Statistics have shown that a dog trained in personal protection is the number one crime prevention mechanism in the world. Most people don't know what to do when faced with an angry dog, and indecision leads to fleeing the scene. A dog trained in personal protection acts as both an alarm system and a defense weapon. Every dog is naturally suspicious of strangers and threatening situations as a means of survival. Good personal protection training can put this suspicion at your disposal. The key with personal protection is actually building the dog's confidence, both in him/herself and you, so that you decide when the dog needs to be suspicious and when the threat of danger has passed. Looking at some of the pictures below of a protection trained Doberman in action will give you an idea of what "light switch" aggressive responses can do for you.

When the doorbell rings or a noise is heard outside, Max runs to the door and sounds the alarm, waiting there for his owner.

Max's owner opens the door to find a person behaving suspiciously and gives Max the appropriate command to keep the person at a distance.

If the suspect becomes more agitated, so will Max, lunging forward to show he's quite serious....

But as soon as Max's owner gives him the command to cease aggression, signifying that the person is actually harmless, Max turns into a very friendly dog instantly.

There are, of course, quite a few ground rules that go along with Personal Protection training, and not every dog is cut out for it. Some dogs simply don't look tough enough, some aren't under enough control in normal circumstances, and some dogs just don't find anybody threatening enough. There are actually different levels of personal protection, and although most dogs will show some proficiency naturally, it just isn't realistic to say that every dog can be trained to defend you and your family/property. Nor is it realistic to say that every dog should.

Before considering Personal Protection training with Andrews Pro K-9 Training, you must have complete control of your dog both on- and off-leash, and your dog must be pre-approved by Andrews Pro K-9 Training. Under no circumstances will Andrews Pro K-9 Training create a liability for the dog owner, or a danger to the public at large. That is why any dog going through Personal Protection training with Andrews Pro K-9 Training must also remain under control of the owner as the training progresses, otherwise training would cease.

For more information about Personal Protection in the Greater Atlanta area , you can e-mail Vanessa
or call 678-344-1042.

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