----- Original Message -----
From: < chrisr.interport@rcn.com >
To: < harold.gary@putnamcountyny.com >
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 1:16 PM
Subject: Fishkill Road
Dear Commissioner Gary,
I'm writing you as a result of seeing a letter [full text of Letter to the Editor below] in last week's Putnam
County News and Recorder. The letter discusses the Fishkill Road /
Route 9 intersection project and the condemnation and destruction of
the Davenport Corners North Highlands Methodist Meeting House Church.
In the letter you are quoted as referring to the building as "not
historically or structurally significant". I understand that you are
simply quoting a consultant hired by the county, but I hope you
understand that this building certainly is historically significant.
I'm sure you've heard from people that attended church there. There
are probably still grave sites there. The exterior and openings are
still in tact as is the building visible in the rear.
I'm hoping that you have already submitted this information the the
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
and other authorities involved.
I've attached three photos of a map labelling the church, an old
photo, and a recent photo.
I have received much information on this from Ginny Buechele
( ginny243@optonline.net ) whose great grandparents are buried in North
Highlands Cemetery on the corner of Horton Road and Route 9.
Thank you very much for your attention on this.
Chris Rosen
310 Oscawana Lake Road
Putnam Valley, NY 10579
Original Message-----
From: Ginny [mailto:ginny243@optonline.net]
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 2:42 PM
To: Mackey, Douglas (PEB); Shaver, Peter (PEB)
Cc: editor@pcnr.com ; info@preservenys.org ; chrisr.interport@rcn.com ;
dmackay@preservenys.org ; Barbara Nackman - Journal News
Subject: Fw: Fishkill Road Realignment - SHPO 03PR02833 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL
Dear Peter, Doug, Ann, Chris, and the New York State Preservation League
the PRESS!
****Peter and/or Doug - Can you please let me know the status of SHPO
Has Putnam County ever filed plans with OPRHP???????????
I'm passing along recent information received from Chris Rosen of Putnam
Virginia A. Buechele
P. O Box 243
Pleasant Valley, NY 12569
(845) 452-6417
****Chris - Thanks for copying me on your e-mail to Putnam County
Commissioner Gary (quoted below) - I truly appreciate it.
I've had archaeological associations (Ann Morton-ASPI) write the Putnam
County Officials and OPRHP and have written myself but as of yet am not
aware, nor is ASPI to the best of my knowledge that the proper
have been followed in regard to this project or that any plans were ever
filed with OPRHP - Project #SHPO 03PR02833 - regarding this project - I
know that OPRHP has said that the church structure itself is NOT
for the State and National Registers - However I am still GREATLY
about the ARCHAEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE of the site of the Church and the
surrounding it - formerly known as Davenport Corners -that is part of
Road Realignment Project.
I check the Putnam News and Recorder regularly but since I don't pay for
subscription I am always a week behind as I have to wait a week for the
current issue to be relegated to the archives.
Perhaps soon I may be able to read the Gary Letter you reference Chris,
it will be available in the Putnam News and Recroder on-line version.
If not, is there anyway you can scan and send me a copy? or mail me a
copy -
Ginny Buechele, P O Box 243, Pleasant Valley, NY 12569. [full text of Letter to the Editor below]
I have been of the opinion all along that perhaps PUTNAM County is
circumventing the SEQRA Process and has not filed plans with New York
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation nor has this
site been reviewed for its archaeological significance. If this is
so - HOW DO WE PUT THE BRAKES ON THIS PROJECT in order to assure that
proper procedures have been followed?????? - except with an Article 78
Proceeding which I don't have the financial ability to initiate. Perhaps
New York State Preservation League would be interested in getting
Thanks for your support Chris and keeping me informed.
Ginny Buechele
History of the North Highlands M E Church, Philipstown Putnam County,
----- Original Message -----
From: < Peter.Shaver@oprhp.state.ny.us >
To: < ginny243@optonline.net >
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 2:51 PM
Subject: RE: Fishkill Road Realignment - SHPO 03PR02833 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL
Ginny - we have still not heard from the county, despite Doug Mackey's
letter to them in April requesting our review.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ginny" < ginny243@optonline.net > To: < Peter.Shaver@oprhp.state.ny.us > Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 5:55 PM Subject: Re: Fishkill Road Realignment - SHPO 03PR02833 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE
Dear Pete,
Thank You for the reply.
I don't understand what is up with these County Governments.
Sometime back Dutchess County had an Article 78 proceeding filed against
them by individuals whose property adjoined the Dutchess County Poorhouse
site and now this in Putnam County.
I've sent off to the New York Preservation League to seek their advice.
Thanks Again for the reply.
