History of the
North Highlands (Old Highlands)
Philipstown, Putnam County, NY

If my efforts to save this historic church fail,
it will soon be demolished by Putnam County
for a Route 9/Fishkill Road
Realignment Project!
[Ginny September 2003]

December 4, 2006 - The No. Highlands M E Church was demolished by Pidala Construction

Review Ginny's letters to the Co. Executive here

Thank You to all who signed the On-Line Petition to Help Save the N. Highlands ME Church
& the Area of the Davenport Corners Crossroads. The Peition is being submitted.

To Browse the Records for the N. Highlands ME Church 1866-1903 Click Here
List of Ministers who served this Church - Click Here
Davenport Corners Crossroads Location Maps Click Here ******************************************************************************************************
Copyrighted Transcription by Ginny Buechele –  2003 - All Rights Reserved
Copying expressly forbidden unless for your PERSONAL (not-for-profit/non-commercial) Family History/Genealogy.
Please email me at ginnyflies@usa.net or mail me at P. O. Box 243, Pl. Vly., NY 12569 with questions or for permission.

William J. Blake's
History of Putnam County
1849-Baker & Scribner

Page 147-148

THE OLD HIGHLAND CHURCH AND VICINITY - The first settlement in this part of Philipstown, was made by DAVID HUSTIS in this part of Philipstown, was made by DAVID HUSTIS, who came from England and settled about half a mile north of the HIGHLAND CHURCH - on the road from Cold Spring to Fishkill, and where DAVID HUSTIS, ESQ., now living, resides - in 1730.

He settled down with the Indians around him, and procured the corn,
which he first planted, from them.  They had about the fourth of an acre
under culivation, the year before, on the east side of the road, a few
rods south of the house where the present David now lives.  He was the
first of the name, and the ancester of the Hustis family, in this town.
He became a tenant-at-will, of the patentee, and rented 310 acres of
land, for which he paid a yearly rent of five  pounds, or $24,10.  He
afterwards occupied 90 acres more west of the first tract, all of which
he afterwards purchased.  His nearest neighbor was three miles distant,
to whom he was compelled to go, a few days after his arrival, to procure fire; his own, from neglect, having gone out.

A short time afterwards, the Haights, Bloomers, and Wilsons, came and
settled in the vicinity.  At the HIGHLAND CHURCH, one Anderson build a house on the site now occupied by the house of S. Birdsall, in which Thomas Davenport, Esq. now resides.  A man of the name Lamoreaux settled there about the same time.  Anderson was of Dutch descent, and Lamoreauz was French.  Both removed before the revolution.  Benjamin Bloomer was the next settler, who, with on Bush, made a large purchase in the water lot of Roger Morris, between the CHURCH and the Hudson.

Page 160

DAVENPORT'S CORNERS - A small collection of houses, about four miles north of Cold Spring, on the road leading to Fishkill.  John Davenport, deceased, kept a store and tavern there, after whom it is named.  IT IS SOMETIMES CALLED "THE OLD HIGHLAND CHURCH." which is located there; but it is more generally called "Davenport's Corners."  John Davenport was the father of Elijah J. Davenport, Esq. of Cold Spring.

[In Pelletreau's History of Putnam County [582-585] it is noted that this
church (Old Highland Methodist Episcopal Church) is the OLDEST SOCIETY OF THE DENOMINATION IN THE COUNTY and that the pastor of the church in 1886,  was Rev. J. G. Price born in New Brunswick of Episcopal parents, graduated from Boston Theological Seminary in 1879, joined the Northern New York Conference in 1880, was transferred to the New York Conference by Bishop Henry W. Warren, D. D., and began his ministry at North Highlands April 10, 1885.]

