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Photo by Tien Tran
View Jazz's Pedigree

Early in 1998 we had a friend visit us from Calgary -- and of course, she brought along her Sheltie. What a dear! He and Sunshine got along wonderfully and when he left, it was obvious that Sunshine missed him. So, we decided that getting a Sheltie from the same breeder in Calgary would be the way to go.

Jazz was born on May 2, 1998 in Calgary, Alberta to Rex and Corinne Rainsforth at Shelgrande Kennels. He is the nephew of the Sheltie that came to visit and he was a perfect match to become Sunshine's new buddy. So, Jazz joined our family and, following in Sunshine's paws, he became Shelgrande's first dog to be trained for agility. Jazz's most endearing quality is that he has such a big heart that it would not fit into a normal sized Sheltie body -- he did not stop growing until he reached 19 1/2 inches! That puts him into the 20" and 22" jump heights for agility, but the big boy can definitely handle it.

When Sunshine retired from agility, he preferred sitting on the couch to playing tug with Jazz. That's when we decided that another Shelgrande dog was in our future -- enter Flash. Flash is Jazz's nephew -- Jazz's half sister from Sunnyvale Kennels in Mesa, AZ was bred to his half brother at Shelgrande Kennels in Calgary. So, when we look at Flash, it's a lot like looking at Jazz -- just in a smaller package!

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Last Modified August 30, 2004      © All Rights Reserved