My Dew Counter, also near the number of dews to day.


Trimethylzanthine or C8 H10 N4 O2 , more commonly known as caffine.


I attribute much of my success to Mountian Dew. I have found motivation and inpiration packaged in that seductively simple drink. College Finals, Long Haul Driving, writing HTML code and now in the Corporate world I have always found room for my DEW. Anyway, I find caffine to help with any ailment. If your sick, tired, lazy, or can not specify the condition just drink up. If you do not have the shakes your not at dangerous or toxic level so enjoy

Caffeine-induced Organic Mental Disorder 305.90
Caffine Intoxication

from DSM-3-R (American Psychiatric Association, 1987)

Popular Myths about caffeine

My favorite caffeine myth is "clear drinks contain no caffeine". This is indeed a dangerous assumption
Check out these stastics: I offer these facts to dispell the "clear soda" myth. Then there are the designer drinks, Water that is caffeine enhanced, "Water Joe" being the most notable.
The Name "Mountian Dew" Comes from a scottish Term for Whiskey hid in the Highlands. According to Jeopardy, the game show.

Mt. DEW Links

FIRST STEP Join the support group

SECOND STEP pay homage to the producer of DEW

THIRD STEP learn about the inventor of the DEW
William H. Jones

then visit the rest of the links
A Mountian Dew Page.
Mt. Dew Virtual Museum
A scientific view of MT. Dew
The Church of Mt. Dew
Dave's Dew Site 2.0
A tribute to the Dew
A mt. dew facts page
Darren's Mountain Dew Page
Dave and Gregs mountain Dew Page
Is Mountain Dew in Danger?

Warning, webmaster Contains...

Other Cola and Caffiene Links
| "Coca Cola" | "waterJoe" | "Jolt Cola"

"Thank Heavan for Little Girls"

Click Above to play commercial after it loads,
Right Click and Save As to download Wav. file.

Never Ever try to take a picture
while also trying to drink a case of jolt with a buddie.

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