History of Putnam County, NY
William S.Pelletreau
W. W. Preston & Co. 1886

"The Parsonage house was orginally owned by Rachel Warren, and bought by the church from Caleb Hawkes" [my second great grandfather's brother]

"On the west side of the road and opposite the parsonage, was in old
times the house of John Davenport.  Here he kept a tavern or house of
entertainment for many years, and his place is at the junction of two
important roads, was a great resort in days gone by, and the locality
for long years bore the name of 'Davenport's Corners.' "

"As near as I can tell from present residents the old church was erected
in 1811"

"Mr. James Cargill came into this place in 1812, and the church was
built.  The people worshiped in the rude structure, which was without
walls, and slabs for seats.  In 1852, or 1854, it was repaird by Mr. Wm.
A. Ladue, and greatly improved, and was made a more pleasant as a place
of worship."

[The original church later appears to have been replaced with a church
for which the contract was let to William H. Ladue in August1878. [583]
The cornerstone of the new church was laid Oct. 10, 1878 and was
dedicated Jan. 4, 1879.] [584].

The Newberry Deed!
[This property was/will be deeded to Putnam County for the Highway Realignment Project]

Putnam County Deed
Liber 760:599
Frances Morse, Grantor
Ronald Newbery [sic] & Wife, Clara F.

This indenture made this _____ day of May, nineteen hundred and
Frances Morse, residing at (no number) Fishkill Road, Cold Spring, New
Party of the first part and
Ronald Newbery and Clara F. Newbery, his wife, both residing at Box 67,
R D#1, Cold Spring, New York,
Party of the second part,
that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and No/100
($10.00) dollars lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever,

All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and
improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the
See Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Schedule A

All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and
improvements thereon erected, which is described in a deed from The
North Highlands Methodist Church (otherwise known as Old Highland Methodist Episcopal Church) to Arthur S. Herz, dated the 29th day of September, 1949 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Putnam on the 17th day of October, 1949 in Liber 370 of deeds on page 152, and which is bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the north west corner of lot on the east side of the post
Road and one chain and twenty-five links from the North West corner of the Meeting House then South sixty, eight degrees and a half East one chain by the land of Ebenizer [sic] Lobdell to a stake and stones then sought twelve degrees west two chain and twenty links to a stake and stone adjoining the land of Harry Lobdell then, west by the land of said one chain and thirty links from the South West corner of the Meeting House thence northerly along the post Road two chain and sixty links to the place of beginning, containing one quarter of an acre and five perches of land be the same more or less.

Also all that lot of land situate in the Town of Philipstown, County of
Putnam, State of New York, which in a deed from Elisha Gaudineer and Charles T. Brewster, executors of  William Lobdell to the trustees of the Old Highland Methodist Episcopal Church dated the 4th day of May, 1857 was bounded and described as follows.

Beginning at the south east corner of the Methodist Meeting House ground and running thence form [sic] to a stake set on the land formerly belonging to Ebenizer Lobdell, now deceased, then easterly with said Lobdell's land, now deceased, then easterly with said Lobdell's Land to the post road, then southerly as the road runs to said Lobdell land again, then westerly to the place of beginning, containing one-quarter of an acre of land be the same more or less.

And also, all that lot of land situate in the Town of Philipstown,
County of Putnam, State of New York, which in a deed from Samuel W. Adams and Sarah, his wife, to the trustees of the Old Highland Methodist Episcopal Church, dated August 24, 1868 was bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a stone on the easterly side of the Post Road and eighty
six links south of the Methodist Meeting House, then south five degrees east 2 chains 55 links, forty-nine and half degrees east one chain, seven links to a wild cherry tree, then sought sixty nine degrees east two chains sixty links to land of David Hustis, then north eleven
degrees west four chains thirty-five links by land of David Hustis to
the Meeting House grounds; then west two chains fifty seven links by the said Meeting House grounds to the place of beginning.

Excepting and reserving therefrom [sic] all that certain lot or parcel
of land situate in the Town of Philipstown, aforesaid which in a
conveyance by the North Highland Methodist Church a/k/a Old Highland Methodist Episcopal Church to Samuel J. MacAllister was bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the easterly side of the Old New York Albany
Post Road, said point being the southwesterly corner of land conveyed to party of the first part by Elisha Gardineer and Chas. T. Brewster as
executors of William Lobdell, deceased, by deed bearing date of May 4, 1857, filed in Putnam County Clerk's Office in Liber 111 of deeds at page 5, thence S. 85° 48' 40" East 166.97 feet along other land of the party of the first part, to the westerly side of Old State Highway Route 9; thence S. 2° 44' East along the westerly side of said State Highway 271.83 feet; thence N. 64° 25' 25" West 132.96 feet to a point on the easterly side of the Old New York - Albany Post Road; thence North 34° 57' 40" West 83.12 feet along the easterly side of the Old Post Road to a maple tree; thence North 17° 59' West 74.27 feet along the easterly side of said Post Road to a maple tree; thence North 9° 52' 50" East
64.11 feet along the easterly side of said Post Road to the point and
place of Beginning.

[Boiler Plate Here - not Transcribed]

In Witness Whereof, the party of the first part has duly executed this
deed the day and year first above written.
Frances Morse [her signature]
Notary Public Peter P. Tavolacci 4 May 1979
Recorded 9 May 1979 2:22 PM Putnam County Clerk's Office
Transfer Tax Paid $44.00

[Research and Transcription by V. Buechele, P O Box 243, Pleasant
Valley, NY 12569 - 845-452-6417 - March 2003]

A brief History from NY Annual [Methodist] Conference Records - White Plains:

As near as I can ascertain from present residents, the Old Church was
erected in 1811.

Mrs. Jas Cargill came into the place in 1812, the church then built.
The people worshipped in the rude structure which was without walls and slabs for seats.  In 1852 or 1854 it was repaired by Mr. Wm. A. Ladue. greatly improved and much more pleasant as a place of worship.

Mrs. Phebe Hill, deceased January 31st 1871, a great lover of the
church, bequeathed to it, in her last will and testament One Thousand
Dollars to be placed at interest, so that the amount could be available
when the trustees should decide to build a new church on or near the
site of the old one.

In April 1877 R. M. Roberts was appointed to the charge.  He found an
old church, dilapidated, people discouraged, with little animation,
looking on the dark side, with but little hope of ever seeing the

From the commencement the Lord seemed to work with Pastor and people.

They began to hope for better times and sincerely wished they might see
a new structure in place of the old.

The Pastor consulted with the Stewards and Trustees, and the result of
the conference was a decision that the Pastor should secure all he could
on subscription.

August 30, 1878 
In August 1878 sufficient had been secured, on
Subscription to encourage the Trustees to go forward with the
enterprise.  August 30th the contract was let to Mr. Wm. H. Ladue, to
erect church and sheds, after plans were drawn by himself, for $5,150.

The following composed the Board of Trustees, who signed
the contract.  Thos. Mekeel, John Wallace, Jas. Smith, Chas. B. Warren, Wm. O. Jaycox, Samuel Hustis, Wm. J. Meeks.

September 15      
was the last Sabbath in the old church.  A pleasant Sabbath and a pleasant and profitable time.  The Lord was with his people.  The week previous the old church had been sold at auction to Mr. Milton Smith.

September 16     
who connected it to a hay barn, Monday morning bright
and early, he commenced to dismantle the old church.  On the

10th of October      
at 2:30 P. M., in the presence of a large concourse
of people, the Corner Stone was laid by the P. E. A. K. Sanford.  After
an appropriate address by Rev. C. R. Nonch of Poughkeepsie.

1878 Wednesday June 4th      
was set apart as the Day of Dedication.
The sun rolled up his chariot surrounded by dense clouds and the face of
the whole earth was well watered. to the great discouragement of the

In answer to prayer, doubtless, the clouds cleared away before the time
for service and the people filled the build satisfied with the new and
beautiful structure, so neatly furnished; manifest in the approving
looks and remarks of every one.

We found upon examination that it was necessary to secure $600 to meet the indebtedness on the building.  Rev. J. P. Newman preached in the morning, on the necessity of a spiritual birth as set forth in the
conversation of Christ with Nicodemus John 3:3.  In the evening P. E.
preached, and people gave the balance of the $600, needed to meet the
indebtness on church.  After the full amount was secured, the church was
dedicated by the P. E.

