Horses are my favorite animal. I always wish to own one my hole life. My favorite thing to do with them are riding them. I ride them a couple times before. When my mom was sixteen years old she lived on a farm and she own horses. She had two ponies and one horses. One of the ponies she own was her favorite. My mom and aunt Janet ( my mom’s sister ) always ride her. She and my mom had to do all of the work to take good care of the horses. Their mom and dad which their names are grandma and grandpa did none of the work. She had all the farm animals you can think of. Horses, dogs, cats, ducks, pigs, sheep, horses, ponies, even some rabbits, and a lot more! I love to canter on a horses because it feels so smooth. I don’t really like to trot that much when I ride a horses, because it is way too rough.
I have a dog name Jasmine. She is really pretty and so cute. Her ears stick up just like a horse. She have a long noise just like a horse. She have a long tail just like a horse. She looks a lot more like a horse then you in think. One time we had to babysit a little kid for a down the rode. I can’t remember if it was babysitting or not... anyway but I remember that my dog looks so much like a horse, that the little kid was trying to ride it. I was like, No! Stop! She is not a horse that is my dog!
My favorite type of horse is a Arabian horse. The Arabian is the oldest breed and it is often considered to the most beautiful. I am not saying beautiful just to say it now I am saying it to mean it. I copy the sentence, you know the sentence before the last one. I copied that sentence from a horse book. Now I mean Arabian horses are the beautiful horses their are in the world! Plus it said, it was first bred by nomads living in the Arabian desert thousand of years ago. Arabian horses small, fast, and strong and good-natured. It can be recognized by its silky mane and forelock, high tail carriage and its grace movements. Arabian horses have played an important part in the development of horses throughout the world. If you don’t know how to ride a horse then I will teach you. Different owners train their horses defiantly. Most owners train their horse or horses like this. To start moving, kick your horse very gentle at the side. To move a little bit faster do it again, but remember don’t do it hard or you could spook the horse. You don’t want to spook the horse but if you do the horse can throw you off or it will start running very fast then put its head down then you will slide off just like a slide and then you can get hurt really badly. That what will happen if you kick the sides really hard. You can spook the horse by yelling or screaming on a horse so it is a good idea not to put little kids on a horse but a pony will be just fine. To stop or go backwards on a horse. Do not, pull back hard! There is a piece of medal in his mouth so if you pull back hard you may chock him maybe not chocking him but it will hurt very bad. How will you like it if theirs a piece of stick in your mouth, and then somebody came and pull back very hard. It will really hurt, right? If you do it, then that will be the same thing your doing to a horse. If you do it hard enough you may spook the horse to. Horses can be spook very easily so you need to be very careful with them. Be very kind! To turn the horse to the left turn the reins to the left very gentle because remember their is a thing in their mouth. To turn your horse to the right turn the reins to the right.
I love horses.
Kristen's Horses Page - written in 1999
These are some horse pictures I liked.
Good bible verses:
John 3:16 "for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him shall not
perish but have everlasting life"
Acts 16:31 "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved"
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