Route 9 - Fishkill Road
Highway Reconstruction Project
Town of Philipstown
October 12, 2004
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2004 - Ginny's Commentary The Old North Highlands Church is a mess being vandalized since the County owns it and the previous owners have moved out. I wonder if the County photo documented the site before the vandalism. It would almost seem worthless - historically speaking to do it now just to record the road work - once it gets started. The county should at least board it up. They are probably hoping this once sacred place will meets its final demise at the hands of vandals and save them some money. Regardless the County appears to be leaving themselves wide open for a law suit if someone gets hurt. Not a single - "No Trespassing" sign did I see. I was able to walk inside and look around - doors wide open - windows ripped out and lying on the ground - the only thing I saw that resembled a church was a plaster design in the ceiling in a couple of places that appears as if it had once had a chandelier or lights hanging from it - The previous owners appear to have left all kinds of books and junk there and the vandals have scattered it all around and spray painted (orange) lettering on the interior walls with not so nice words - I couldn't figure how to get to the basement and/or whether it would be safe to even try and I saw no cornerstone - it was SAD, SAD, SAD for me when I stood there thinking of what it used to look like, how religious my grandfather was and how he attended church there. Very Very SAD. Even sadder yet was that one of the items left behind by the the previous owner's was a bible that had a note in it to the Mrs. - appearing to just be left behind to be destroyed - no family history in it though - I picked it up looked at it and placed it back - perhaps it was left behind to protect the souls of those who had once worshipped and perhaps buried there! So much for the Automobile and Progress! Another piece of our disappearing past. I am still very interested in obtaining photo's of the interior of this Church in it's Prime. If anyone knows the whereabouts of any, please Contact Me |