The following are the names of the contributors and the amount given by

Phebe Hill - Legacy & Int. $300.  John Wallace $ 200.  Jas Smith $200.   Samuel Hustis $300.  Mrs. E. A. Hustis $100.  Martha J. Hustis
$150.  Jas. Meeks $100.  Thos. Mekeel $100.  Milton Smith $100.  Wm. J. Hustis $300.  W. A. Ladue $300.  Mrs. Arvis Haight $100.  Wm. Knapp $100.  Jas. E. Jaycox $100.  David Moffatt $100.

$50 Subscriptions     
Thos. W. Jaycox, Chas. B. Warren, Wm. J. Horton,
Harvey Hustis, Arvy Hill, Margaret Knapp, A. Healy, E. Nelson.

$25 Subscriptions      
Sylvaneus Mekeel, Darius Wallace (deceased not pa
id), J. Y. Dykeman, Lewis Christian, Jacob Haight, Elizabeth Wright,
Jas. Mekeel, Cornelius J. Organ, Redmond Ashmond, Susan A. Haight, J & A Mosher, Wm. O. Jaycox, Wm. H. JAycox, Leonard Ferris.

$20 Subscriptions      
Wm. Wright, Sarah Haight.

$10 and other Subscriptions      
Uriah Mekeel, O. M. Baxter, Beverly
Haight, Chloe Barrett, Sarah Whalen, David Haight, Wm. H. Rich, Levi
Ladue, Albert Jaycox $15, Jas Smith Jr. $15, Charity Haight $15, Deborah N. Haight $2, An Bell $1.

Legacy, Miss Charity Hustis $90.  
Cash deposited in bank $53.75.  
Sale of old church $52.  
Henry Knapp $8.  E. Denney $10.  Cash Dedication$94.07.  
Since Dedication $396.55.

Subscription for Furnishing Church Collected by Mrs. R. M. Roberts.

Mrs. E. A. Hustis, Bible $10.  Martha J. Hustis, largest chair $15.  Mr.
Wm. J. Hustis, for Communion Table, $12.  Mrs. Samuel Hustis, chair $11. Mrs. Jno Wallace, chair $11.  Sarah E. Hustis, chair $10.  Mrs. Harvey Hustis, Hymn Book, $3.50.  Abbie D. Hustis, Com Service $5.  Mrs. V. Hustis, C. S. $15.  Adeline Emerson C. S. $5.  M. A. Mekeel $3.  Nancy Hill, C. S. $5.  Georgia Knapp $1.  Emma E. Smith, C. S. $5.  Charlotte Ashmond $3.  Susie Mekeel C. S. $5.  Mary J. Scofield $5.  Minerva A. Mosher $2.  Fanie A. Hustis $1.  C. A. Haight $1.  Deborah N. Haight $1. Mrs. Wm. J. Horton $3.  T. Jaycox $2.  Martha Meeks C. S. $5.  Catharine Jaycox $2.  Mary Speedling. lamp $3.  Ann Eliza Mekeel, lamp $5. Emalinda M. Smith & Mrs. Emma Southard, $5:  Each towards chair. Rosella Lenb $5.  S. Charlotte Jaycox $5.  S. Ethlinda Mekeel $1.50. Mrs. T. E. Fingar $2.  Julia M. Haight $1.  Mary J. Jaycox, $5 towards carpet.  Mary F. Hill $5.  S. Annie Mekeel $1.  Mary A. Davenport $3. Carrie Knapp $2.  Mrs. W. E. Nelson $1.  Charlotte Denney $1.50.  Mary H. Owens $1.  Mrs. Jas Dykeman, $1.  Elizabeth ?Stevens $1.  Mary J. ?Stevens $.50.  Evaeline Ireland $.50.  S. Oakley $1.  Geo. Fox $1.50.

