St. James Lutheran Church
St. James Lutheran Church
1380 North Waukegan Road (847)234-4859
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 (847)234-6742 fax

"My house shall be a house of prayer for all people"

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Youth Life at St. James

St. James feels that our youth is a very important part of our church family.  We offer a number of programs to keep our youth involved and help them grow into spiritually active adults:

- Sunday school programs for all ages including high school youth

- Christmas and other pageants

- Children, youth and adult choirs

- First communion

- Catechism

- Junior High Youth group

- Senior High Youth group

- Order of St. John acolytes

- Retreats

- Volunteer projects such as crop walk

Tell me more about...

Sunday Church School
Adult education
Vacation Bible School
First Communion
Catechetical Program
Youth Programs
Christian Ed Committee

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