Book Review Page
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R." time every
Drop Everything
And Read
Lake County Public
Recommended Reading List
Second Grade
These books can be found
in your school library
or most public libraries.
The links take you to reviews I have done from
books I have read before or books I have read to
my sister, Kirsten!
* Amazon Boy * Amelia
Bedelia's Family Album *
* Annie & Co. * Arthur's Campout * An Autumn Tale *
* Backyard Hunter: The Praying Mantis *
* Berenstain Bears and the Bully * Big Ball of String *
* Big Jump and Other Stories * Big Max *
* Binky Brothers and the Fearless Four *
* Blaze and Thunderbolt * Box Turtle at Long Pond *
* Brian Was Adopted * Captain Cat *
* Case of the Cat's Meow * Chin Yu Min and the Ginger Cat *
* Chrysanthemum * Come A Tide *
* Curious George Gets A Medal *
* A Day in the Life
of a Circus Clown *
* Day of Ahmed's Secret * Days With Frog and Toad *
* Dog Food Caper * Dragonfly's Tale * Earrings! *
* Easy to See Why * Elephant and Friends *
* Estaban and the Ghost * An Extraordinary Egg *
* First Dog * A Fish Out of Water * A Fly Went By *
* Following the Drinking Gourd * The Fortune-Tellers *
* Funny, Funny Lyle * George and Martha Back in Town *
* The Giggle Book * Grandmas at Bat * Great Kapok Tree *
* Heckedy Peg * Hunting
the White Cow *
* I Dance in My Red Pajamas * I Like Monkeys Because *
* I Wonder If I'll See a Whale * Island Boy *
* Just Plain Fancy * Kate Heads West *
* King, the Mice and the Cheese * Knots on a Counting Rope *
* Little Black, A Pony * The Little Girl and the Dragon *
* Look Out for Pirates! * Lots of Rot * Madeline *
* Magic School Bus in the time of the Dinosaurs *
* Millions of Cats * Miss Nelson Has a Field Day *
* Morris Tells Boris Mother Moose Stories and Rhymes *
* Mother Goose and the Sly Fox *
* My Mom Made Me Take Piano Lessons *
* No Roses for Harry!
* Osa's Pride *
* Over the River and Through the Wood *
* Peace and Quiet Diner * Pippa Mouse *
* Pish, Posh, Said Hieronymus Bosch * Playing Marbles *
* Possum Come A-Knockin ' * Potato Man * Puff-Flash-Bang *
* The Rag Coat * Ragtime Turnpie *
* Reading About the Humpback Whale *
* Robert, the Rose Horse * Sam, Bangs and Moonshine *
* Santa Calls * The Several Tricks of Edgar Dolphin *
* Shrek! * Sky Dogs * Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch *
* Stan the Hot Dog Man * Step Into the Night *
* Stone Soup, An Old Tale * Strega Nona Meets Her Match *
* Summer * Summer Cat *
* Taking Care of Your
Mice and Rats * Tales of Oliver Pig *
* Traveling to Tondo * Tree of the Cranes *
* Where the Forest Meets the Sea * Winter Bear *
* The Wooden Doll * Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories *
Step Into Reading - Step 3 ***
* 20,000 Baseball Cards
Under the Sea * Cannonball Chris *
* Pompeii-Buried Alive * Secret of Foghorn Island *
* Singing Sam * Soccer Sam * Space Rock *
* Titanic-Lost and Found * Treasure of the Lost Legend *
- 1997-98
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominees, Grades K-3
- 1998-99
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominees, Grades K-3
- 1997-98
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominees, Grades 4-6
- 1998-99
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominees, Grades 4-6
- 1997-98
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominees, Grades 6-8
- 1998-99
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominees, Grades 6-8
- Newbery
Medal Winners
- Lake County
Public Library Recommended Books, K'garten
- Lake County
Public Library Recommended Books, 1st Grade
- Lake County Public Library Recommended
Books, 2nd Grade
- Lake County
Public Library Recommended Books, 3rd Grade
- Lake County
Public Library Recommended Books, 4th Grade
- Lake County
Public Library Recommended Books, 5th Grade
- Christopher's
List of Books Not Included Above
- George
Earle Intermediate Class Reading List
- Christopher's
Pick of the Month!
Need to Find
a Book?

Updated: October
30, 1998
Graphics from Cottonwood
Thanks again, Ms. Susan, for terrific graphics!
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