Young Ladies     
Charity Haight $2.  Ella Warren $2.  Emalinda Jaycox
$2.  Mary J. Smith $2.  Mary A. Wallace $2.  Mary C. Meeks $2.  Sarah Hustis $2.  Lizzie Harte $2.  Susan A. Haight $5.  Katie Wright $2. Sarah A. Boyce $1.  Mina Horton $2.  Margaret Knapp $5.  Juliette Jaycox $2.  Annie E. Colyer $2.  Isadore Mekeel $1.  Lizzie Hustis $1.  Annie M. Haight $1.  Catharine W. Davenport $1.  Mary E. Hall $2.  Amelia Ferris $3.

Young Gentlemen      
Wm. & I. Meeks $5.  J. B. Hustis $2.50.  Chas. D. Haight $2.50.  Jos. Mosher $1.  Wm. A. Mosher $1.  Henry Davenport $1.50.  Albert S. Jaycox $2.  Joshet Bogget $2.  Hugh Parker $1.  Ephram Ireland $2.

Sunday School Children Offering      
Isaac F. Davenport $.50.  Walter
Boyce, Mary E. Hawks, Jennie Haight, Walter C. Clark, Richie Denney,
Mary Christian, Fenton Smith, Milton F. Smith, Bernnie Southard.  Each
$.25.  Geo. Knapp $.50.  Willis J. Mekeel, Henry W. Mekeel, Chauncy
Hustis, Georgie E. Hustis, Dewitt Mosher, Walter Wallace, Annie Wallace, Lizzie Jaycox, Seward Jaycox, Caleb Hustis, Artie Hustis, Emma Ashmond, Gracie Wallace, Ella Ashmond, Ella J. Haight, Frank Haight.  Each $.25. Whole amount $264.  Expended for Furniture see

Kneeling Stool & Collection Boxes presented by Mr. & Mrs.
S____ Boyce.  Bouquet stands presented by Mrs. Levi Ladue.

Literary Club     
$59.41 towards carpet see Bills.

Three years ago at Annual Conference in April, the
undersigned was appointer Preacher in Charge at North Highlands.  Bros. Wm Stevens and I. R. Vanderwater's pastorates, each a year in length, preceded.

The church ground had not been finished, and was in a rough uneven condition, demanding early and special attention.  Being done by gathering of any and all who would come, had from time to time the work has fragged its tedious length, until at last it is nearly done.

Property Improvement      
The property has not been improved, except during this Conf. year a cistern has been added to the Parsonage and some repairs out side made.  The property is all properly insured at the present time.

North line of Church ground      
By a recent survey the north line of the church ground was  found to run so as to fix the north east corner on the lower  road twenty feet on to ground used as belonging to theadjacent property.  By a vote of the congregation the matter of straightening the line so as not to take this ground from the adjacent property was left to be decided by the board of Trustees.  At a meeting of the trustees it was decided, if desired by the owners of the other property to straighten the line, and a committee was appointed to act for the board as to the terms etc.

The membership of the church has not been materially changed by removals or death.

While no extensive revival has prevailed on the charge there have been a few conversions each year, and especially the last year in which twenty four have professed conversion, eighteen of whom have been received on probation.

The salary and all other expenses have been fully paid each year.  The first year by a quilt party there was paid on indebtedness a note of $100.00 and interest $32.26.  There is still a note of $148.00 against the trustees.

Parsonage Carpet      
The ladies have expended during the year about $70.00 for carpet, wallpaper, oil cloth &c. for the Parsonage.

I have preached regularly at Church, Chapel and school houses.  There are two Sunday Schools, Church A. M., Chapel P. M.  Also two classes - Church Sabbath after Service A. M.  Chapel on a week night.  Prayer meeting Chapel Wed. School house Tuesday evenings. Robert Kay

I was transferred from the Northern New York Conf., by
Bishop Henry W. Warren, April 10, 1885, and stationed at N. Highlands. The people received us kindly; and the year was profitably spent in some respects, we trust.

