If my efforts to save this historic church fail,
it will soon be demolished by Putnam County
for a Route 9/Fishkill Road
Realignment Project!
[Ginny September 2003]
December 4, 2006 - The No. Highlands M E Church was demolished by Pidala Construction
Review Ginny's letters to the Co. Executive here
Thank You to all who signed the On-Line Petition to Help Save the N. Highlands ME Church
& the Area of the Davenport Corners Crossroads. The Peition is being submitted.
To Browse the Records for the N. Highlands ME Church 1866-1903 Click Here
List of Ministers who served this Church - Click Here
Davenport Corners Crossroads Location Maps Click Here
Copyrighted Transcription by Ginny Buechele – 2003 - All Rights Reserved
Copying expressly forbidden unless for your PERSONAL
(not-for-profit/non-commercial) Family History/Genealogy.
Please email me at ginnyflies@usa.net or mail me at
P. O. Box 243, Pl. Vly., NY 12569 with questions or for permission.
William J. Blake's History of Putnam County 1849-Baker & Scribner Page 147-148 THE OLD HIGHLAND CHURCH AND VICINITY - The first settlement in this part of Philipstown, was made by DAVID HUSTIS in this part of Philipstown, was made by DAVID HUSTIS, who came from England and settled about half a mile north of the HIGHLAND CHURCH - on the road from Cold Spring to Fishkill, and where DAVID HUSTIS, ESQ., now living, resides - in 1730. He settled down with the Indians around him, and procured the corn,
A short time afterwards, the Haights, Bloomers, and Wilsons, came and
Page 160 DAVENPORT'S CORNERS - A small collection of houses, about four miles
north of Cold Spring, on the road leading to Fishkill. John Davenport,
deceased, kept a store and tavern there, after whom it is named.
it is more generally called "Davenport's Corners." John Davenport
the father of Elijah J. Davenport, Esq. of Cold Spring.
[In Pelletreau's History of Putnam County [582-585] it is noted that
church (Old Highland Methodist Episcopal Church) is the OLDEST SOCIETY OF THE DENOMINATION IN THE COUNTY and that the pastor of the church in 1886, was Rev. J. G. Price born in New Brunswick of Episcopal parents, graduated from Boston Theological Seminary in 1879, joined the Northern New York Conference in 1880, was transferred to the New York Conference by Bishop Henry W. Warren, D. D., and began his ministry at North Highlands April 10, 1885.] *******************************
"The Parsonage house was orginally owned by Rachel Warren, and bought by the church from Caleb Hawkes" [my second great grandfather's brother] "On the west side of the road and opposite the parsonage, was in old
"As near as I can tell from present residents the old church was erected
"Mr. James Cargill came into this place in 1812, and the church was
for which the contract was let to William H. Ladue in August1878. [583] The cornerstone of the new church was laid Oct. 10, 1878 and was dedicated Jan. 4, 1879.] [584]. |
[This property was/will be deeded to Putnam County for the Highway Realignment Project] Putnam County Deed
This indenture made this _____ day of May, nineteen hundred and
All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and
Schedule A All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and
Beginning at the north west corner of lot on the east side of the post
Also all that lot of land situate in the Town of Philipstown, County
Beginning at the south east corner of the Methodist Meeting House ground and running thence form [sic] to a stake set on the land formerly belonging to Ebenizer Lobdell, now deceased, then easterly with said Lobdell's land, now deceased, then easterly with said Lobdell's Land to the post road, then southerly as the road runs to said Lobdell land again, then westerly to the place of beginning, containing one-quarter of an acre of land be the same more or less. And also, all that lot of land situate in the Town of Philipstown,
Beginning at a stone on the easterly side of the Post Road and eighty
Excepting and reserving therefrom [sic] all that certain lot or parcel
Beginning at a point on the easterly side of the Old New York Albany
[Research and Transcription by V. Buechele, P O Box 243, Pleasant
A brief History from NY Annual [Methodist] Conference Records -
White Plains:
As near as I can ascertain from present residents, the Old Church was
Mrs. Jas Cargill came into the place in 1812, the church then built.
Mrs. Phebe Hill, deceased January 31st 1871, a great lover of the
In April 1877 R. M. Roberts was appointed to the charge.
He found an
From the commencement the Lord seemed to work with Pastor and people.
The Pastor consulted with the Stewards and Trustees, and the result
August 30, 1878
September 15
September 16
10th of October
1878 Wednesday June 4th
In answer to prayer, doubtless, the clouds cleared away before the time
We found upon examination that it was necessary to secure $600 to meet
the indebtedness on the building. Rev. J. P. Newman preached
in the
morning, on the necessity of a spiritual birth as set forth in the
The following are the names of the contributors and the amount given
Phebe Hill - Legacy & Int. $300. John Wallace $ 200.
Jas Smith $200.
Samuel Hustis $300. Mrs. E. A. Hustis $100. Martha J. Hustis
$50 Subscriptions
$25 Subscriptions
$20 Subscriptions
$10 and other Subscriptions
Legacy, Miss Charity Hustis $90.
Subscription for Furnishing Church Collected by Mrs. R. M. Roberts. Mrs. E. A. Hustis, Bible $10. Martha J. Hustis, largest chair
$15. Mr.
Young Ladies
Young Gentlemen
Sunday School Children Offering
Literary Club
Property Improvement
North line of Church ground
Parsonage Carpet
Additions to the Church.
Second Year I was appointed this year by Bishop Hurst. Additions to the Church
Church Debt Paid and other improvements made
List of Names
Married etc.
Single Ladies
Single Men
Third Year
Additions to the Church
There was nothing else of note other than the usual workings of the
I. G. Price
Status Updates: