Matt and Kristen - 1997

John 3:16 "for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"

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Matt just turned 11 years old, and Kristen is 8. Matt plays soccer, baseball, and basketball. Matt also takes piano lessons and is in cub scouts.

Kristen also plays soccer, basketball, and softball. She also takes piano lessons. Both Matt and Kristen have played in several piano recitals and both occasionally play the offertory in church.

Both Matt's and Kristen's soccer teams won soccer tournament championships this fall. Here is an animation of Matt playing the piano, and an animation of Kristen jumping out of a box. Both Matt and Kristen enjoy using the computer and playing computer games. Matt uses the internet periodically. He enjoys sending and receiving email. Kristen collects beanie babies, and likes to use the computer to write stories. In school, Matt likes History and Math. Kristen likes reading and spelling.

Matt and Kristen have a dog named Jasmine (a.k.a DogBert) Here is an amimation of DogBert walking. A sound clip of DogBert barking is currently unavailable.

Both Matt and Kristen are winners. They are winners because they are children of God. They are children of God because they both have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

Here is a photograph of Matt and Kristen displaying their soccer medals. They each won their soccer tournaments this fall. Here is anothe animation of Kristen, this time kicking a soccer ball.

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