Route 9 - Fishkill Road
Highway Reconstruction Project
Town of Philipstown
June 16, 2004

Robert J. Bondi, Putnam Co. Executive, June 16, 2004

Dear Ms. Buechele,

Thank you for your May 21, 2004 letter and your interest in the Fishkill Road Reconstruction project. With respect to the project status, I am pleased to advise you that the plans are complete and most of the right-of-way (ROW) and/or casements [sic] allowing for the project's construction have been acquired.

However, there are two or three property owners who have yet to grant the necessary rights to allow the County to proceed with the project. We are making every effort to complete this part of the process in a fair and amicable fashion.

As you know, we had hoped to begin the project during this construction season, but unfortunately, until all the properties and/or easements are acquired we cannot proceed. We do expect to conclude this phase in the near future, however, construction will most likely not begin until next Spring.

Plans are available at the County Department of Highways and Facilities. You may make arrangements with Commissioner Harold Gary's office to review same.

Very truly yours,

Robert J. Bondi, Putnam County Executive [his signature]


Virginia A. Buechele
P O Box 243
Pleasant Valley, New York 12569

May 21, 2004

Honorable Robert Bondi
County Executive & County Legislature
Putnam County
County Office Building
40 Gleneida Avenue
Carmel NY 10512

Re: Fishkill Road / Route 9
Highway Reconstruction Project
Town of Philipstown

SHPO# 03PR02833

Dear County Executive Bondi & Legislative Representatives,

I write once again regarding the subject Highway Reconstruction Project and request your office provide me with information on the status of same, most specifically as it refers to when plans for the project will be available for review.

Also, enclosed please find, petitions signed in person or via a secure on-line petition format, by over 100 persons interested in the Historical Significance of the North Highlands M E Church and the Davenport Corners Crossroads. Many of the signers are those, such as myself with ancestors from this area and whose family records can be found among the records of the North Highland M E Church.

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide as to the status of the road realignment project.


Virginia A. Buechele


CC: Ruth Pierpont, Director, NYState Dept. Parks, Recreation & Historical Preservation

Legislator Arne Nordstrom, Chairman Physical Services Committee

Harold Gary, Highway Commissioner

Vincent Tamagna, Legislative Representative, Philipstown

Supervisor William Mazzuca & Town Board, Town of Philipstown

Sally Sypher, Deputy County Historian