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Photo by Amber Abbott

October 16, 1992 - January 19, 2004

View Sunshine's Pedigree

Sunshine was our very first Sheltie -- a Christmas present for our son in 1992. It did not take long for us to get hooked on this wonderful breed! Sunshine was born on October 16, 1992 in Mint Hill, North Carolina. Our son Vince picked Sunshine from the litter -- and what a great choice he made! We lived in North Carolina for three years after getting Sunshine then moved to Arizona.

In the fall of 1997, Sunshine was diagnosed as hypothyroid and was put on medication. We were instructed to make sure that Sunshine got plenty of regular exercise. I had just met some folks in Arizona who were doing dog agility. Well, -- the rest is history. Needless to say, Sunshine always had a mind of his own, but if food was around, he could be convinced to do most anything. He became my most steady and consistent agility partner and taught me so much about the game.

He developed some arthritis in his left front elbow and in January 2003 I decided that agility would have to be just for fun in the back yard and an occasional tunnelers run at the trials. Then, at the age of 11, Sunshine was diagnosed with nasal tumors, squamous cell carcinoma. He endured pretty well for 3 months, then just decided that running agility at the Rainbow Bridge where there is no cancer and no arthritis was much better than hurting all the time. So, when you get to the Rainbow Bridge, look for Sunshine flying around the agility ring!

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