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Brilliance In Humanity! | ||||||||||||||||||
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This page is devoted to all the little things that make you shake your head and wonder "Why?" Some of these entries are kinda cute, others are really stupid, but I will leave it up to you to decide which. If you have any items to add to this page, E-mail them to me and I will post them as time and room permits. | ||||||||||||||||||
Alice National Little League- Index- Alice- WarmFuzzies- Kids- Salvation- Testimony- Jokes- Opinion- Always Remember 09/11/01- Coyote Football- Chat- Teens talk about God- The full version of the Serenity Prayer- Alice Church Group Happenings | ||||||||||||||||||
Subject: Signs That You've Had To Much Of The '90s 1. You try to enter your password on the microwave. 2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3. 4. You e-mail your buddy who works at the desk next to you. 5. You chat several times a day with a stranger from South America, but you haven't spoken to your next door neighbor yet this year. 6. You buy a computer and a week later it is out of date. 7. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends is that they do not have e-mail addresses. 8. You consider the U.S. Mail painfully slow and/or call it "snail mail". 9. Your idea of being organized is multiple colored post-it notes. 10. You hear most of your jokes via email instead of in person. 11. When you go home after a long day at work you still answer the phone in a business manner. 12. When you make phone calls from home, you accidentally insert a "9" to get an outside line. 13. You've sat at the same desk for four years and worked for three different companies. 14. Your company's welcome sign is attached with Velcro. 15. Your resume is on a diskette in your pocket. 16. You really get excited about a 1.7% pay raise. 17. You learn about your redundancy on the 11 o'clock news. 18. Your biggest loss from a system crash was when you lost all of your best jokes. 19. Your supervisor doesn't have the ability to do your job. 20. Contractors outnumber permanent staff and are more likely to get long-service awards. 21. Board members salaries are higher than all the Third World countries annual budgets combined. 22. It's dark when you drive to and from work, even in the summer. 23. You know exactly how many days you've got left until you retire. 24. Interviewees, despite not having the relevant knowledge or experience, terminate the interview when told of the starting salary. 25. You see a good looking, smart person and you know it must be a visitor. 26. Free food left over from meetings is your staple diet. 27. Your supervisor gets a brand-new state-of-the-art laptop with all the latest features, while you have time to go for lunch while yours' boots up. 28. Being sick is defined as you can't walk or you're in the hospital. 29. You're already late on the assignment you just got. 30. There's no money in the budget for the five permanent staff your department is short of, but they can afford four full-time management consultants advising your boss's boss on strategy. 31. Vacation time is something you roll over to next year. 32. Every week another brown collection envelope comes around because someone you DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WORKED THERE is leaving. 33. Your relatives and family describe your job as "works with computers." 34. The only reason you recognize your kids is because their pictures are on your desk. 35. You only have makeup for fluorescent lighting. 36. You read this entire list, and kept nodding and smiling. 37. As you read this list, you think about forwarding it to your "friends you send jokes to" e-mail group. 38. It crosses your mind that your jokes group may have seen this list already, but you don't have time to check so you forward it anyway. |
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If your VCR has a year setting on it, which most do, you will not be able to use the programmed recording feature after 12/31/99. Don't throw it away. Instead, set it for the year 1972 as the days are the same as the year 2000. The manufacturers won't tell you. They want you to buy a new Y2,000 VCR. This would probably work well for other appliances as well. |
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This was sent to me by my best buddy Bill, who got it from Volley Ford Today, more than ever, I realized that laughter is good medicine. Hope these stories bring a smile to you! From the "True Encounters with the Intellectually Challenged" Files I was signing the receipt for my credit card purchase when the clerk noticed that I had never signed my name on the back of the credit card. She informed me that she could not complete the transaction unless the card was signed. When I asked why, she explained that it was necessary to compare the signature on the credit card with the signature I just signed on the receipt. So I signed the credit card in front of her. Shecarefully compared that signature to the one I signed on the receipt. As luck would have it, they matched. An actual tip from page 16 of the HP "Environmental, Health & Safety Handbook for Employees: "Remember to blink your eyelids periodically to lubricate your eyes." I live in a semi-rural area. We recently had a new neighbor call the local township administrative office to request the removal of the Deer Crossing sign on our road. The reason: So many deer were being hit by cars that he no longer wanted them to cross there. My daughter went to a local Taco Bell and ordered a taco. She