Ginny Buechele
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ginny" < ginny243@optonline.net > To: < dmackay@preservenys.org >; < info@preservenys.org > Cc: "Barbara Nackman" < bnackman@thejournalnews.com >; < amorton@rochester.rr.com >; < chrisr.interport@rcn.com >; < editor@pcnr.com > Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 5:50 PM Subject: Fw: Fishkill Road Realignment - SHPO 03PR02833 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE
To the New York State Preservation League,
Can you offer any Assistance?
As a follow-up to my e-mail of yesterday on which the Preservation League
was copied, I am forwarding a response to that e-mail from Peter Shaver at
the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation.
Peter's reply references a request sent to Putnam County by Douglas Mackey,
who is also with OPRHP, in April regarding this project.
Can anybody with the Preservation League help with this or explain to me,
how Putnam County can get away with not submitting to OPRHP when they have
been requested to do so as much as 3 to 4 months ago????????.
Must private taxpayers institute proceedings at their own expense????? when
it appears that legislated procedures are being violated! Must ordinary
concerned citizens institute Article 78 proceedings at their own expense.
Something is wrong with this picture??????
What can be done to remedy this situation in order to insure that proper
procedure has been followed????? and our historical and archaeological
resources are protected.
Any advice appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Virginia A. Buechele
P O Box 243
Pleasant Valley, NY 12569
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Mackay" < dmackay@preservenys.org >
To: "'Ginny'" < ginny243@optonline.net >
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: Fishkill Road Realignment - SHPO 03PR02833 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL
Ginny - we will be taking a look at this...
Daniel Mackay
Director of Public Policy
Preservation League of New York State
44 Central Avenue
Albany, New York 12206
(518) 462-5658 x18
(518) 462-5684 (facsimile)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ginny" < ginny243@optonline.net >
To: < dmackay@preservenys.org >
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: Fishkill Road Realignment - SHPO 03PR02833 - ARCHAEOLOGICAL
Thank You Dan,
I've been following this project for some time and appreciate any assistance
you and the Preservation League can provide.
I look forward to hearing from you. As with the Dutchess County Poorhouse
site, I just don't think that proper procedure has been followed.
Thank You Again.
Here is the Putnam News and Recorder Letter to the Editor:
Putnam County News and Recorder - August 3, 2005 -------------------------------- Philipstown Short Changed by County Again?
To the Editor:
On June 8, 2005, following a Town Board Meeting at which Supervisor William Mazzuca stated he would act upon my request and inquire to the County regarding the Fishkill Road project and the monies from the State allocated therefore, he did so.
A letter was sent to Harold Gary, Putnam County Commissioner of Highways with a copy to the County Board of Legislators.
In it Supervisor Mazzuca asked for answers to the following questions:
(a) where was the money spent from the State-given fund earmarked specifically for the Fishkill Road project and a detailed accounting therefore;
(b) did the County have the right to spend this money on any other project;
(c) what was the results of the bidding for this project which Mr. Gary said had been put out for bid;
(d) when would the physical aspect of this project commence, and;
(e) what happened to the request by Philipstown for the County to condemn the property referred to as the "Methodist Meeting House" as a "safety and health hazard".
Mr. Gary responded to only question (e) in Supervisor Mazzuca's letter. His response is as follows:
"While in the sub-consultant's opinion" (hired by the County) "the structure is not historically or structurally significant, we must submit plans and report to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) for review and concurrence" before any further action. Mr. Gary also states that "when the property acquisition phase of the project is complete we will then send plans and reports to OPRHP for review."
Something immediately stands out about his reply. In statements made and recorded in the minutes of the Physical Services Committee taken on March 24, 2005, Mr. Gary stated "the project is almost complete" (i.e. the Fishkill Rd. Project) and "we will be starting the project this year"... "and should be completed in six to eight months". However the "project" has yet to start.
In telephone calls to representatives of OPRHP, I asked, should not the approval and concurrence of the OPRHP (as stated in Mr. Gary's letter) have been given prior to any monies spent to buy a property that the County intended to take down as part of the Fishkill Road project. The answer was "yes". In fact OPRHP was surprised to learn that the County had already received these funds in 1994 and had spent them.
The OPRHP further told me that in April 2005 when they learned that the County "intended" to spend State funds, they sent a letter to the County Highway Department requesting the plans for the project but had received no response. The question is why. The OPRHP intends to pursue this matter.
It appears that again at the whim or negligent accounting on the part of the County, that Philipstown has been short changed with no answers as to why.
Since requests for information from even our Town Supervisor for the most part, have been ignored, perhaps the Town needs to request that an inquiry regarding this project and the money received by the County from the State be made by the New York State Comptroller.
Anne Nichter, Philipstown Assessor
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