Vanessa Giddens (Andrews) has been working with dogs in one way or another all her life. From "reading" to a Cairn Terrier at age two, to training her first dog at age nine (a Boxer), and then becoming a certified Master Dog Trainer, not a year of her life has gone by that she didn't have a dog around to teach and to learn from.
Vanessa's certifications include:
Basic and Advanced Obedience
Breed Identification and Dog Behavior
Puppy Development
Kennel Management
Utility and Retrieval Work
Personal Protection and Police K-9 Training
Tracking and Scent Discrimination
Support Work
All certifications were earned while at National K-9 School for Dog Trainers in Columbus, OH.
So what's up now? Currently Vanessa is doing research on wild canine packs (wolves and feral dogs) and working on certifications with NASAR, the National Association for Search and Rescue.
You can e-mail Vanessa, or your can call (678) 344-1042 for information about training in the Greater Atlanta area.
Basic and Advanced Obedience / Specialty Training / Police K-9 Training / Personal Protection
Puppy Preschool / Temperament Test / The Right Breed / Kids and Dogs / The Right Trainer
Great Dog Quotes / Dog Fest '99 / What Others Say / The Wish List / Introducing... / Home