asked the individual behind the counter for "minimal lettuce." He said he was sorry, but they only had iceberg. I was at the airport, checking in at the gate, when the airport employee asked, "Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?" I said, "If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?" He smiled and nodded knowingly, "That's why we ask." The stoplight on a nearby corner buzzes when it is safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an intellectually challenged co-worker of mine, when she asked if I knew what the buzzer was for. I explained that it signals to blind people when the light is red. She responded, appalled, "What on earth are blind people doing driving?": At a good-bye lunch for an old and dear coworker who was leaving the company due to "downsizing," our manager spoke up and said, "this is fun. We should have lunch like this more often." Not another word was spoken. We just looked at each other like deer staring into the headlights of an approaching truck. I worked with an Individual who plugged her power strip back into itself and for the life of her could not understand why her system would not turn on.: When my husband and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our car, we were told that the keys had been accidentally locked in it. We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver's side door. As I watched from the passenger's side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered it was open. "Hey," I announced to the technician, "It's open!" "I know," answered the young man.- "I already got that side." |
Church Bulletin Bloopers 1. This afternoon, there will be a meeting in the south and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized in both ends. 2. Tuesday at 4 pm there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk come early. 3. Thursday at 5 pm there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers club. All ladies wishing to be Little Mothers please meet with the pastor in his study. 4. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Johnson to come forward and lay an egg at the altar. 5. The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement on Friday afternoon. 6. A bean super will be held on Saturday evening in the church basement. Music will follow. 7. The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Belzer. 8. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. 9. Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community. 10. Potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow. 11. Don't let worry kill you off - let the church help. |
Only in America...... Can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance Are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink. Do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front Do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke Do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counter Do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage Do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place Do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight Do we use the word "politics" to describe the process so well: "Poli" in latin means "many" and "tics" meaning "bloodsucking creatures." Do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering. Can a homeless combat veteran live in a cardboard box and a draft dodger live in the White House |
Actual Label Instructions on consumer goods: On Sears hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping. ( Gee, that's the only time I have to work on my hair!) On a bag of Fritos:You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside. (The shoplifter special!) On a bar of Dial soap: Directions: Use like regular soap. (And that would be how?) On some Swann frozen dinners: Serving suggestion: Defrost.(But it's "just" a suggestion!) On a hotel provided shower cap in a box: Fits one head. (Really?) On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: (printed on bottom of the box) Do not turn upside down. (Too late! You lose!) On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: Product will be hot after heating. (Are you sure??? Let's experiment.) On packaging for a Rowenta iron: Do not iron clothes on body.(But wouldn't that save more time?) On Boot's Children's cough medicine: Do not drive car or operate machinery. (We could do a lot to reduce the rate of construction incidents if wejust kept those 5 year olds off those fork lifts.) On Nytol sleep aid: Warning: may cause drowsiness. (One would hope!) On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights: For indoor or outdoor use only. (As opposed to use in outer space?) On a Japanese food processor: Not to be used for the other use. (Now I'm curious.) On Sainsbury's peanuts: Warning: contains nuts. (But no peas?) On an American Airlines packet of nuts: Instructions: open packet, eat nuts. (Have a lobotomy) On a Swedish chainsaw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.(What is this, a home castration kit?) On a child's Superman costume: Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.(That's right, destroy a universal childhood fantasy!) |