Additions to the Church.      
We received twenty five into Full Connection from probation.  
Three of the above joined this year on probation.

Three of our members died, (we trust) only to live again.

We had three conversions.  These joined the church on probation.

In the Parsonage one half dozen of cane seated chairs were placed in the parlor, and also a new stove.  The hall and sitting room and two small rooms up stairs were re-papered; the sitting room was repainted. The Chapel was painted this year.

Second Year      I was appointed this year by Bishop Hurst.

Additions to the Church      
Two were received from probation into Full Membership, and one who was converted this year was received on probation.

This year after repeated efforts we succeeded in the building of a line fence between the Church lot and the grounds of Mrs. Ridgeway.  Also the ladies procured a carpet for the sitting room and a bureau for the bedroom.

Church Debt Paid and other improvements made      
A note which was held by Brother John Wallace against the Trustees since near the dedication of the church was paid with interest.  Also some shingling was done, etc.

List of Names    
The following is a list of the names of those who contributed to pay both the debt and other improvements, etc.

Married etc.      
James Smith $10.00, Milton Smith $10.00, John Wallace $6.00, W. J. Hustis $6.00, Ch. B. Warren $5.40, Jacob Haight $5.00, David Hustis $5.00, W. O. Jaycox $4.00, Martha Meeks $4.00, Sylvenus F.
Mekeel $3.00, T. U. Mekeel $2.00, Isaiah Meeks $2.00, James H. Boyce $2.00, David Haight $2.00, Alsom Mosher $2.00, Wm. J. Mekeel $3.00, Hannah J. Hustis $2.00, J. M. Smith $2.00, Isaac Haight $2.00, Alpa Hill $2.00, Samuel Barrett $2.00, J. G. Denney $1.00, Geo. Hadden $1.00, Ch. Christian $1.00, Ch. Scofield $1.00, Fanny H. Hustis $1.00, E. S. Denney $1.00, Mrs. Thos. Mekeel $1.00, Thos, W. Jaycox $1.00, Cyrus Post $1.00, David Segar $1.00, G. T. Cary, $1.00, Isaiah Jaycox $1.00, Mrs. W. J. Horton $1.00, Geo. Forman $1.00, Eveline Segar $.50, Caroline Haight $.50, Mrs. Peter Mekeel $.50, C. J. Baxter $.62 cts.

Single Ladies      
Martha J. Hustis $20.00, Alice J. Dougherty $3.00, Kate Wright $2.00, Mary Meeks $1.00, Cassie Hustis $1.00, Nancy Hill $1.00, A. F. Bailey $1.00, Lorie Bailey $1.00, Emmie Ashmond $1.00, Margaret Knapps $6.00, C. J. Haight $1.00, Ella Hustis $1.00, Mina A. Horton $1.00, Annie Wallace $1.00, Mira Mekeel $1.00, Ida Hustis $1.00, M. E. Mekeel $1.00, M. J. Hustis $1.00, S. A. Haight $1.50, Mart Wright $1.00, S. Bennett $1.00.

Single Men      
W. J. Meeks $3.00, J. B. Hustis $2.00, Albert Jaycox $2.00, Peter C. Knapp $1.50, Walter Clark $1.00, Isaac Jaycox $1.00, Frank Haight $1.00, Geo. Hustis $1.00, W. S. Hustis $1.00, Fenton Smith $1.00, S. B. Mekeel $1.00, Eddie Jaycox $1.00, Harrison Mekeel $1.00,
Walter Wallace $1.00, Caleb Hustis $1.00.  Received from entertainment, $4.02; from Cassie Hustis $3.25, from collection $1.75.

Third Year      
We were appointed to the North Highlands M. E. Charge for
the third year by Bishop Charles H. Fowler DD LLD., April 12, 1887.

Additions to the Church      
This year one, only, was received from probation.

There was nothing else of note other than the usual workings of the
church, except that David Seager who died professed salvation just
before his death.

I. G. Price

Status Updates:

June 16, 2004

October 12, 2004

August 10, 2005

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