Andrews Pro K-9 Training has been working alongside some pretty amazing and dedicated clients to begin forming SESAR, or Southeastern Search and Rescue. This is a Search and Rescue Unit that will be working in the Southeastern area (namely Georgia) on a volunteer basis to aid local law enforcement and Rescue agencies in completing their tasks. As the training of our dogs progresses, we are also training ourselves in areas involved with the Search and Rescue process, through NASAR, the National Association for Search and Rescue. We are currently also busy licensing ourselves through GEMA, the Georgia Emergency Managament Agency in order to be able to assist during any natural or other disaster. Our unit plans to be operational and ready for call-outs in the very near future. Check back with this site frequently for contact information and a link to the official SESAR website.

For now feel free to learn more about SESAR's members right here on this page....

Vanessa Giddens (Andrews) and Thor team up as always to direct the troops and work on the development of the unit. Thor is now six years old, with a few good years left to support the group, and he loves his work. Vanessa is a full-time dog trainer, married to a wonderful man named Charles. They have no children, unless you count the four-legged kind. You can learn more about Vanessa by going to the About Vanessa page.

Janice Loeffler and Charlie pair up as the stronghold and comic relief of the bunch. Charlie is a yellow lab who found a home with Vanessa and Charles (I know, but the dog came with a name, we just call him "C-Bear") as an adult being given up by his owners. Charlie will do anything just to please you, and loves to go traipsing through the woods with his Aunt Janice on the trail. Janice recently received her BS in Psychology from the University of Georgia. Always an animal and outdoors lover, Janice has one dog named Ripley, one boyfriend named Andy, and one large sense of adventure.

Sue Theisen and Lance work together to keep us all grounded. Lance is a Golden Retriever that walks like a show pony but trails with the best of them, and he always has a cute haircut. Sue is the owner of Landscape Solutions, a landscape design company. If you ever have a question about herbal remedies or tuning up your body, Sue is the woman to ask. She is a Reiki master and very knowledgeable in all the other ancient arts. Together Sue and Lance share their home with one cat named Timone.

Melissa Honabach and Angel recently joined the crew, and Angel is certainly the star of the show with the male dogs of the group. Angel is a three year old Golden Retreiver with the most angelic face you've ever seen. Melissa spends her days running Ant Farm Interactive with her partners, and the rest of the time she's just plain amazing. Melissa is married to a great guy named Doug (who can work wonders with a radio :) ), and together they care for Angel and their rabbit. You can check out Melissa's company at and learn a little about what she does.

Gerardo Lopez and Max work with and for the group as well. Max is a two year old German Shepherd that is Schutzhund I and tracks any and everything. Gerardo is the owner of Feria Express and InterAmerican I.D. corporations, and is married to a wonderful woman named Carmen. They have a son named Alex, and a total of four German Shepherds at the moment....There's Max, Freser, CeCe, and Kira. Whew! Have a question about SESAR but only speak Spanish? Email Gerardo at and he'll be happy to talk with you.

Brenda Foster and Taylor are working on finishing up their training together, and Brenda has been helping out the group in the meantime. Taylor is a black lab mix that isn't quite a year old, and she's the wild woman of the group. Brenda and her husband David own DNB Builders, and they have a son named Nicholas (who is very proud to have gotten his learner's permit this year), a German Shepherd named B.J., and one very fat cat named Sebastian. Taylor and Brenda are going to be a wonderful working addition to the team.

Doug Booth has been practicing and working with the group for some time now, being a Doug-of-All-Trades during practices. You need it done? Doug can do it. Videotaping, trail-laying, map-drawing, radio tinkering, the list goes on. We're still waiting to see if Doug is going to add dog handling to his long list of abilities....but until that decision is made, we love having him around just as he is! Doug is a carpenter by trade and has one German Shepherd that isn't yet in training, but we'll see what happens :).

If you are interested in becoming a member of the group, feel free to e-mail Vanessa for training and group information. Search and Rescue does require a big commitment of time and energy, and there is some expense involved. However, the rewards are tremendous! SESAR practices are generally held the first and third Sundays of every month, look for our training calenders to be posted on the official SESAR website in the very near future.

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