ANNA:It is very hot Katy and did you got the mail yet? KATY:No, not yet, but do you want me to get it now? ANNA:Of course I want you to get it. I really want to know what’s is in their! KATY: Ok! I will get it now. ( Then she got the mail ) ANNA:So, what is in the mail? KATY:Anna! Do you know what! Our friend Amy wrote us a note. ANNA:What did it say? KATY:It said... Dear Katy and Anna, Today at school we made an art thing. I will tell you what it is later. Love, Amy ANNA:That was a very sort note and is there anything else in the mail? KATY:Yes there is... What!!!!!!!!! ANNA:What’s wrong? KATY:The note is a bill! We have to pay a 300 dollar bill for no reason! I don’t understand why we have to do it if we did nothing wrong! ANNA: What else did the note say? KATY:And if we don’t pay it in a week we will be thrown in jail for life!!! ANNA:How will we get that much money?
______________________PART_TWO____________________________________________ ( They thought for a while) ANNA:We can sell your dog. KATY:But I love my dog. ANNA:I love your dog too... but that’s the only way we can get the money! KATY:OK, I will get the dog ready. ANNA:Good, and I’ll be making a few phone call. ( after a few phone calls and the dog is ready a tanager came ) LAUREN:I heard about the thing you are selling, hoya the dog. Where is he! KATY: It’s a her! LAUREN:What!!! I was expecting to be a he, a her not a he! Well... Well... Let me see her and if I like her then, I might bey her... Hoya Don’t forget this! She have to be train. ANNA:Oh yes she is train. Maybe Katy will like to show you what she can do. KATY:Oh, I will love to show you what she can do. Just a minuet I will be right with the dog! ( When she comes back ) LAUREN:Well, she looks a little bit cute just a little bit. Well, now show me what she can do. And show me what to do to teach my kid I babysit every day after school. KATY:Okay, but she can do a lot to teach the child you babysit. Jasmine sit. LAUREN: So what, maybe she can teach my child I babysit to sit but that’s all! KATY:NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! Theirs a lot more she can do but I’m doing it one by one! Jasmine down. LAUREN:What do down teach the child I babysit to do. KATY:Maybe it might teach her... LAUREN:It’s a he! ANNA:Oh, so that’s why you want Katy’s dog to be a he so then... LAUREN:What a minuet you don’t seam to understand do you. KATY and ANNA: NO!!! LAUREN: Okay, his birthdays coming up and He bagged me if I can give him a dog and I said okay. ANNA:Oh, so that’s why your her, to buy him a dog. LAUREN:Don’t you guys know English? I said it a million times. YES!!! ANNA:Of course we know English! KATY:Now let’s get back to the dog. Jasmine crawl. LAUREN:Now don’t say that if the house catches on fire he will crawl under the smock. KATY:No, it means... LAUREN:Here we go again. ANNA:What she is trying to tell you is that... LAUREN:Be quiet. This is none of your business. Why don’t you just go home now! KATY: Guys, stop fighting. Now are we going to talk about the dog or not. LAUREN:Okay, I will buy her. Now here’s your $50.00. ANNA:It’s more then that. LAUREN:Fine it’s $50.01 if you guys care about every single penny. KATY:It is 300... LAUREN:It’s 300 pennies! Boy, you guys are really nice. That is like $3.00. But to be extra nice since you are so nice to me I will be really nice to you the price will be $3.01 since you love pennies so much. KATY:We never said we love pennies. LAUREN: Oh, that’s okay, then the price will be $3.00. Here you go. KATY:You don’t get it, Anna please tell Lauren the real price. ANNA:The price we are trying to tell you is $300.00 LAUREN: You guys are rasing the price each time! That’s not fair!!! ANNA:So, take it or lose it. LAUREN:Fine! I’m out of here.
________________________PART_THREE_________________________________________ ANNA:So, Katy we need to find a nether way to pay our bill. KATY:Wait here comes the mail... ANNA:And it is my turn to get it. ( When she came back with the mail ) ANNA:YES!!! KATY:What is it. ANNA:There is a letter in here that said that we don’t need to pay are bill. It should been Lauren that should pay it. And for a sorry gift for us it is $300.00. So it seem like Lauren gave it to us and... KATY:And we can be able to keep our dog! THE END
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