St. James Lutheran Church
St. James Lutheran Church
1380 North Waukegan Road (847)234-4859
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 (847)234-6742 fax

"My house shall be a house of prayer for all people"

Find out what worship at St. James is like and see what opportunities there are to participate
Find out what opportunities there are at St. James to learn about Christ
See what opportunities there are at St. James to serve Christ

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Whether it's spring, summer, fall, or winter, St. James is a family - a family that likes to get together. Whether for entertainment, discussion, or celebration, it is always a gathering blessed by Christ's presence. Plus, you can usually bet that there's some goooooooood food to be found there, too.

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Progressive Dinner
Summer Barbecues
Women of St. James
Men of St. James
Sewing Circle
New Member Receptions
Mother-Daughter Banquet
Morning of Renewal
Fall Luncheon

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