Matt is in the sixth grade at Crown Point Christian School and is really enjoying the small school environment. He is currently playing on their 5th/6th grade basketball team (as is all but one 5th/6th grader in the school) and finds it fun even if they aren’t winning very much. Matt played soccer on a Schererville intermural team last fall and learned to play golf last summer. He still takes piano lessons, attends AWANA’s at church, plays the offertory at evening church services occasionally and graduated from cub scouts last spring with the arrow of light award. He decided to join 4-H this year. At 5'6 he is taller than his mother now.
Kristen is in third grade at Peiffer (public) School. She seems to like school and one of her friends is a Serbian girl, who is teaching her a few words of Serbian. Kristen loves sports and currently is a Center for a local intermural basketball team. She played softball last spring and fall season, with her favorite position being pitcher. Like her brother, Kristen is in AWANA’s, studies piano, plays occasional offertories at church and joined 4-H this year, through which she plans to teach our dog some more commands and show her in the 4-H dog show next summer.
And as for the littlest member of the family, Jasmine, our 3 year old Sheltie, she continues to keep busy barking at all the squirrels, cars, leaves, etc. that go by our house. She actually is settling down more this year and has been a wonderful pet for our family.
Don’s family continues to reside in New Jersey. My parents decided to return to the Midwest and bought a house in Urbana, Illinois, which is about 2 ˝ hours from here. It is nice having them closer by again. Janet and her family still are in the St. Louis area.
Don’s brother Mark decided to get married in Miami Beach on May 2nd, so we decided that was the perfect excuse
to pull the kids out of school for a week and take a “field trip” to Florida. Besides Miami Beach, we also spent time
in the Everglades National Park, Naples (gulf coast) and went up to see Kennedy Space Center and of course,
Disney World and Universal Studios. It was a fun but busy 10 days. We were there at a great time, the cheaper
summer rates had just begun, but the weather wasn’t real hot yet, and everybody at Disney was at their new Animal
Kingdom park (we skipped it) so the rest of Orlando sites weren’t too crowded.
Again, I hope you have a very merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Feel free to stop by and visit if
you are ever in this area, and for those on line, our address is - Don Karen Matthew Kristen
Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved” Isa 9:6 “for unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His sholder; He shall be called wonderful, counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”
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