Steven's Mustangs and other Vehicles.
Counter reset 7-13-98
Pictures added 16SEP00

My Silver Edition Mustang Convertable.
A 1990 which I traded for the 1996.

Kris' Convertable

Paul's Convertable

My 1996 Convertable

The Mustangs Pace Cars

Cars in order of appearance

a 57 Chevy, dad didnt like it.
I got it out of a fence row. It was free.

The 53 Ford we traded for.
I worked on this car a year with no results.

The 59 Ford, 150.00 cash.
Ran good, too good, had the 292 T-bird special engine.
first car I ever crashed (friday the 13th, summer of 1979)
Course I still drove her home.

68 Olds convertable, 200.00 cash.
I called her BlueSilver,
not because of her color but because,
of the Duran Duran song playing in the background.
In the song they would say, "Sing Blue Silver",
everytime I would tell her that she would start.
Blue Silver had too many horses for my own good.
The car and I had an unnatural bond.
Sorta like Christine, by Stephen King.
Now the Trucks, in order by age and value.

1953 Ford F-100, 200.00 cash.

66 Chevy, My RUDE 66.AKA Mollie. 500.00 cash.

67 Dodge, My Lassie Truck. 900.00 cash.

84 Mitsu, My first Import.$4400.00

90 Peterbuilt Areodine,
Biggest and most expensive truck I ever drove.
$125,000. I put 175,000 miles on her while at the wheel.

And Finally The coolest car ever parked in my garage.
Kris' 1934 benz, repro, roadster.
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Chauffer, by Duran Duran, playing as Midi in background.
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