- The Lion and the Mouse
by Aesop
- Move Over, Twerp
by Martha Alexander
- Mary Alice, Operator Number
by Jeffrey Allen
- It's Not Your Birthday
by Berte Amoss
- Red Fox and the Hungry Tiger
by Paul Anderson
- In a Pumpkin Shell
by Joan Anglund
- Anno's Counting Book
by Mitsumasa Anno
- Come Out, Muskrats
by Jim Arnosky
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff
by Peter Christian Asbjornsen
- Moongame
by Frank Asch
- Old Black Fly
by Jim Aylesworth
- Bah! Humbug?
by Lorna Balian
- Mr. Willoughby's Christmas Tree
by Robert Barry
- Hosie's Alphabet
by Leonard Baskin
- Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth
by Lucy Bate
- One Old Oxford Ox
by Nicola Bayley
- Madeline and the Bad Hat
by Ludwig Bemelmans
- Bears in the Night
by Stan and Jan Berenstain
- Old Hat, New Hat
by Stan and Jan Berenstain
- Guess What?
by Roger Bester
- The Lonely Prince
by Bolliger
- Little Gorilla
by Ruth L. Bornstein
- Clifford the Small Red Puppy
by Norman Bridwell
- Clifford's ABC
by Norman Bridwell
- D.W. All Wet
by Marc Brown
- Hand Rhymes
by Marc Brown
- The Quiet Noisy Book
by Marc Brown
- Michael is Brave
by Helen Elizabeth Buckley
- John Burningham's Opposites
by John Burningham
- The Kindergarten Book
by Calmenson
- The Mixed Up Chameleon
by Eric Carle
- The Witch Who Forgot
by Carley
- The Moon Came Too
by Carlstrom
- Patrick's Dinosaurs
by Carrick
- One Red Rooster
by Kathleen S. Carroll
- Molly Pink
by Judith Caseley
- The Cobweb Christmas
by Shirley Climo
- Will I Have a Friend?
by Miriam Cohen
- My Mom Made Me Go to School
by Judy Delton
- Watch Out for the Chicken Feet in Your
by Tomie De Paola
- Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
by Lois Ehlert
- Ape in a Cape
by Fritz Eichenberg
- Klippety Klop
by Emberley
- Up to Ten and Down Again
by Lisa Campbell Ernest
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf
by Katherine Evans
- ABC Book
by C. B. Falls
- Wait for William
by Majorie Flack
- Hattie and the Fox
by Mem Fox
- I'd Rather Get a Spanking Than
Go to the Doctor
by Karen Frandsen
- A Pocket for Corduroy
by Don Freeman
- A Rainbow Of My Own
by Don Freeman
- Beady Bear
by Don Freeman
- The Chalk Box Story
by Don Freeman
- Millions of Cats
by Wanda Gag
- Gingerbread Boy
by Paul Galdone
- And So Can I
by Gillham
- What Time Is It?
by Grey
- Nobody Listens to Andrew
by Elizabeth Guilfoile
- The Wonderful Hay Tumble
Special Order
by Harris
- Pat the Cat
by Colin Hawkins
- Tog the Dog
by Colin Hawkins
- This Is the Bear
by Sarah Hayes
- Count and See
by Tana Hoban
- Danny and the Dinosaur
by Syd Hoff
- One Fine Day
by Nonny Hogrogian
- The House That Jack Built
by Hous
- Harry and Tuck
by Holly Keller
- The Carrot Seed
by Ruth Kraus
- One Minute Bedtime Stories
VHS Tape
by Shari Lewis
- Where Is It?
by Dee Lillegard
- Prince Bertram the Bad
by Arnold Lobel
- Bizzy Bones and the Lost Quilt
by Jacqueline Martin
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
What Do You See?
by Bill Martin, Jr.
- There's a Dinosaur in the Park
by Rodney Martin
- Who Is Coming?
by Pat McKissack
- Tikki Tikki Tembo
by Arlene Mosel
- Who Took the Farmer's Hat
by Joan L. Nodset
- Joshua James Likes Trucks
by Catherine Petrie
- Too Many Balloons
by Catherine Petrie
- The Little Engine That Could
by Watty Piper
- Harry's Night Out
by Pizer
- The Blind Man and the Elephant
by Quigley
- The Dog Who Had Kittens
by Polly M. Robertus
- Come to Town
by Anne F. Rockwell
- The Little Red House
by Sawicki
- Annabelle Swift, Kindergartner
by Amy Schwartz
- The Sesame Street Book of Shapes
by Sesame Street
- From One to One Hundred
by Teri Sloat
- A Pet for Pat
by Pegeen Snow
- Starting School
by Stanek
- "Stand Back," Said the Elephant,
"I'm Going to Sneeze!"
by Patricia Thomas
- Pumpkin, Pumpkin
by Jeanne Titherington
- Where Does the Brown Bear Go?
by Nicki Weiss
- Rumplestiltskin
by Zelinsky
- The Beautiful Rat
by Zemach
- Billy's Balloon Ride
by Reiner Zimmick