Christopher's Book Review Page
Enjoy a "D. E. A. R." time every day!
D rop E verything A nd R ead
1997-98 Young Hoosier
Award Nominees:
Kindergarten through 3rd Grades
These books can be found in your school library
or most public libraries.
The links take you directly to Amazon.
If "Review" is linked it will take you
to my review of the book!
In Miss Jones' and Mrs. Kasiak's, students are expected to read and report on a minimum of four books from this list during each grading period.
The books from the Newbery Award Winners, Hoosier Award Winners, and Hoosier Nominees for 1998-99 count for a page and a half credit:
Need to Find a Book?
Updated: November 12, 1998
Graphics from
Cottonwood Designs.
Thanks again, Ms. Susan, for terrific graphics!
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