyote site, Alice Coyote.Com, it is really in depth in the Coyote Experience and history (and it's pretty cool!). Make sure you have your speakers on when you enter.
The Salvation Army is a trusted charity that helps out in all kinds of disasters, big and small. They are in need of your donations NOW, as the disaster that we are facing is probably the biggest that we have ever faced.Click the banner to help
     Well, another season of Coyote Football came to a close tonight, with the Coyotes losing their game 51 to 14. We didn't do as bad as the score seems, as their linemen were big, and their backs were quick. Our guys did what they could, and we are proud of them. It's always tough on the seniors losing the last game, but it is kind of a right of passage. The hurt will pass, and the pain will heal, but the Coyote heart and spirit will be there always. Good job guys, we will remember you. Thank you for spending all those days at practice, even when you didn't think you could make it anymore. Thank you for going over all those plays again and again and again.  Thank you for practicing and playing in the heat, in the cold, and in the rain. Thank you for being Coyotes.

Hail Alice High, the school we love so dear.
Where friends we've met, we'll not forget
Throughout the coming years.
So here's to the orange and the white,
The colors for which we fight.
Let's pledge anew and all be true
To dear old Alice High!
Alice Fight Song
On ya Coyotes, On ye Coyotes, On ye Coyotes Forward against the foe. We will win thru thick or thin. Forever as we go, go, go, go. Orange and White forever fight. We're Coyotes 'til the end. Fight Coyotes fight, fight, fight. And win, win, win.
GO!!! FIGHT!!! WIN!!!
                  COYOTE  SCHEDULE

Date                     Day                                                  Opponent     Site






Dallas Cowboys' Web Page
Minnesota Vikings Web Page
The NFL team to beat this year (according to me anyway)