Great Googly Moogly, A Chief's Page?
page Started 27JUL99

The Official Online home of the Chiefs

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In the Heartland we beleive everyone should have a choice.
Where My Mom Lives, ROTFL, Well during season anyway.

Ok, you might ask yourself, Why the Chiefs,
Well the answer is easy
The Cowboys @*!+
On this page I hope to post the most complete
listing of Dallas Cowboy Jokes on the NET.
I already know quite a few.
The Top 10 Dallas Cowboy Jokes
1. What do you call a drug ring in Dallas?
........A huddle.
2. Four Dallas Cowboys in a car, who's driving?
3. Why can't Michael Irvin get into a huddle
on the field
...It is a parole violation for him
to associate with known
4. Doctors say because of Michael Irvin's
broken clavicle, it will
be 6-8 weeks before he can
video a team mate having sex.
5. I understand Chicago is trying to sign
Michael Irvin. They got
rid of the refrigerator,
so now they want a coke machine.
6. The Dallas newspapers reported yesterday
that Texas Stadium is
going to take out the artificial turf because the
Cowboys play better
on "grass".
7. The Dallas Cowboys adopted a new "Honor System",
Yes your
Honor, No your Honor.
8. The Cowboys had a 12 and 5 season this year,
12 arrests, 5
9. The Cowboys knew they had to do something for
their defense, so
they hired a new
defensive coordinator: Johnny Cochran
10. How do the Dallas Cowboys spend
their first week at spring
Studying the Miranda Rights.
New Cowboy Joke,
Did you hear that Troy Akmin set a new record for the dallas cowboys?
He was the first player release without first posting bail.
Besides, the Chiefs are an underated team
who can stay out of the media, when I say media
I'm refering to BAD PRESS.
For example when was the last time a Chief ever
died of an overdose? Was busted for drugs, DUI, DWI,
or any of an assorted list of Federal offenses.
Sport Heros are Roll Models.
The second any athlete forgets that,
they should no longer be considered a Professional.
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