You couldn't possibly make these up... I am a medical student currently doing a rotation in toxicology at the poison control center. Today, this woman called in very upset because she caught her little daughter eating ants. I quickly reassured her that the ants are not harmful and there would be no need to bring her daughter into the hospital. She calmed down, and at the end of the conversation happened to mention that she gave her daughter some ant poison to eat in order to kill the ants. I told her that she better bring her daughter in to the Emergency room right away. Seems that a year ago, some Boeing employees on the field decided to steal a life raft from one of the 747s. They were successful in getting it out of the plane and home. When they took it for a float on the River, they were quite surprised by a Coast Guard helicopter coming towards them. It turned out that the chopper was homing in on the emergency locator that is activated when the raft is inflated. They are no longer employed there. I worked for a while at a Wal-Mart store, selling sporting goods. As an employee of Wal-Mart you are sometimes required to make storewide pages, e.g., "I have a customer in hardware who needs assistance at the paint counter." One night a tentative female voice came over the intercom system with the (I kid you not) following message: "I have a customer by the balls in toys who needs assistance." A police officer had a perfect hiding place for watching for speeders. But one day, everyone was under the speed limit, the officer found the problem: a 10 year old boy was standing on the side of the road with a huge hand painted sign which said "RADAR TRAP AHEAD." A little more investigative work led the officer to the boy's accomplice, another boy about 100 yards beyond the radar trap with a sign reading,"TIPS" and a bucket at his feet, full of change. A true story out of San Francisco: A man, wanting to rob a downtown Bank of America, walked into the branch and wrote "this iz a stikkup. Put all your muny in this bag." While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, he began to worry that someone had seen him write the note and might call the police before he reached the teller window. So he left the Bank of America and crossed the street to Wells Fargo. After waiting a few minutes in line, he handed his note to the Wells Fargo teller. She read it and, surmising from his spelling errors that he wasn't the brightest light in the harbor, told him that she could not accept his stickup note because it was written on a Bank of America deposit slip and that he would either have to fill out a Wells Fargo deposit slip or go back to Bank of America. Looking somewhat defeated, the man said "OK" and left. The Wells Fargo teller then called the police who arrested the man a few minutes later, as he was waiting in line back at Bank of America. A motorist was unknowingly caught in an automated speed trap that measured his speed using radar and photographed his car. He later received in the mail a ticket for $40 and a photo of his car. Instead of payment, he sent the police department a photograph of $40. Several days later, he received a letter from the police that contained another picture - of handcuffs. A woman was reporting her car as stolen, and mentioned that there was a car phone in it. The policeman taking the report called the phone and told the guy that answered that he had read the ad in the newspaper and wanted to buy the car. They arranged to meet, and the thief was arrested. Drug Possession Defendant Christopher Jansen, on trial in March in Pontiac, Michigan, said he had been searched without a warrant. The prosecutor said the officer didn't need a warrant because a "bulge" in Christopher's jacket could have been a gun. Nonsense, said Christopher, who happened to be wearing the same jacket that day in court. He handed it over so the judge could see it. The judge discovered a packet of cocaine in the pocket and laughed so hard he required a five minute recess to compose himself. Oklahoma City: Dennis Newton was on trial for the armed robbery of a convenience store in a district court when he fired his lawyer. Assistant district attorney Larry Jones said Newton, 47, was doing a fair job of defending himself until the store manager testified that Newton was the robber. Newton jumped up, accused the woman of lying and then said, "I should have blown your (expletive) head off." The defendant paused, then quickly added, "if I'd been the one that as there." The jury took 20 minutes to convict Newton and recommended a 30 year sentence. R.C. Gaitlan, 21, walked up to two patrol officers who were showing their squad car computer equipment to children in a Detroit neighborhood. When he asked how the system worked, the officer asked him for identification. Gaitlan gave them his drivers license, they entered it into the computer, and moments later they arrested Gaitlan because information on the screen showed Gaitlan was wanted for a two year old armed robbery in St. Louis, Missouri. A Guy walked into a little corner store with a shotgun and demanded all the cash from the cash drawer. After the cashier put the cash in a bag, the robber saw a bottle of scotch that he wanted behind the counter on the shelf. He told the cashier to put it in the bag as well, but he refused and said "Because I don't believe you are over 21." The robber said he was, but the clerk still refused to give it to him because he didn't believe him. At this point the robber took his drivers license out of his wallet and gave it to the clerk. The clerk looked it over, and agreed that the man was in fact over 21 and he put the scotch in the bag. The robber then ran from the store with his loot. The cashier promptly called the police and gave the name and address of the robber that he got off the license. They arrested the robber two hours later. A pair of Michigan robbers entered a record shop nervously waving revolvers. The first one shouted, "Nobody move!" When his partner moved, the startled bandit shot him. |